Sunday, February 13, 2011

The United States and the European Union issued a statement on the situation in Egypt

 Xinhua Beijing February 11 integrated power Xinhua reporters stationed in Washington and Brussels, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak on the evening of 10 televised speech, announced the transfer of some powers, Vice President Suleiman. In this connection, the same day the United States and the European Union issued statements urging the Egyptian government to take more measures to expedite the power transition and reform process.

Obama said in a statement that the Egyptian people are told there will be a transition of power, but it is not clear that this transition is He urged the Government to abolish the emergency law in Egypt, and Egypt, the majority with the opposition to engage in meaningful negotiations.

EU High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy 10, the night Catherine Ashton issued a statement saying President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt is not for the faster and deeper reform and open the way to

past few days, large-scale demonstrations in Egypt, demanding the immediate resignation of President Hosni Mubarak. Mubarak delivered a televised speech the evening of 10 that will be part of the Constitution decided to hand over power to Vice President Suleiman, and he will not resign as president.

Mubarak said in his speech, according to the Constitution, he would shoulder his responsibility to defend the country's stability, until September at the new free and fair presidential elections in Egypt to achieve a smooth transition of power.

Subsequently, the Vice President Suleiman also made a televised address, urged the people to participate in protests and strikes to go home and resume work as soon as possible. He also said the government is willing to continue the dialogue.

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