Thursday, February 10, 2011

Skyrocketing housing prices in China in 2009 the top five underlying causes of

 Skyrocketing housing prices in China in 2009
underlying causes of the recent five years, have spread all over the skyrocketing price information. Not only hundreds of dollars per square meter in Shanghai's real estate prices, even some second-tier III cities are also sharply. Throughout 2009, prices have emerged around the large gains over the real estate market is mired in a near state of mania. So, what led to skyrocketing housing prices in China this year it?
I. Government bailout based on the policy of stimulating domestic demand to the market with great confidence, blind faith in the people under the buyers have to join the army, thus promoting the skyrocketing housing prices.
in the international financial crisis environment, in order to stimulate domestic demand, boost public confidence, before the Spring Festival in 2009 introduced a series of policies to benefit home buyers, local governments have also introduced policies to rescue the market. These policies have great confidence in the market: For the consumer, The resulting signal is the government has encouraged to buy a house and buy a house can get benefits if implemented, Ever since, the original remains on the sidelines and not willing to pay high prices people began to join the ranks of buyers; for real estate speculators and words, government policy so that it was house prices will rise, and many parts of the relaxation of the mortgage is given its greatly encouraged Ever since, more than half of depressed real estate speculators who re-enter the market; for developers, government self-inductance of the original policy so that it becomes optimistic about the future of remote up and ordered the government to give its support policies confidence in the market outlook, Ever since, the cover plate, price increases, sales up more fraud and other abuses.
therefore We can say without exaggeration that the government policy of relying on rescue up market confidence inspired led to the direct cause of soaring housing prices this year.
Second, real estate agency, real estate speculators endless profiteering mentality, the Housing channel into the skyrocketing prices.
along, developers arbitrary pricing, at say a price, store room and other acts of cover plate can be seen everywhere. The reason why so many people dissatisfied with their evil deeds, is the mentality of the developer profits inseparable, and developers in the government's support, the excessive pursuit of profit maximization, excessive pursuit of profit, in large part pushed up prices. It is because of the profiteering mentality of developers, housing prices in China only a few degree pushed. We can say without exaggeration, is the leading developer of profiteering mentality and high exceptionally high prices in China an important factor.
has been filled with speculation in the property market in China, Wenzhou prominent real estate group, Shanxi coal bosses have been deeply marked by the stigma of real estate speculation. These real estate speculators purchase of real estate everywhere, pushed up prices at the same time profits for themselves. Everywhere will be under the large amount of real estate speculators order, so that there will be supply and demand imbalances in the region so that the situation, such a situation can easily induce investors, consumers enter the market and pushed prices to a large extent.
Therefore, the real estate agency, speculators profiteering mentality is leading underlying causes of soaring housing prices this year.
Third, consumers, investors blindly chasing the herd mentality, the majority of private capital to invest in real estate field, leading to skyrocketing housing prices.
SARS period, the original price of 1.5 yuan to 30 yuan a bottle of white vinegar can be sold, a mask can be sold for 20 yuan, a bottle of disinfectant can be sold for 30 yuan; 98 years during the flood, had only sell 1 per bottle of pure water 10 yuan or more can be sold; Wuxi algae during the event, originally sold only 5 dollars a barrel of pure water can be sold for 50 yuan, and the circumstances at the time and often out of stock and that leads to this phenomenon the most important The reason is that the consumer mentality of blind obedience.
and this mentality of blind obedience is particularly realized in the strong housing market, the author asked why some buyers buy a house, the answer is often, Can I still do not buy it?. . And in the real estate investors, most people do not understand investments, as long as their hands some money left, then join in blindly driven mentality of the property market.
Therefore, we can say that consumers, investors blindly chasing up mentality is leading an important reason for this year's skyrocketing housing prices.
Fourth, consumers respond to the call of expanding domestic demand, to join the real estate consumer goodwill, the vast number of consumers that purchase is for the country, to society, so that largely pushed up prices.
the occasion of the financial crisis spread to China, the Prime Minister on many occasions that policy measures to stabilize market confidence and expectations, stable real estate investment, and promote a smooth and orderly development of the real estate industry. Thus, in such a ruling thought, the policy will benefit the home buyers were launched, and the government also explicitly to encourage housing consumption in order to achieve the purpose of stimulating domestic demand. In this policy environment, the consumer response to the government's call for real estate consumers to join a direct result of the behavior of real estate transactions this year, a sharp rebound. And because the goodwill of consumers to join the real estate consumer that real estate investors, real estate speculators, manufacturers saw an opportunity to enter the property market rebound force buyers, so that the second quarter, prices have rebounded sharply. Thus, we can say that the goodwill of the government and consumers are led to this year important reason for skyrocketing housing prices.
five, real estate interests seeking profits, set of social harmony, stability malicious disregard, so people had to pay out of their affordable housing funds to spend, which to a large extent the skyrocketing house prices boost.
has been manipulated by interest groups, real estate housing market in China is an indisputable fact that the pattern of world domination housing, skyrocketing housing prices continue to expect interest groups are more The results of their efforts In 2003, China has entered a rapid rise in house prices stage, real estate agency in driving up prices, real estate speculation were crazy, beating the drums of scholars, the media close behind, the bank with great support given to real estate speculation, the local Financial and other factors the Government's land several times by the Chinese housing prices pushed frantically to achieve extremely high state of deep foam.
2008 since the beginning of China's housing prices into the downstream channel, the Chinese housing market saw the rational development dawn. may be due to financial crisis, the Government had confidence in the overall situation and to introduce policies to boost the property market, these policies benefit the consumer but also to save most of the developers from untold miseries.
In theory, interest groups should be grateful for the housing market stability, social harmony and make due contribution to its performance has forced the government disappointed: The real estate agency has repeatedly raised the upper hand prices, Zaishi sales fraud, crazy to uncover the wealth; and is placed in government care and thought on the market , people respond to national call to join the occasion of housing consumption, some experts and scholars re-voicing support for the real estate agency; some of the media is fueling the wave of rising house prices; part of the two sets of mortgage banking deregulation without authorization, to fuel real estate speculation . All of these are interest groups seeking profits, set of social harmony, stability, clear evidence of the expense.
Therefore, we can say that real estate interests seeking profits, set of social harmony, stability was a malicious disregard led to mad house prices this year the root causes of inflation.

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