Monday, February 28, 2011

5S Management

 Wikipedia card
5S management originated in Japan, is the scene in the production of personnel, machinery, materials and methods for effective management of production factors, this is a Japanese company's unique management approach. (Seiri), consolidation (Seiton), cleaning (Seiso), cleaning (Seikeetsu) and literacy (Shit-suke) abbreviation of the 5 words. because the 5 words in Japanese romanization is the first letter ;, it referred to as > 5S management development
5S management, performance management, meaning
5S 5S management

marketing management market 5S 5S management

customers 5S management products and other management
activity relationship
5S management, the evolution of case management
5S management development
5S management, performance management, meaning
marketing management
market 5S 5S Customer Management
5S 5S management
product management and other management activities
5S management case
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5S management originated in the evolution of
5S Japan, is the scene in the production of personnel, machinery, materials and methods for effective management of production factors, this is a Japanese company's unique management approach.
1955, the Japanese 5S slogan is Safety begins with finishing, and finally housekeeping standards. , cultivation, so that the use of space and scope for further expansion, until 1986, the Japanese 5S's writings gradually came to play the entire site management role of impact, and thus set off a wave of 5S.
5S management has achieved a lot of Japanese goods to the world. In Japan, you have to understand whether a business is alive, if it has good management, product quality is good, first look at how this business 5S management in order to have a safe
, efficient, high quality, interpersonal harmony, vibrant state of mind the job site. In order to make the companies reduce costs, timely delivery and service to customer satisfaction .5 S is sufficient to run a business and necessary conditions. which departments did not properly execute 5S, there is no normal operations (work), not a good performance or not angry.
implementation of 5S, not only can improve the production environment, improve product quality, more importantly, through the spirit of the staff to improve the implementation of 5S landscape, culture and attracting top talent, create first-class enterprises.
5S This tutorial introduces the definition of the system, utility, implementation tools, implementation steps, is the business and other organizations to improve the quality of site management, improve employee mental outlook, invigorating the organization ideal textbook.
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5S management development
Japanese companies will 5S movement as the basis for the management, implementation of various quality management approach, the Second World After World War II, to rapidly improve product quality, laying the status of economic power, and in the implementation of the initiative under the Toyota, 5S for shaping the corporate image, reduce costs, on time delivery, safety in production, a high degree of standardization, creating a relaxed and happy place to work, on-site improvements, and played a huge role, was gradually recognized by countries in the management community. As the world economy, 5S factory management has become a new trend.
further development according to the needs of enterprises Some companies on the basis of 5S in the original added save (Save) and safety (Safety) of these two elements, the formation of the persist (Shikoku), the formation of the br> 5S management implications
5S is a Japanese SEIRI (finishing), SEITON (consolidation), SEISO (cleaning), SEIKETSU (clean), SHITSUKE (training) of these five words, because the front of the five words are pronounced non-essentials:
to clean up the chaos into an orderly state of the state
5S management is to improve the business but also to improve the physical
finishing the physical
consolidation companies is to be found in 30 seconds looking for something that will reduce the time to find a necessity to zero:
can quickly remove the

immediately to save the state in cleaning

will remain in the absence of junk posts, no dust, clean and tidy state,
cleaning objects:
floors, ceilings, walls, tool racks, cabinets and other
machines, tools, measuring equipment, etc. will be compiled

clean, straighten, sweep the in the end, and institutionalized; management of open and transparent.
training that provides the things
, we carefully observe the implementation.
typical example is the requirements of strict standards, emphasize teamwork < br> 5S management to develop good habits of the specific contents of the table below

5S activities can not only improve the living environment, but also can improve production efficiency and improve product quality, service standards, will organize, straighten, sweep in the end, and to give institutional, etc., which are designed to reduce waste, improve efficiency, but also other management activities effectively started the foundation.
not implementing 5S in the factory, each of a variety of jobs are likely to occur various non-standard or neat phenomenon, such as garbage, paint, rust, etc. all over the place, parts, cardboard boxes resting casually on the floor, personnel, vehicles are interspersed in the narrow aisles of the line. ranging from no what they seek, wasting a lot of time; weight is causing the machine is damaged, if not its effective management, even the most advanced equipment, will soon join the ranks of the poor to wait for equipment repair or scrapped.
staff but no one in such a messy dirty work of managing the environment, it may be getting on boring, or muddling along, day to day, or is it to find another way.
for such plants, even if continuously introduction of many advanced management methods are not necessarily good what a significant effect, in order to completely change this situation must be simple and practical 5S from the beginning, start from the foundation.
5S described earlier the basic meaning of But in the actual implementation of the process, many people often confuse the order, straighten, sweep and clean the concepts of 5S loved to make, to promote the rapid spread of many who want to implement a variety of methods to help understand memory such as comics, jingles or billboards, etc..
5S is the foundation
business management as a business, the implementation of quality management, create the largest profit and social benefit is an eternal goal. The quality management specifically, in the following These areas are unique:
Q (quality: quality), C (cost: cost)
D (delivery: delivery), S (service: Service)
T (technology: technology) M (management: Management)
Q (quality) product quality is the quality of the performance of high and low price, is the inherent characteristics of the product itself, good quality is the foundation to win the trust of customers, 5S to ensure the production process rapid, standardized and can be very effective for good quality lay a solid foundation.
C (cost) cost as the product matures, costs tend to stability under the same quality, lower cost of who, Who's product competitiveness accordingly the stronger, who have the potential to survive a variety of .5 S can reduce waste and avoid uneven greatly improve efficiency, so as to achieve cost optimization.
D (delivery ) delivery period, referred to as the delivery in order to meet the needs of society, mass production has become the personalized production, more variety and less mass to produce only the flexibility to adapt to the production of flexible delivery requirements, delivery reflects the company's ability to adapt to the level of .5 S is an effective way to prevent abnormal timely manner to reduce the problem from occurring, ensure prompt delivery.
S (service) service is well known, the service is to win the source of important means through 5S can greatly increase employee dedication and enjoyment of work, making them more willing to provide quality services for the guests. Also by 5S can improve administrative efficiency, reduce unnecessary was quick and easy, improve customer satisfaction.
T (technology) referred to technology in the future competition is the competition of science and technology, who can master the high-tech, who is even more competitive, and 5S to optimize through standardization, the accumulated technology and reduce development costs, to accelerate the speed of development.
M (management) Management Management is a broad category. narrow sense can be divided into the personnel, equipment, materials, methods, management of four areas. Only through scientific performance the management to be able to reach people, equipment, materials, methods, optimization, integrated to maximize profits, 5S is the implementation of scientific management of the most basic requirements. a business through the promotion of 5S activities, can effectively quality, cost, delivery, service, technology, management, and other six elements are to achieve the best, ultimately, the competitiveness of enterprises to achieve objectives and targets. So 5S is the key to modern business management and infrastructure.
5S's instructions
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5S management, performance management like
5S is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial agents, it can be very effective in treating a variety of adverse business conditions in the can greatly improve immunity, prevent diseases. This product has no side effects.
sweep clean the main components of housekeeping standards cultivation
a business, how to make it not fall, must have a strong point, and this support point until the force said, the other a force called the rally, how to make a business can move forward step by step, the latter should be a just power, but there must be a rally in front, the company will go up. But how to correctly use only power, but also how best to use this tension, is the business management of the most important fundamentals, 5S's role is to completely eliminate all problems can be hidden, strong business, . Its main function has the following 6:
5S management, the main function (1) provide customers impressed;
(2) cost savings, the implementation of 5S in the workplace is to save the place;
self-check in our enterprise, the existence of these phenomena, what the consequences of it, what measures should be taken?
phenomenon exists consequences Evasion
(1) processes are impeded, the long distance transport and access is blocked
(2) fixture anywhere without being prosecuted
(3) items stacked messy, Good and bad product mix , finished and semi-difficult to distinguish
(4) personal items placed at random, employees frequently move around
(5) poor maintenance of machinery and equipment, failure and more
(6) the ground is dirty, dilapidated facilities, light gray
(7) for failing to identify which items often misdirected misuse
(8) management of tension, employees are at a loss
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marketing 5S management
marketing 5S and Class
third step: the development of the market sales have been small and no growth or even decline for a long time the market, no growth of the market, payment arrears account severe necrosis or even out of the market included market problems to deal with the aftermath waste;
untapped market in the market to small market size, market demand has not been started or consumer market remains tired, causing the price of many competitors, disorder, cohabitation and the distribution network products market include restlessness aside market. these markets If the entry may have a small sales, but a high price to pay, until the mental and physical exhaustion.
2, the first step to rectify
: on has been eliminated, and set aside the assessment order after the market
Step two: Sort of each category in the last 20% of the market to give up the (special exception, but avoid petty and not abandoned, or a ray of hope and pursued alone, although successful, the probability is very low)
Third step: the rest of the market according to the urgency and importance of the time (including sales and influence) for review and input problems and reasons
second step: to coordinate and rationalize the market and the various relationships between the relevant market
third step: According to the second, eight axioms, the 80% to 20% of energy into the most important market .
4, maintenance
regular basis (such as three months) or non-repeating the three steps to ensure that important market received the attention and commitment to ensure that 80% of the energy marketing staff are committed to 20% important to the operation of the market in order to reach the market, marketing, corporate win the good state of affairs.
5, excellent
good market management must cultivate good market, good market network must cultivate good, excellent customers, excellent marketing staff, excellent products, and these factors will enable sustainable and stable development in order to excel.
customer 5S management
1, finishing
first step: the client into mature customers and potential customers
Step two: the mature customer in terms of sales, reimbursement rates, an increase of space will be divided into three categories
according to the estimated sales potential customers, ease of development, capital operation of the state divided into three categories
The third step: the mature customer in the sales of little or as object
will mature out of room to grow small customers as a managed client customers, regular visits by the director of sales, maintaining relations
predicted sales would be little potential customers, development difficulties, shortage of funds to customers included in the suspension Customer
2, the first step to rectify
: Customers will have finished the assessment order
Step Two: Each class will be sorted in the last 20% of customers to give up (except special)
section three steps: the rest of the customers based on sales, reimbursement rates, the potential benefits of a comprehensive rating, and input
3, coordination
first step: verify and analyze customer problems and the reasons < br> Step two: from the customer's interests, to help customers how to improve and enhance their competitiveness and become a development advantage, good reputation of excellent customer
third step: to focus on key customer management
4, Maintenance
regularly (eg monthly) or non-repeating the above three steps. Remember: 80% 20% of sales concentrated in the hands of large customers, while 80% of the profits are concentrated in the hands of 20% of the outstanding customer Lane; who has a good customer, who has a long-term development of the huge space.
5, the cultivation of excellence
good customers is an important part of modern marketing, marketing staff and higher quality of sound mind is an important guarantee for first-class customer training to , may be short-term, immediate benefits, they are bound to pay the cost of long-term interests, business competition will become increasingly favors the intelligent management of excellence!
product 5S management
1, finishing
The first step: the product characteristics according to the quality, profitability, sales, demand for services is divided into four categories
Step two: according to the quality characteristics of the product into branded products, brand extension products, seasonal products will be sold by
products into the larger sales volume, sales in general, three categories of products sold less
profitability by the profitability of the product into high profitability in general, three kinds of products with low profitability, according to service needs
the product into the high demand for services, demand for services in general, three kinds of products with low demand for services
third step: the sales of seasonal products in a small, low profitability, products with high demand for services out of
2, rectification
first step: the product has been out a comprehensive assessment
brand products can be a small amount of profit is thin, high demand for services, if a number of brand products, comprehensive assessment of 20% or higher after the phase-out
brand extension product must be more than moderate sales, higher profitability, reach these two requirements should be adjusted
seasonal product requirements: If a small amount of the profitability must be high, or eliminated; if large demand for the service must be low, otherwise it will not keep up with the bruised and battered for services.
Step: retained products under the brand of the influence of the market overall efficiency of the assessment, and input < br> 3, co-ordination of various products
FAB (features, effectiveness, benefits) to conduct a detailed analysis to identify their USP (selling point), so as not to stumble, trade-off.
4, periodic maintenance
(eg six months) or non-competing demands of cost Repeat these three steps, so that enterprises can be the biggest production structure optimization.
5, excellent
good business to meet demand, and the great companies to create market! good product does not should be a single one, but a product team in this team, every product played the largest role.

marketing management marketing representative on behalf of 5S 5S management, including: sales performance management, travel time and effective management, effective management of business lines, business reporting and effective management, technical services, effective management, promotion of effective management, effective management of the phone.
relationship with other management activities
5S management is the basis for site management is a TPM ( Total Productive Management), the premise is TQM (Total Quality Management), the first step, but also guarantee the effective implementation of ISO9000 .5 S site management method can create an With this atmosphere, the implementation of ISO, TQM, and TPM is more easy access to staff support and cooperation is conducive to mobilize the enthusiasm of the staff, creating a powerful driving force.
implementation of the ISO, TQM, TPM and other activities of the effect is hidden, long-term in nature, making it difficult to see significant results. and 5S activities, the effect is immediate. If in the implementation of ISO, TQM, TPM and other activities in the process into 5S, can in the short term a significant effect to enhance the confidence of employees.
5S is the basis for site management, 5S level of, on behalf of the managers understand the level of on-site management, which in turn determines the level of site management, while the level of site management, which restricts the ISO , TPM, TQM activities, the smooth and effective implementation. through the 5S activities, from site management working to improve the business mm br> Clean: institutionalization and assessment mm5S time; audit, competition, reward and punishment
literacy: a long morning meeting of mm, etiquette code
5S management experts: Chen Peng About
Corporate Training Network Principal Lecturer 5S , specializes in the field:
site management improvement, lean production, efficiency improvement, cost reduction site, on-site performance management, 5S/6S management, flexible production.
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5S Case Management
Guangzhou Honda Automobile, war and hunting employed to implement 5S management of top-notch company, its experience is: do a good job, while the production site management, manage the plant, ;, that the factory cafeteria and toilets, as the two places that best reflect the quality of staff. Guang bright cafeteria of the factory clean and spotless, but not full-time cleaners. staff restaurant meal will remain intact after the meal , where dining in soup, leftovers spilled, the staff immediately clean, clean, so after dinner they leave the restaurant immediately before the clean state of reproduction. toilets are kept very clean and set the artistic decorations. to employees and visiting guests to create a good living environment, improve operational efficiency proved to play a significant role in promoting.
5S site management method: order anything
in the workplace is divided into necessary and unnecessary :
the things necessary and unnecessary things clearly and strictly separate areas;
unnecessary things out as quickly as possible.
make room, space utilize
prevent misuse, misdirected create fresh workplace

the production process there is often some residual materials, goods for repairs, to be returned products, scrap, etc. remain in the field, not only occupy the place has hindered production, including some has been unable to use fixtures, gauges, machinery and equipment, if not removed, will become cluttered scene.
production site do not display the items is a waste:
even spacious workplace, will Yu narrowing of the small.
scaffolding, cabinets and other occupied by debris while reducing the use of value.
increase the search tools, spare parts and other items of difficulties, wasting time.
haphazard placement of goods, increasing inventory of difficulty, cost accounting inaccurate.
5S management training courses
real pencil or ballpoint pen you to manage the business? In answering this question, listen to a story:
year after the U.S. space shuttle found to heaven to the pen in weightlessness can not write. As a result, American scientists spent several years, millions of dollars, and finally developed the written word in space to the pen. then the Soviet Union launched the space shuttle Americans visit the Soviet Union to ask them how to solve this problem. Soviets asked Americans: All solved, why waste so much time and money? However, when we laugh at the Americans, we are doing around how many companies do the same with the Americans: in full swing vigorously quality certification system, the BPR, the implementation of lean manufacturing, Six Sigma, etc., is too busy, who would stop and think about: or ball-point pen to manage the business? have done well, enterprise management was not standardized, then lean manufacturing, ERP, BPR, Six Sigma is to do well. the problem.
5S Who would not? not that cleaning, spring cleaning thing.
This is the Huang Jie teacher 5S management practice guidance to promote the most commonly heard phrase. which makes him almost to tears, 5S management Law has been introduced into China more than ten years, the theory itself, easy to learn, books and training courses on the market are also many, many companies implemented again and again, that is done, or even the end do not know where the problem ! even some Japanese companies to China later, unable to do anything for carrying out 5S management. It Why?
Mistakes 1:5 S activities many companies do not see the economic benefits of
CEOs ask, do 5S in the end able to send to what benefit? Some managers have quick success, 5S did not do long to look forward to receiving economic benefits, sales and profits soaring and so on. Therefore, some people find an excuse: Since the economic benefits of 5S and what not, does not participate worth mentioning.
fact, 5S activities reflect more the effect of the initial on-site management level, staff awareness of the improvements and the improvement of corporate image on the .5 S activities benefit contribution is a long process.
Myth 2 : Our company has done a
5S is a relatively common misunderstanding. the so-called done, and about two such possibilities: one is that the person who said this does not understand 5S, that the 5S stage of the project is done once to once and for all. Another is that once did but now do not adhere, or do not make the effect, failed.
Obviously, the former understanding is very sad, because he will not try again 5S, and through ongoing activities of promoting the benefits of 5S are their missed. The latter can be sure, 5S activities can not stand to try a higher level of improvement activities, it is unlikely to be successful .
Myth # 3: Our business is so small, do 5S
like building a house with no need for solid foundations, businesses from small to do 5S is also important, because the 5S activity is the most basic site management of projects, since is the foundation can not be dispensable. in a business is also small, so that everyone develop good habits 5S, than wait until the big companies, after more than employees do this much easier.
; why we do not always Chinese companies? The latest device is not added maintenance, just a few months to become a bad machine. and the staff at work also appears slack, provided only the first two or three days to comply with matters only, has a head no tail hh
why the total of Chinese enterprises do not? As Huang Jie said, discipline, self-management for everyone, so companies want to make it successful is immune. consultant. in a large Japanese companies for many years, served as personnel director, production department head, product manager, vice president, general manager of the joint venture.
He has ten years of practical management experience in senior foreign-funded enterprises, good production manufacturing enterprises in the production and management training, field projects to improve the counseling and consultation carried out for many companies Huang Jie production management and enterprise management in the design and improvement, including: NEC (China), NOKIA, Fujitsu, General Motors, Fuji Xerox, Coca-Cola, Panasonic, Nippon, Lee Kum Kee, Wahaha, TCL, ABB, unity, Lenovo, Sinopec, CNOOC, Master Kong, Mengniu, Yili, Dongfeng Motor, Baisha Group, Mentholatum, Aerospace Science and Technology, Aerospace Science and Industry , Qingdao Beer, the Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station, Daewoo Heavy Industries in the fields of food, electronic, mechanical, telecommunications, electrical, automotive, furniture, household appliances, plastic, pharmaceutical and other industries, has become the most senior corporate management and training, consultants one.
5S for site management wish to acquire, reduce production costs, improve the working environment of the corporate general manager, quality control manager, production manager / supervisor and other entrepreneurs.
site management and improvement of the killer training of personnel on the 5S management tools
eight misunderstanding
Myth # 1: Our company has done a
5S Myth # 2: Our business is so small, nothing to do with
errors 5S 3:5 S is to do a clean site errors 4:5 S
things just on the factory floor activities
errors can not see the economic benefits of 5:5 S
Myth # 6: too busy, no time to do 5S
Misunderstanding 7: We are engaged in technology, so a waste of time
errors 5S 8: Our industry can not do 5S
5S steps forward and the specific method instance
1S order: to distinguish and not to
order to promote the 10 steps
order rigorously enforce the work chair finishing activities / activities of non-performing product finishing / material sorting activities / packaging activities
2S rectification order: zero time to find the need to rectify the implementation
6 and 10 steps to rectify the implementation of specific methods
share examples: the naming and identification of plant location / access numbers marked rectification methods / consolidation in the products / consolidation of the implementation of operational tools / cutting tools for the implementation of consolidation / reorganization of the implementation of mechanical equipment / machine, car type rectification / wiring, piping the reorganization / consolidation of clean utensils / dangerous goods consolidation / reorganization of the implementation of warehouse / lubricant for moving oil and oil consolidation / reorganization of the Standard Rules on the implementation of operations
3S cleaning: the point of inspection, found abnormal
cleaning steps and the implementation of the six essentials
instance cleaning precautions
sharing: information document ;
4S br> / behavioral etiquette / hospitality etiquette / dinner etiquette / handshake etiquette / presented to the business card etiquette / protocol to access the customer / car etiquette
+1 S The essentials of the implementation of safety education

visual safety management
5S implementation of case management activities and problem solving
staff and management responsibility in 5S activities to promote
case of the Office of the 5S activities
5S implementation and management of two modes of failure of the top ten reasons to implement 5S activities
fifteen skills
focus, all broken
cockroaches search utility sky key method
cicada carpet search
mice after work test for food law put law

art propaganda target red one with green adoption law quiz and penalty

meeting focused on the promotion method of honors Members
training benefits:
5S management master key forward and steps;
master the various tools to implement 5S management;
management control can promote the line of sight methods;
comprehensive understanding of the meaning 5S and basic principles;
through the implementation of 5S, improve staff quality, creating a good corporate
for objects:
enterprise managers, production site supervisor, the production site staff
HR, training, managers and staff
state organs and institutions of the managers

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