Monday, February 14, 2011

Bureau of Statistics reported housing prices rose 1.5% in the test of the credibility of the debate ----

 Bureau of Statistics reported housing prices rose 1.5% in the test of the credibility of the debate ----
Bureau of Statistics house prices rose 1.5% in response to the question: was due to the time gap between cause
Source: Beijing News
2010   27 February at 01:32
(Reporter Hu Hongwei Zhang Qi) on the 25th National Bureau of Statistics revealed that 70 cities in China last year, housing sales price rose 1.5%, multiple people expressed doubts yesterday. According to the Central People's Broadcasting Station reported , National Bureau of Statistics China Economic Monitoring Center Pan Jiancheng, deputy director explained that the data and we feel there are gaps caused mainly time. Last year, before presentation of real estate prices trend lower after the high, bleak beginning, end of fire, Consolidated full-year data is not very high but, referring to the 1.5% annual average increase.
rose 1.5%, including new residential prices rose 1.3%, second-hand house prices rose 2.4%; rental prices fell 0.6%.
the State Information Centre senior economist Qi Jingmei, said yesterday that the number and price changes in her personal understand that mistakes, which need to see a sample of the specific statistical data.
yesterday, real estate, chairman of SOHO China, Pan Shiyi, is also mentioned in this personal blog and micro-industry exchanges, prices in 70 large and medium cities rose by 1.5% last year, you believe it? caliber. Jichu estimates, whether cities or small cities, up 1.5%, much higher than the degree. report, an increase of 20% often 30%.
Easy Home Muzeng Bin, deputy director of Beijing, China Institute, said the agency has no specific statistics on each city's average house prices rose, but according to statistics the agency last year in key cities house prices rose, the average increase of 1.5% is too low, and the great gap between the experience of the market. Last year, the statistics agency in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and other major cities, average house prices are more than 40% average rise in property prices Beijing more than 4000 yuan.
projected increase disparity with the published data in January, according to media reports
, published monthly from the Bureau of Statistics, cumulative sales of 750 million square meters of commercial housing, achieved sales of 3.6 trillion yuan, sales area and sales were up 53% year on year and 86.8% mmm area of sales growing faster than sales growth of 33.8 percent. to industry sources, this is not difficult to calculate, the first 11 months of 2009 the national average commercial housing sales price rose 22% over the authority of this data has been media coverage.
CCTV reported yesterday, according to the method of projection, the 2009 average sales price of commercial housing rose 24%, and the disparity between this published data.
Bureau of Statistics has just announced prices of 70 large and medium cities rose by 1.5% last year, Do you believe it?
mmm ye feel to the Pan Shiyi
remove it before the decimal point Kaopu?
mm kingsmart
70 cities last year, prices rose 1.5%. and feel a serious discrepancies!
mm forcode
looked Bureau of Statistics, really want give yourself a few harsh slap in the face. Last year prices rose only 1.5%, why not buy a house?
mm scalarize
experts suggest that the Government should publish the data calculated
Beijing Institute of Real Estate Research Center, Bi Wen Zhou that the average house price in different cities of Statistics technology is very difficult, different cities, different city, different types of price data are not the same, and the gap between personal feelings are normal, but the country house prices rose sharply last year, a common phenomenon If there is no reasonable explanation, will affect the credibility of the government in the future. He suggested that the Government should be open formula, such as statistical offices around the number of reported data? whether truthfully declared? monthly level, each city's rise and so on, to resolve market in question.
prices rose last year to establish whether the geometry
expect house prices to reflect the authority of the index system, but also looking forward to the official statistics do not, and a far cry from the feelings of the people.
National Bureau of Statistics 2 25 released prices fell by 0.6%. The statistics immediately sparked controversy, a site survey, up to 94% of the users that the result of stimulated by loose monetary policy, soaring real estate market to return to the situation, major cities have real estate prices and trading volume hit a record high. the same to National Bureau of Statistics as an example: In 2009, the national real estate sales ratio an increase of 42.1%, commercial sales of 4.3995 trillion yuan, an increase of 75.5%. Among them, commercial housing sales increased 80.0%.
This is a simple conversion: 42% growth in the sales area of the case, If prices rose only 1.5% the year is hard to imagine commercial housing sales to increase 80%.
to Beijing, for instance. Since the beginning in June 2009, official data to show that new housing sales price index showed an increase accelerated the trend, in December reached the highest point of the year, up 13.2%. from the price of view, the fourth quarter of 2009, within the Fourth Ring 期房 price reached 25,907 yuan / square meter. and in 2008, also according to official data, within the Fourth Ring 期房 average price of 15,581 yuan residential / square meter, if the deduction of housing policy factors, the Fourth Ring Road within the residential average price of 16,892 yuan 期房 / square meter. Even if the policy of housing factors deduction of 16,892 yuan / square meter price calculated in 2009 prices for the full year rose 53.4%.
considered to Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Shanghai and other cities of similar price gains and Beijing in 2009, housing prices in large and medium cities rose by whatever statistics calculated to be beyond the 1.5% gain. Further still, if the annual increase is really only 1.5%, and even demand deposit interest rate benefits are not to hard to imagine so much money into real estate real estate madness.
70 cities across the country real estate sales prices of statistical indicators in the July 2005 inception, the question of its authority and authenticity has never stopped.
2005 年 至 2008 is real estate prices soaring in recent years, the national macro-control policies introduced in the period of intensive, in accordance with the statistical indicators show that the price increase is still tepid, the index results show: In 2006, 70 cities nationwide housing sales prices rose 5.5% in 2007 to 7.6% higher than in 2006, 2008 rose 6.5% over 2007. If the results here, from 2005 to 2008, China's total real estate prices will not rise more than 50%, while In fact, the 4-year period, the country's conservative estimate of at least double the price.
housing reform since 1998, China has a more accurate real estate on the lack of statistical systems, the so-called country is chaotic. National Development and Reform Commission statistics in 70 cities is the price index, the real estate business associations in the housing index is used, local and its own price index, real estate agencies are even more pleasing needs, self index, resulting in the chaos of information and price. To do this, look forward to establishing the authority of a true reflection of price index system, but also looking forward to the official statistics do not, and a far cry from the feelings of the people, otherwise, the statistics themselves lost its value and meaning.
Guang-Yuan Mar (Ph.D.)
ridiculous prices rose 1.5% deduction
National Bureau of Statistics recently released 70 cities housing sales price rose only 1.5%. Experts say the statistics and the residents feel there is always a certain gap between the vary with the experts, though by only intuitive feeling, the feeling is not necessarily, not necessarily accurate, and by the Bureau of the quantitative analysis, accurate calculations, but Suanlaisuanqu only rose 1.5%, on the data , I really want to believe, but how can convince yourself.
1.5% is not really a high rise! year than the fixed deposit interest rate of 2.25% is lower, it is only the equivalent of January of this year's CPI increase (and National Bureau of Statistics, is 1.5%). In other words, house prices rose last year, still keep up with the rate of depreciation of money, but also keep up with the rate of time deposits. As a result, you can easily reach several such reasoning:
First, the the others accused, one year, earnings are zero.
second is the house, in the end is also much less revenue.
third is the how can that be? prices rose 1.5% in one year, their profit margins should decline is.
Fourth, the real estate doing? as diligent point, more 跑跑 National Bureau of Statistics, with them to figure out that these prices rose only 1.5% in 70 cities, where is, not on the line? might even get a price reduction room.
The new release of the Why not eight? people year after year will only be the happiness index of housing, there is no need to control housing prices.
can be seen that although the above reasoning is absurd, but 1.5% are based on data derived , the conclusion should be due to the absurdity of the absurdity of the data.

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