Monday, February 28, 2011

5S Management

 Wikipedia card
5S management originated in Japan, is the scene in the production of personnel, machinery, materials and methods for effective management of production factors, this is a Japanese company's unique management approach. (Seiri), consolidation (Seiton), cleaning (Seiso), cleaning (Seikeetsu) and literacy (Shit-suke) abbreviation of the 5 words. because the 5 words in Japanese romanization is the first letter ;, it referred to as > 5S management development
5S management, performance management, meaning
5S 5S management

marketing management market 5S 5S management

customers 5S management products and other management
activity relationship
5S management, the evolution of case management
5S management development
5S management, performance management, meaning
marketing management
market 5S 5S Customer Management
5S 5S management
product management and other management activities
5S management case
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5S management originated in the evolution of
5S Japan, is the scene in the production of personnel, machinery, materials and methods for effective management of production factors, this is a Japanese company's unique management approach.
1955, the Japanese 5S slogan is Safety begins with finishing, and finally housekeeping standards. , cultivation, so that the use of space and scope for further expansion, until 1986, the Japanese 5S's writings gradually came to play the entire site management role of impact, and thus set off a wave of 5S.
5S management has achieved a lot of Japanese goods to the world. In Japan, you have to understand whether a business is alive, if it has good management, product quality is good, first look at how this business 5S management in order to have a safe
, efficient, high quality, interpersonal harmony, vibrant state of mind the job site. In order to make the companies reduce costs, timely delivery and service to customer satisfaction .5 S is sufficient to run a business and necessary conditions. which departments did not properly execute 5S, there is no normal operations (work), not a good performance or not angry.
implementation of 5S, not only can improve the production environment, improve product quality, more importantly, through the spirit of the staff to improve the implementation of 5S landscape, culture and attracting top talent, create first-class enterprises.
5S This tutorial introduces the definition of the system, utility, implementation tools, implementation steps, is the business and other organizations to improve the quality of site management, improve employee mental outlook, invigorating the organization ideal textbook.
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5S management development
Japanese companies will 5S movement as the basis for the management, implementation of various quality management approach, the Second World After World War II, to rapidly improve product quality, laying the status of economic power, and in the implementation of the initiative under the Toyota, 5S for shaping the corporate image, reduce costs, on time delivery, safety in production, a high degree of standardization, creating a relaxed and happy place to work, on-site improvements, and played a huge role, was gradually recognized by countries in the management community. As the world economy, 5S factory management has become a new trend.
further development according to the needs of enterprises Some companies on the basis of 5S in the original added save (Save) and safety (Safety) of these two elements, the formation of the persist (Shikoku), the formation of the br> 5S management implications
5S is a Japanese SEIRI (finishing), SEITON (consolidation), SEISO (cleaning), SEIKETSU (clean), SHITSUKE (training) of these five words, because the front of the five words are pronounced non-essentials:
to clean up the chaos into an orderly state of the state
5S management is to improve the business but also to improve the physical
finishing the physical
consolidation companies is to be found in 30 seconds looking for something that will reduce the time to find a necessity to zero:
can quickly remove the

immediately to save the state in cleaning

will remain in the absence of junk posts, no dust, clean and tidy state,
cleaning objects:
floors, ceilings, walls, tool racks, cabinets and other
machines, tools, measuring equipment, etc. will be compiled

clean, straighten, sweep the in the end, and institutionalized; management of open and transparent.
training that provides the things
, we carefully observe the implementation.
typical example is the requirements of strict standards, emphasize teamwork < br> 5S management to develop good habits of the specific contents of the table below

5S activities can not only improve the living environment, but also can improve production efficiency and improve product quality, service standards, will organize, straighten, sweep in the end, and to give institutional, etc., which are designed to reduce waste, improve efficiency, but also other management activities effectively started the foundation.
not implementing 5S in the factory, each of a variety of jobs are likely to occur various non-standard or neat phenomenon, such as garbage, paint, rust, etc. all over the place, parts, cardboard boxes resting casually on the floor, personnel, vehicles are interspersed in the narrow aisles of the line. ranging from no what they seek, wasting a lot of time; weight is causing the machine is damaged, if not its effective management, even the most advanced equipment, will soon join the ranks of the poor to wait for equipment repair or scrapped.
staff but no one in such a messy dirty work of managing the environment, it may be getting on boring, or muddling along, day to day, or is it to find another way.
for such plants, even if continuously introduction of many advanced management methods are not necessarily good what a significant effect, in order to completely change this situation must be simple and practical 5S from the beginning, start from the foundation.
5S described earlier the basic meaning of But in the actual implementation of the process, many people often confuse the order, straighten, sweep and clean the concepts of 5S loved to make, to promote the rapid spread of many who want to implement a variety of methods to help understand memory such as comics, jingles or billboards, etc..
5S is the foundation
business management as a business, the implementation of quality management, create the largest profit and social benefit is an eternal goal. The quality management specifically, in the following These areas are unique:
Q (quality: quality), C (cost: cost)
D (delivery: delivery), S (service: Service)
T (technology: technology) M (management: Management)
Q (quality) product quality is the quality of the performance of high and low price, is the inherent characteristics of the product itself, good quality is the foundation to win the trust of customers, 5S to ensure the production process rapid, standardized and can be very effective for good quality lay a solid foundation.
C (cost) cost as the product matures, costs tend to stability under the same quality, lower cost of who, Who's product competitiveness accordingly the stronger, who have the potential to survive a variety of .5 S can reduce waste and avoid uneven greatly improve efficiency, so as to achieve cost optimization.
D (delivery ) delivery period, referred to as the delivery in order to meet the needs of society, mass production has become the personalized production, more variety and less mass to produce only the flexibility to adapt to the production of flexible delivery requirements, delivery reflects the company's ability to adapt to the level of .5 S is an effective way to prevent abnormal timely manner to reduce the problem from occurring, ensure prompt delivery.
S (service) service is well known, the service is to win the source of important means through 5S can greatly increase employee dedication and enjoyment of work, making them more willing to provide quality services for the guests. Also by 5S can improve administrative efficiency, reduce unnecessary was quick and easy, improve customer satisfaction.
T (technology) referred to technology in the future competition is the competition of science and technology, who can master the high-tech, who is even more competitive, and 5S to optimize through standardization, the accumulated technology and reduce development costs, to accelerate the speed of development.
M (management) Management Management is a broad category. narrow sense can be divided into the personnel, equipment, materials, methods, management of four areas. Only through scientific performance the management to be able to reach people, equipment, materials, methods, optimization, integrated to maximize profits, 5S is the implementation of scientific management of the most basic requirements. a business through the promotion of 5S activities, can effectively quality, cost, delivery, service, technology, management, and other six elements are to achieve the best, ultimately, the competitiveness of enterprises to achieve objectives and targets. So 5S is the key to modern business management and infrastructure.
5S's instructions
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5S management, performance management like
5S is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial agents, it can be very effective in treating a variety of adverse business conditions in the can greatly improve immunity, prevent diseases. This product has no side effects.
sweep clean the main components of housekeeping standards cultivation
a business, how to make it not fall, must have a strong point, and this support point until the force said, the other a force called the rally, how to make a business can move forward step by step, the latter should be a just power, but there must be a rally in front, the company will go up. But how to correctly use only power, but also how best to use this tension, is the business management of the most important fundamentals, 5S's role is to completely eliminate all problems can be hidden, strong business, . Its main function has the following 6:
5S management, the main function (1) provide customers impressed;
(2) cost savings, the implementation of 5S in the workplace is to save the place;
self-check in our enterprise, the existence of these phenomena, what the consequences of it, what measures should be taken?
phenomenon exists consequences Evasion
(1) processes are impeded, the long distance transport and access is blocked
(2) fixture anywhere without being prosecuted
(3) items stacked messy, Good and bad product mix , finished and semi-difficult to distinguish
(4) personal items placed at random, employees frequently move around
(5) poor maintenance of machinery and equipment, failure and more
(6) the ground is dirty, dilapidated facilities, light gray
(7) for failing to identify which items often misdirected misuse
(8) management of tension, employees are at a loss
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marketing 5S management
marketing 5S and Class
third step: the development of the market sales have been small and no growth or even decline for a long time the market, no growth of the market, payment arrears account severe necrosis or even out of the market included market problems to deal with the aftermath waste;
untapped market in the market to small market size, market demand has not been started or consumer market remains tired, causing the price of many competitors, disorder, cohabitation and the distribution network products market include restlessness aside market. these markets If the entry may have a small sales, but a high price to pay, until the mental and physical exhaustion.
2, the first step to rectify
: on has been eliminated, and set aside the assessment order after the market
Step two: Sort of each category in the last 20% of the market to give up the (special exception, but avoid petty and not abandoned, or a ray of hope and pursued alone, although successful, the probability is very low)
Third step: the rest of the market according to the urgency and importance of the time (including sales and influence) for review and input problems and reasons
second step: to coordinate and rationalize the market and the various relationships between the relevant market
third step: According to the second, eight axioms, the 80% to 20% of energy into the most important market .
4, maintenance
regular basis (such as three months) or non-repeating the three steps to ensure that important market received the attention and commitment to ensure that 80% of the energy marketing staff are committed to 20% important to the operation of the market in order to reach the market, marketing, corporate win the good state of affairs.
5, excellent
good market management must cultivate good market, good market network must cultivate good, excellent customers, excellent marketing staff, excellent products, and these factors will enable sustainable and stable development in order to excel.
customer 5S management
1, finishing
first step: the client into mature customers and potential customers
Step two: the mature customer in terms of sales, reimbursement rates, an increase of space will be divided into three categories
according to the estimated sales potential customers, ease of development, capital operation of the state divided into three categories
The third step: the mature customer in the sales of little or as object
will mature out of room to grow small customers as a managed client customers, regular visits by the director of sales, maintaining relations
predicted sales would be little potential customers, development difficulties, shortage of funds to customers included in the suspension Customer
2, the first step to rectify
: Customers will have finished the assessment order
Step Two: Each class will be sorted in the last 20% of customers to give up (except special)
section three steps: the rest of the customers based on sales, reimbursement rates, the potential benefits of a comprehensive rating, and input
3, coordination
first step: verify and analyze customer problems and the reasons < br> Step two: from the customer's interests, to help customers how to improve and enhance their competitiveness and become a development advantage, good reputation of excellent customer
third step: to focus on key customer management
4, Maintenance
regularly (eg monthly) or non-repeating the above three steps. Remember: 80% 20% of sales concentrated in the hands of large customers, while 80% of the profits are concentrated in the hands of 20% of the outstanding customer Lane; who has a good customer, who has a long-term development of the huge space.
5, the cultivation of excellence
good customers is an important part of modern marketing, marketing staff and higher quality of sound mind is an important guarantee for first-class customer training to , may be short-term, immediate benefits, they are bound to pay the cost of long-term interests, business competition will become increasingly favors the intelligent management of excellence!
product 5S management
1, finishing
The first step: the product characteristics according to the quality, profitability, sales, demand for services is divided into four categories
Step two: according to the quality characteristics of the product into branded products, brand extension products, seasonal products will be sold by
products into the larger sales volume, sales in general, three categories of products sold less
profitability by the profitability of the product into high profitability in general, three kinds of products with low profitability, according to service needs
the product into the high demand for services, demand for services in general, three kinds of products with low demand for services
third step: the sales of seasonal products in a small, low profitability, products with high demand for services out of
2, rectification
first step: the product has been out a comprehensive assessment
brand products can be a small amount of profit is thin, high demand for services, if a number of brand products, comprehensive assessment of 20% or higher after the phase-out
brand extension product must be more than moderate sales, higher profitability, reach these two requirements should be adjusted
seasonal product requirements: If a small amount of the profitability must be high, or eliminated; if large demand for the service must be low, otherwise it will not keep up with the bruised and battered for services.
Step: retained products under the brand of the influence of the market overall efficiency of the assessment, and input < br> 3, co-ordination of various products
FAB (features, effectiveness, benefits) to conduct a detailed analysis to identify their USP (selling point), so as not to stumble, trade-off.
4, periodic maintenance
(eg six months) or non-competing demands of cost Repeat these three steps, so that enterprises can be the biggest production structure optimization.
5, excellent
good business to meet demand, and the great companies to create market! good product does not should be a single one, but a product team in this team, every product played the largest role.

marketing management marketing representative on behalf of 5S 5S management, including: sales performance management, travel time and effective management, effective management of business lines, business reporting and effective management, technical services, effective management, promotion of effective management, effective management of the phone.
relationship with other management activities
5S management is the basis for site management is a TPM ( Total Productive Management), the premise is TQM (Total Quality Management), the first step, but also guarantee the effective implementation of ISO9000 .5 S site management method can create an With this atmosphere, the implementation of ISO, TQM, and TPM is more easy access to staff support and cooperation is conducive to mobilize the enthusiasm of the staff, creating a powerful driving force.
implementation of the ISO, TQM, TPM and other activities of the effect is hidden, long-term in nature, making it difficult to see significant results. and 5S activities, the effect is immediate. If in the implementation of ISO, TQM, TPM and other activities in the process into 5S, can in the short term a significant effect to enhance the confidence of employees.
5S is the basis for site management, 5S level of, on behalf of the managers understand the level of on-site management, which in turn determines the level of site management, while the level of site management, which restricts the ISO , TPM, TQM activities, the smooth and effective implementation. through the 5S activities, from site management working to improve the business mm br> Clean: institutionalization and assessment mm5S time; audit, competition, reward and punishment
literacy: a long morning meeting of mm, etiquette code
5S management experts: Chen Peng About
Corporate Training Network Principal Lecturer 5S , specializes in the field:
site management improvement, lean production, efficiency improvement, cost reduction site, on-site performance management, 5S/6S management, flexible production.
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5S Case Management
Guangzhou Honda Automobile, war and hunting employed to implement 5S management of top-notch company, its experience is: do a good job, while the production site management, manage the plant, ;, that the factory cafeteria and toilets, as the two places that best reflect the quality of staff. Guang bright cafeteria of the factory clean and spotless, but not full-time cleaners. staff restaurant meal will remain intact after the meal , where dining in soup, leftovers spilled, the staff immediately clean, clean, so after dinner they leave the restaurant immediately before the clean state of reproduction. toilets are kept very clean and set the artistic decorations. to employees and visiting guests to create a good living environment, improve operational efficiency proved to play a significant role in promoting.
5S site management method: order anything
in the workplace is divided into necessary and unnecessary :
the things necessary and unnecessary things clearly and strictly separate areas;
unnecessary things out as quickly as possible.
make room, space utilize
prevent misuse, misdirected create fresh workplace

the production process there is often some residual materials, goods for repairs, to be returned products, scrap, etc. remain in the field, not only occupy the place has hindered production, including some has been unable to use fixtures, gauges, machinery and equipment, if not removed, will become cluttered scene.
production site do not display the items is a waste:
even spacious workplace, will Yu narrowing of the small.
scaffolding, cabinets and other occupied by debris while reducing the use of value.
increase the search tools, spare parts and other items of difficulties, wasting time.
haphazard placement of goods, increasing inventory of difficulty, cost accounting inaccurate.
5S management training courses
real pencil or ballpoint pen you to manage the business? In answering this question, listen to a story:
year after the U.S. space shuttle found to heaven to the pen in weightlessness can not write. As a result, American scientists spent several years, millions of dollars, and finally developed the written word in space to the pen. then the Soviet Union launched the space shuttle Americans visit the Soviet Union to ask them how to solve this problem. Soviets asked Americans: All solved, why waste so much time and money? However, when we laugh at the Americans, we are doing around how many companies do the same with the Americans: in full swing vigorously quality certification system, the BPR, the implementation of lean manufacturing, Six Sigma, etc., is too busy, who would stop and think about: or ball-point pen to manage the business? have done well, enterprise management was not standardized, then lean manufacturing, ERP, BPR, Six Sigma is to do well. the problem.
5S Who would not? not that cleaning, spring cleaning thing.
This is the Huang Jie teacher 5S management practice guidance to promote the most commonly heard phrase. which makes him almost to tears, 5S management Law has been introduced into China more than ten years, the theory itself, easy to learn, books and training courses on the market are also many, many companies implemented again and again, that is done, or even the end do not know where the problem ! even some Japanese companies to China later, unable to do anything for carrying out 5S management. It Why?
Mistakes 1:5 S activities many companies do not see the economic benefits of
CEOs ask, do 5S in the end able to send to what benefit? Some managers have quick success, 5S did not do long to look forward to receiving economic benefits, sales and profits soaring and so on. Therefore, some people find an excuse: Since the economic benefits of 5S and what not, does not participate worth mentioning.
fact, 5S activities reflect more the effect of the initial on-site management level, staff awareness of the improvements and the improvement of corporate image on the .5 S activities benefit contribution is a long process.
Myth 2 : Our company has done a
5S is a relatively common misunderstanding. the so-called done, and about two such possibilities: one is that the person who said this does not understand 5S, that the 5S stage of the project is done once to once and for all. Another is that once did but now do not adhere, or do not make the effect, failed.
Obviously, the former understanding is very sad, because he will not try again 5S, and through ongoing activities of promoting the benefits of 5S are their missed. The latter can be sure, 5S activities can not stand to try a higher level of improvement activities, it is unlikely to be successful .
Myth # 3: Our business is so small, do 5S
like building a house with no need for solid foundations, businesses from small to do 5S is also important, because the 5S activity is the most basic site management of projects, since is the foundation can not be dispensable. in a business is also small, so that everyone develop good habits 5S, than wait until the big companies, after more than employees do this much easier.
; why we do not always Chinese companies? The latest device is not added maintenance, just a few months to become a bad machine. and the staff at work also appears slack, provided only the first two or three days to comply with matters only, has a head no tail hh
why the total of Chinese enterprises do not? As Huang Jie said, discipline, self-management for everyone, so companies want to make it successful is immune. consultant. in a large Japanese companies for many years, served as personnel director, production department head, product manager, vice president, general manager of the joint venture.
He has ten years of practical management experience in senior foreign-funded enterprises, good production manufacturing enterprises in the production and management training, field projects to improve the counseling and consultation carried out for many companies Huang Jie production management and enterprise management in the design and improvement, including: NEC (China), NOKIA, Fujitsu, General Motors, Fuji Xerox, Coca-Cola, Panasonic, Nippon, Lee Kum Kee, Wahaha, TCL, ABB, unity, Lenovo, Sinopec, CNOOC, Master Kong, Mengniu, Yili, Dongfeng Motor, Baisha Group, Mentholatum, Aerospace Science and Technology, Aerospace Science and Industry , Qingdao Beer, the Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station, Daewoo Heavy Industries in the fields of food, electronic, mechanical, telecommunications, electrical, automotive, furniture, household appliances, plastic, pharmaceutical and other industries, has become the most senior corporate management and training, consultants one.
5S for site management wish to acquire, reduce production costs, improve the working environment of the corporate general manager, quality control manager, production manager / supervisor and other entrepreneurs.
site management and improvement of the killer training of personnel on the 5S management tools
eight misunderstanding
Myth # 1: Our company has done a
5S Myth # 2: Our business is so small, nothing to do with
errors 5S 3:5 S is to do a clean site errors 4:5 S
things just on the factory floor activities
errors can not see the economic benefits of 5:5 S
Myth # 6: too busy, no time to do 5S
Misunderstanding 7: We are engaged in technology, so a waste of time
errors 5S 8: Our industry can not do 5S
5S steps forward and the specific method instance
1S order: to distinguish and not to
order to promote the 10 steps
order rigorously enforce the work chair finishing activities / activities of non-performing product finishing / material sorting activities / packaging activities
2S rectification order: zero time to find the need to rectify the implementation
6 and 10 steps to rectify the implementation of specific methods
share examples: the naming and identification of plant location / access numbers marked rectification methods / consolidation in the products / consolidation of the implementation of operational tools / cutting tools for the implementation of consolidation / reorganization of the implementation of mechanical equipment / machine, car type rectification / wiring, piping the reorganization / consolidation of clean utensils / dangerous goods consolidation / reorganization of the implementation of warehouse / lubricant for moving oil and oil consolidation / reorganization of the Standard Rules on the implementation of operations
3S cleaning: the point of inspection, found abnormal
cleaning steps and the implementation of the six essentials
instance cleaning precautions
sharing: information document ;
4S br> / behavioral etiquette / hospitality etiquette / dinner etiquette / handshake etiquette / presented to the business card etiquette / protocol to access the customer / car etiquette
+1 S The essentials of the implementation of safety education

visual safety management
5S implementation of case management activities and problem solving
staff and management responsibility in 5S activities to promote
case of the Office of the 5S activities
5S implementation and management of two modes of failure of the top ten reasons to implement 5S activities
fifteen skills
focus, all broken
cockroaches search utility sky key method
cicada carpet search
mice after work test for food law put law

art propaganda target red one with green adoption law quiz and penalty

meeting focused on the promotion method of honors Members
training benefits:
5S management master key forward and steps;
master the various tools to implement 5S management;
management control can promote the line of sight methods;
comprehensive understanding of the meaning 5S and basic principles;
through the implementation of 5S, improve staff quality, creating a good corporate
for objects:
enterprise managers, production site supervisor, the production site staff
HR, training, managers and staff
state organs and institutions of the managers

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Rainbow island grass; Rainbow Island grass

 Peak rain up Group Disclaimer:
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Thursday, February 24, 2011

The first is the cattle tendons

 The first is the cattle tendons; second, scaly river fish, beef; third pig, cow; the fourth is the liver, beef liver, blood tofu. That is, the meat is not cold, not hot. But some people say, carp soup and beef soup is hot in nature, it is not right. Of course, if the soup by adding a lot of heat when the seasoning, then these things become a hot sex. In fact, the present Chinese people do almost any meat, are used to add onions, ginger, garlic, fennel, pepper, pepper, hot pepper and other condiments, this is a very bad habit. This is equivalent to the drug every day to eat hot, not hot STD is strange! so soup, do not add these condiments.
first cattle tendons
(a) What is the use bovine tendons?
human tissue is composed of cells and collagen fibers . If the body lacks the collagen fibers, then the cell will be soaring, state prone to cancer or tumor. If the body lacks the collagen fibers, then the ligaments will relax, prone to visceral prolapse, hemorrhoids, hernia. If the body lacks the collagen fibers, then the bone will be loose and prone to bone hyperplasia, or arthritis. because the body can not produce its own collagen fibers, which contain large quantities of bovine tendon collagen fibers, it is human cattle tendons important way to supplement the collagen fibers. collagen fibers present in each animal tissues years, but there are more cattle tendons. animal tissue is composed of cells and collagen fibers; collagen fibers wrapped with cells, collagen fibers are formed bone, tendon, ligament, fascia. so we are about 50% of human tissue is collagen fibers. While we eat meat also eat into some of the collagen fibers, but for the human body, if we are not consciously add it, then they would appear hemorrhoids, joint dislocation, hernias, prolapse of the disease, visceral, and even state tumors, cancer. So Liu was born three months the children to start drinking cow tendons soup. drink cow tendons soup is very important to health care methods.
In fact, the tendon is the most pure food. because there is no animal tendon blood vessels, which supply nutrients depends on tissue fluid. So the tendon in the little animal with a mess of things.
(b) When humans drink cow tendons should be from the soup?
child should be from three months after birth and began to drink cow tendons soup. Why, after three months from birth? because from the first four months after the mothers began to restore menstruation, menstruation resumed after the smell of urine is called milk milk, its taste and quality has deteriorated. If a child smell of urine is still full to eat milk, it will suffer from malnutrition. So, after three months of a child from birth, begin to drink all the broth.
It is said that human milk the most nutritious, our 3-year-old baby to eat . Yes ah, you did not eat one block of 30-year-old, but you know what the smell of urine to milk.
saying goes: hemorrhoids, joint dislocation, bone hyperplasia, hernia, visceral ptosis, state tumors, cancer. This shows that drinking cow tendons soup is workable.
(c) why some people do not drink cow tendons soup nor cancer?
wrong, it should be said that some people not get cancer to die of other diseases of the; or that some people do not die of cancer genes and other diseases.
(d) of the people need to drink plenty of beef tendon soup?
family history of cancer who, after a miscarriage born, the mother ate during pregnancy, chemical drugs, must be vigilant, there must be conscious drink cow tendons soup.
(e) Why do some people No matter what soup to drink cow tendons?
who have been using radiotherapy, chemotherapy, corticosteroids cancer, because many of the connective tissue fiber cells have been destroyed, so cancer after drinking the soup beef tendons, collagen synthesis may not be able to fiber, to form cancer encirclement.
many lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis patients, the long-term use of corticosteroids, is extremely difficult to heal. This is because corticosteroids can destruction of fibroblasts, collagen fibers caused by the fracture. so these patients to drink the soup beef tendons, the synthesis of collagen fibers may not be able to restore damaged tissue.
all the internal organs of Stomach prolapse patients have declined, due to digestion absorptive capacity has been reduced, these patients drank the soup beef tendons, the synthesis of collagen fibers may not be able to restore the proper location of organs.
(f) how to buy beef tendons?
cow tendons is cattle block parts of the tendon feet, like a fist, like, not the tendon long, long piece of beef tendon is a large bar on the bracket. a neat's foot is only about a pound of beef tendons block. But leather must be removed. cancer, have to buy the beef tendon soup to drink, which is to control the growth and metastasis of cancer, the only way. If you do not know, then we look at website images. Unfortunately, many traders deceive patients , resulting in many critically ill patients to buy a big beef ribs soup to drink, really conscience ruined.
buy raw cow tendons. but some people who sell beef tendons, beef tendons that are cooked. Why? Because neat's foot strip from the tendons on the child, must be neat's foot child placed in boiling water and cook, only after the neat's foot strip of soft boiled tendons. But this deal will not affect the quality of beef tendons.
but the child on the neat's foot caustic soda in the water bubble, which is profiteers behavior. because of damage to the quality of bovine tendons. This is very white and tender beef tendon, but the clinical effect will be negligible. there was a braised tendons restaurant dishes, is to beef tendons blisters on the caustic soda This pound cow tendons to bubble into samgun. such harmful braised tendons and smooth and delicious, but the caustic soda harm.
should be noted that, stripping down the cow tendons is with cowhide. buy their own to cattle tendons, you must personally get rid of the leather. This leather has no hair, very smooth, wrapped in beef tendons on the outside, with a magnifying glass to see, there are many pores on the leather.
(g) How boil bovine tendon soup?
① bought cattle tendons, be sure to remove the pork skin with pores.
② half a day to use tap water bubbles to remove possible residual caustic soda.
③ take the chopper to cut into thin strips beef tendons.
④ best to use the modified rice cooker boil for 12 hours.
⑤ cattle tendons of the daily dosage should be to master the 0.25 to 1 kg. soup of the amount of water, should be 0.25 ~ 0.5 kg plus two liters of water, 0.75 to 1 kg plus 4 liters of water. must be considered as cotton, boiled beef tendons Aohao.
⑥ Aohao after the addition of salt.
⑦ Then put it that should be frozen .
⑧ can also be a boil 2 kg beef tendons, divided into 2 to 4 days to eat.
⑨ residues do not give the patient to eat, so do not digest.
⑩ Aohao soup in the refrigerator beef tendons in up to 4 days shelf life.
clinical practice has proved Aikuai greater than 3 cm, and not done any cancer treatment, in the month after drinking soup beef tendon, and can not be completely wrapped Aikuai. at this time CT, B super-development, can be found Aikuai no growth, but did not form a smooth Aikuai around the capsule, its brightness is not increased. how to do? continue to drink cow tendons soup until Aikuai still no growth around the formation of smooth the capsule, and brightness enhancement. so these patients for three months and then drink granular control.
(h) how to overcome the soup smell cow tendons?
Aohao can add a little beef tendon soup child salt, tomatoes, radishes, etc..
(IX) to drink soup with beef tendons side effects associated with?
If Stomach is not good, because the sticky beef tendon soup, then drink the soup after the cattle tendons, easy to diarrhea. If drink stored in the refrigerator, beef tendon soup more than two days, then also easy to loose stool.
(X) cattle tendons had substitutes do?
cattle tendons, divided into several, including yak best followed by cattle, buffalo is again; prime beef the best, followed by calf and cow; militant who the best weights, the best, not the patient best. Some animals also contains tendons, which, bear's paw and camels the best quality palm, while the horseshoe, donkey hooves, trotters are inferior.
second, scaly river fish, beef
(a) What is the use of these broth?
any mammal, in their first when they are born to be nurse, not a vegetarian. by extension, any animal's life are not vegetarian, even the mosquitoes are blood-sucking, this is an indisputable fact.
However, do not eat meat for carnivores will suffer from malnutrition. but horses, cattle, sheep and other herbivores, because with a very thick long appendix two to make proteins, so cows eat grass, and squeezed out the milk. However, herbivores like eat meat. For example, the horses eat forage mixed with eggs, or horses to not run. Again, ewes had a little lamb, drink some milk, or sheep would eat a lamb. Again, females gave birth to bastard, to eat meat, otherwise the females will eat a bastard. herbivores hungry and anxious, and also eat some small animals. herbivores can not believe that is absolutely not eat meat.
It is said that the monkey almost visceral structures and people, why monkeys vegetarian? wrong! wild bird-eating monkeys, and even went to the farmers at home slip to eat. only in the zoo, they eat only breeder put the rice, vegetables, fruits.
(b) When humans should drink the broth from?
should start drinking from the broth after three months of birth. Lau family, no one from the Ming dynasty often seriously ill, indicating that drinking the broth is the role of increased disease resistance. It should be noted that such children although very thin, but feels very heavy to hold, because he is not very strong but the puffiness.
c) Why do some people do not drink the broth is also all right?
not always right, but being okay. is clinical evidence that many human diseases are protein-energy malnutrition, the most obvious of which hepatitis. It should be noted that there is only us in China big countries of disease, particularly liver damage, such as: all kinds of hepatitis, abnormal liver function, fatty liver too much. about one-tenth of the public, with liver damage; This is our national crisis. many people because the liver The damage can not find a favorite work, nor with casual relationships, but also tortured by the disease
disease and maybe even scary to guard against cancer. Manmianhongguang many foreigners, and we Chinese people looking chlorosis. In this regard, I am deeply concerned and shame.
you know, liver damage, they need to be two problems; The first is the function of the liver protein synthesis is reduced, and hypoproteinemia may prompt the liver sclerosis, So we have to drink the broth to a large number of additional proteins. The second is the reduction of liver detoxification function, so the more we eat a lot of drugs, especially chemicals, the more likely increase the burden on the liver and even cause systemic poisoning. But many hepatitis patients do not drink the broth, but a lot of medicine. This is the rule in many more patients with hepatitis causes more trouble. So drink the broth is not only the needs of normal people, but also the needs of patients. So do not drink the broth is not nothing but a temporary nothing.
(d) who needs drink the broth?
who previously did not drink the broth, in the event of illness, be sure to drink plenty of broth.
(e) Why do some people drink broth lit?
not drink the broth of the people, when drinking at the beginning, due to not drink fruit juice, so easy to get angry. In addition, without adding a lot of heat in the broth of the condiments will get angry .
(f) How to buy scaly river fish, beef?
Do not believe the more expensive the better, to buy freshwater carp, crucian carp, grass carp, to be the bigger the better. It is said that fresh water fish farming a lot of growth hormone, antibiotics, people eat to get sick. Yes, eating steak to get sick, but the small Huoao 12 hours, put the whole toxin destroyed. there was an ancient story, is that a doctor, a farmer Anhen He is planning to poison the doctor. so keep a chicken farmer, chicken feed every day centipede; other chickens grow up to give the doctor. gallisepticum using the centipede who was the ancient common method, however, has emerged unscathed doctors . The farmer is very strange, do not eat chicken you a doctor? doctor said to eat and taste good. then the doctor how to eat it? doctor said to drink the boiled chicken soup. The farmer is more strange, why soup to drink it? The doctor said soup detoxification effect! Yes, soup detoxification effect is common knowledge since ancient times, but many people today do not understand. This is because many biological drugs span. the world's most powerful ricin said, is the thorn into the body of toxins to cause instant death, but if the ricin heating, then a non-toxic. auxins, antibiotics as well. However, heating for arsenic, mercury, chromium and other inorganic toxins is not valid, however, arsenic, mercury, chromium is present in contaminated rivers and lakes, hence Chinese will not let you eat these things. In addition, lean beef, beef tendon to buy with. artificial breeding of cattle also growth hormone, antibiotics, problems, soup truth Ibid.
(g) How boil broth?
① half a day to use tap water bubbles to remove dirt that may exist.
② fish make scales, gills and viscera removed; beef To dumplings into the stuffing. ③ best to use the modified rice cooker boil for 12 hours.
④ daily consumption of beef, 0.5 kg should be in their grasp, soup of the amount of water should be 2 liters of water.
⑤ There scaly river fish of the day, the amount of 1 kg should be to master the best part 2 when the amount of water is two liters of water.
⑥ can also boil the fish and meat together.
⑦ Aohao must be followed remove the oil slick.
⑧ Aohao after the addition of salt.
⑨ residues do not give the patient to eat, so do not digest.
⑩ Aohao the broth in the refrigerator up to 2 days shelf life.
(h) how to overcome the broth odor?
Aohao can add some beef tendon soup, tomatoes, radishes, etc..
(IX) have side effects you drink the broth?
because broth is not sticky, so the broth can easily be absorbed. but if you drink a store in the refrigerator, more than two days of the broth, then also easy to loose stool.
(X) scaly river fish, beef and the availability of alternative Products you?
use chicken, pork soup also, but the oil too much. careful not to use black-bone chicken soup, because the black-bone chicken is hot. The third is a pig, cow
(a) What is pork skin useful?
It is said that people with high blood viscosity drink soup pork skin, blood viscosity will increase, because the soup is very sticky pork skin. wrong. You know, the food must be turned in the gastrointestinal tract digesta, the formation of soluble in water, wine, oil substances, is possible into the gastrointestinal cell membrane; In addition, the gastrointestinal cells also secrete large amounts of digestive juices to dilute the food to make it into the material below the osmotic pressure of gastrointestinal cells, Gastrointestinal cell membrane to enter.
pork skin soup as well. When pork skin into the soup after being drunk, because the viscosity is high, so a lot of digestive juice to be diluted sufficiently so that lower gastrointestinal cell osmotic pressure, can be absorbed by the gastrointestinal cells. That is, we absorbed into the bloodstream of the pork skin soup, pork skin has been like a bowl of soup that is very sticky, but with a lot of water into the blood, so the natural dilution of the blood viscosity.
you know, Going with the flow. But the human is walking upright animals, the human heart to be up, arterial blood supply to the head fired; but also upward, snatched the lower body venous blood. Thus, it requires very strong human heart, blood vessels are blocked, the blood is diluted. so human blood viscosity must be prevented, otherwise it will cause tiny blood clots.
is worth noting that the blood viscosity is a very common phenomenon, not just patients with hypertension unique; and value of clinical testing designed only for patients with hypertension and normal subjects did not consider the critical state. and many of the normal performance of the so-called normal people, has shed his blood viscosity by:
① polydipsia; ② more Khan;
③ polyuria; ④ hoarseness;
⑤ irritability; ⑥ sweating;
⑦ sticky sputum; ⑧ children enuresis;
⑨ impotence; ⑩ rough skin.
However, blood viscosity degree of dilution of the blood in addition to other, hard to find a drug that for various reasons. how to do?
It is said that intravenous fluids can dilute the blood viscosity, general use of low molecular weight dextran. but the molecular weight of the drug is very small, very easily excreted by the kidneys, it can only be maintained 3 hours.
It is said that eating herbs can dilute the blood viscosity,
Some people say that eating a lot of salt can be dilution of the blood viscosity. Yes, some of nocturia more the elderly, I do not know who the bad idea after listening, go to bed before the brine a drink; results nocturia less, but high blood pressure. This is because a lot of salt to prevent the discharge of urine, causing kidney damage, high blood pressure and therefore the.
Some say, if we intravenous pork skin soup, then it will dilute the blood viscosity? This is not to eat stays in you! drink it infusion why soup pork skin. However, asked a reasonable, pork skin soup is not not intravenous; clinical use of polyethylene oxide gelatin injection, that is pure leather soup; its molecular weight is 3 million to 4 million, is a plasma substitute, is mainly used for hemorrhagic shock; with saline, can also be used in the diluted blood viscosity. But this is after all a kind of biological agents, intravenous fluids prone to allergic reactions.
in the end should be how to do it? very simple soup can be diluted pork skin to drink blood viscosity, showing that drugs are not the main treatment Army.
(b) of the human skin and flesh shall from time to drink soup?
should start drinking from the pork skin was born three months after the soup. Lau family, no one from the Ming dynasty was hypertension, diabetes, mental illness, This shows that drinking soup is the role of pork skin. However, I doubt my wife has mental illness, because I shared a bed with her once a month. She asked why? I said: She never sleep snoring. I said: impossible. However, she doubts in my mind is not normal.
(c) why some people do not drink soup pork skin is alright?
Some people say, I lived more than half my life matter, did not drink pork skin Tom is also all right. wrong, do not drink human blood diluted soup pork skin, at least four symptoms of the unconscious: ① rough skin. ② easy irritability. ③ a hoarse voice. ④ sputum viscosity.
(d) of the people need to drink plenty of pork skin soup?
said that the health of Chinese people about the value of blood tests: the amount of effort 81.7 stroke, stroke index 51, for the slope of the myocardial g1, myocardial perfusion of 250 to 400, the effective circulating blood capacity of 4.3, reducing blood viscosity 3 to 4, the degree of vascular response to> 1.2, blood vessel elasticity of 0.25 to 0.55, from 1000 to 1400 for peripheral resistance, pulmonary vascular resistance 100 to 200 and so on. But about 3.5 million people the value of blood test is not normal, and younger age was an increasing trend year by year. each year due to high blood viscosity, and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease caused 260 million deaths, 300 deaths per hour, the harm shocking. so changes in the Chinese diet, promoting pork skin to drink soup, optimization of blood has reached a critical state. In other words, sub-health, hypertension, diabetes, mental illness, chronic bronchitis should drink plenty of pork skin soup. In addition, in tropical regions, or hot season, and after exercise, There are a singer, teacher, speaker, including the beauty of the woman should drink soup pork skin, this is the best medicine Yin. drink, you naturally said yes.
(e) who can not drink the soup pork skin ?
Yin as the role of soup with pork skin, so some of the heavier moisture pork skin disease can not drink soup. such as: colds, dysentery, hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, chronic colitis, kidney disease, acute purulent diseases, chronic eczema , shingles, chicken pox.
(f) How to buy pork skin?
It is said that eating the Chinese Yin and expansion of blood volume can be, why should Roupi Dong boil yourself. Yes, Chinese raw land, cultivated land , Scrophulariaceae, Radix, Huang Jing, Yu-chu, lily, Radix, aspartate, Ligustrum lucidum, which have the role of Yin. But the Yin and the role of medicinal plants is very weak and not durable, far less Roupi Dong.
It was also said to eat commercial animal skin glue, leather glue, fish glue fat? Yes, commercial animal skin glue, leather glue, fish glue has a yin role in fat, but they are not safe medicine. Lvpi gum is made with animal skin, leather is leather made of rubber, fish fat is to use skin glue, fish fat to do. in the production process, in order to accelerate condensation, you must use alum as a precipitating agent; In order to enhance viscosity, must use sugar as an additive. especially the animal skin glue, in order to highlight the function of nourishing yin, and joined the Codonopsis, cinnamon and other hot medicine. This is why many people eat commercially available animal skin glue, leather rubber, fish fat, after glue was very hot and even the reasons for high blood pressure.
carpenter's glue of the past fat plastic furniture, it is the skin of various animals, with alum and rosin Aozhi. Although no longer use the fat of modern carpenter glue, and use a variety of chemical glue laminated furniture. But the animal skin glue, leather glue, fish glue fat sales, particularly sales of leather glue, and no less. cowhide glue, also known as gelatin , has a large number for the food processing industry, such as, candy, chocolate, ice cream, sausages, cakes, chemical fruit juice, milk, yogurt being. That is, despite you are a clever child, his aging mother's foot-washing water or drink .
also said to eat antlers, turtle, sea cucumber, turtle, right? tell you, antlers, turtle soup can, sea cucumber is seafood can not prepare a broth, turtle, soup is not the mascot.
As for the large scale pieces, skin, smell of fish is never too long, you can soup.
However, the cheapest is easy to get the pigskin, leather; to choose thick-skinned, less oil, pinch the skin is not broken. Some people say Select the number of thick-skinned to a select few to take advantage of the oil; but also choose how to pinch the skin is not broken ah? Is there a pinch on the broken skin of it? hey, there is a pinch of skin on the broken. This is because some vendors make money for many, even bubble pork skin with caustic soda to make a pound of pork skin into samgun, this is not only not frozen pork skin, but also allows you to eat poisonous caustic soda. This is a bad lay dry . see through the deceit of the way, is hand-pinch, if a pinch on the broken, you do not buy it. The stamp marks on the skin of the flesh, be sure to scrape off.
(g) how to boil the pork skin soup?
was that eating Roupi Dong-line shopping malls to sell? Yes, ah, shopping malls selling Roupi Dong is really crystal clear, it is truly beautiful, this is how to do it then? May 1999, deputy manager of a meat processing plant to me doctor. In the course of medical treatment, he saw my table arrayed with a Roupi Dong.
So he said: ; This is the nanny to buy from the supermarket.
He laughed: I tell you ah, doctor, first with caustic soda bubble of pork skin, pork skin into pounds for making a pound. pigskin then cook it, then scrape off the oil. . Why use this thing! laughed: salt, seasoning, then add alum precipitated it. ! doctor, you do not eat this stuff. : What's. called retribution. Roupi Dong, back in the trash, and never get to buy a nanny. In fact, our family own Roupi Dong, but said the nurse: there may be residual caustic soda.
② the pork skin cooked it, then scrape off the fat fat, chop marks.
③ Take a kitchen knife cut into thin strips.
④ best rice cooker with a modified 12-hour boil .
⑤ pork skin daily dosage should be to master the 0.25 to 0.5 kg. soup of the amount of water, should be 0.25 to 0.5 kg plus two liters of water, boiled pork skin must be considered as Aohao cotton.
⑥ After the addition of salt Aohao.
⑦ let cool that should be frozen.
⑧ can boil 0.5 kg of pork skin once divided into two days of eating.
⑨ If you turn on the water too much and can not be frozen, you can also drink the soup pork skin.
⑩ Roupi Dong Aohao the shelf in the refrigerator up to four days.
(h) how to overcome the smell of pork skin soup?
Aohao the pork skin in the soup to add potato, carrots, cucumber wayside.
(IX) to drink soup with pork skin side up?
If Stomach is not good, then it will bloating after eating, and even diarrhea.
( j) pork skin substitutes you have?
pork skin should be a pigskin or leather, you can use Pig or neat's foot, and the animal skin or donkey hooves. The skin should be used scaly river fish skin.
Fourth, liver, beef liver, blood tofu.
(a) of the liver, beef liver, blood, what is the use tofu?
① liver, beef liver, serum ferritin contains tofu.
② In addition to iron-deficiency anemia, the man's mood swings, difficulty concentrating, weakness, fatigue and other symptoms are associated with iron deficiency related.
③ whole body can play a few iron nails? answer is one. Although the body's iron content is only the equivalent of a nail, but the iron is part of a variety of enzymes, iron is a carrier of hemoglobin transport oxygen to body part involved in iron-rich physiological metabolic reactions. iron deficiency may affect the normal metabolism, resulting in fatigue, reduced immunity, and anemia. iron intake through food. However, the low bioavailability of food iron. Iron deficiency anemia is a common disease of children, one of the best way to iron diet adjustment. However, the absorption of inorganic iron rate is not high, so choose the appropriate food supplementation is very important.
④ body iron content of normal adult men average about 3.8 grams, the woman was about 2.3 grams. the human body's iron is divided into two kinds of functionality and storage, About 2 / 3 is the functional iron. functional iron mainly hemoglobin, myoglobin and iron enzymes. storage of iron for iron storage and transport, including protein and iron are two basic forms of blood iron flavin , mainly in the liver, and bone marrow reticuloendothelial cells.
⑤ reflected in the physiological functions of iron with iron-containing compounds in biological functions, including compounds containing heme iron and other iron-containing enzymes . heme with the basic structure of an iron atom in the middle of protoporphyrin, is characterized by its unique chemical oxygen loading and unloading easy.
⑥ normal body iron loss is caused due to cell loss. because a 50 kg adult body weight, metabolism in the course of a day, not only of energy metabolism, the exchange of material, there are a few megabytes million cell renewal. Some cells go off to the outside, such as the gastrointestinal tract, The shedding of skin cells can not be reused. iron metabolism is very active. l/l20 red blood cells are about to be updated, need a lot of iron, but the old red blood cells in 90% of heme iron can be re-used, so every days as long as the absorption of 1 mg is able to maintain its requirements. In general, iron through the bile, urine and skin and gastrointestinal tract exfoliated cells from the body, lost about 1 mg per day, we should add the same amount of iron.
⑦ rely mainly on iron absorption of food, its absorption site in the small intestine, and intestinal absorption of iron protein, and inorganic iron is different.
ferritin mainly from liver and blood. ferritin into the intestinal mucosal cells, enzyme protein is destroyed, while the iron to be released, and then leave the mucosal cells into the blood. inorganic iron mainly exists in plants, iron being; but inorganic iron absorption by dietary factors, dietary phytic acid, phenolic compounds , soy protein, calcium, are factors that reduce the absorption of inorganic iron. So, do not use inorganic iron to iron, the United States has found that blood iron overdose death of infant Erzhi instance.
⑧ In summary, liver contains ferritin, beef liver, blood tofu, is inseparable from our human food.
(b) when human beings should eat from the liver, beef liver, blood tofu?
fetus from the mother to obtain iron storage in the body to prepare applications after birth. newborns total body iron is about 250 to 300 mg of iron to meet these within 6 months after the birth of the baby's needs.
but if the baby is 6 months after no additional supplement, iron deficiency occurs. In addition, premature children, children with low birth weight, twins relative lack of iron storage in vivo, or fetal blood loss, and so will reduce the amount of storage iron, prone to iron deficiency after birth. And the World Health organizations are also recommended for infants, starting from 6 months to add iron-rich and easy to absorb the food supplement.
(c) why some people do not eat pork liver, beef liver, blood tofu also okay?
is not true. China monks, priests do not eat pork liver, beef liver, blood tofu, though they use iron pots, iron pots, shovels boil water for cooking, but among them, suffering from iron deficiency anemia in many people.
① rapid growth and development of children, the relative ratio of iron to be to adults.
② preterm children, low birth weight children grow faster and children are more likely than full-term iron deficiency.
③ growth for the second peak in adolescence, but also prone to iron deficiency. puberty, the body and mind After experiencing great changes, not only the growth of body shape mutations of various organs within the body are also rapidly developing. along with the adolescent's development, the demand for various nutrients also increased significantly, the body pressing need to add more iron to meet the need of strong metabolism.
④ all chronic blood loss, need iron supplementation.
⑤ diarrhea, recurrent infection affecting digestion and absorption, which can lead to iron deficiency.
⑥ women's menstrual cramps caused by loss of iron Therefore, women generally have different degrees of iron deficiency.
⑦ pregnant women need iron supplementation.
⑧ chronic poor digestion and absorption of people as the need iron supplementation.
(e) Why do some people eat liver, beef liver, blood tofu no matter what?
some patients with iron deficiency anemia, and mood swings, difficulty concentrating, weakness, fatigue, eating the liver, liver, blood, tofu does not steward This is because the Wei Qi is not good, is not well absorbed.
(f) How to buy pork liver, beef liver, blood tofu?
have to buy the bright red ...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Drop a few reasons for investors to understand

 Another Black Monday, the market tumbled to the trend of investors looking to become cold heart, but also actively looking for many stock analysts who loses face and more.
The broader market's trend today, I also be more rational. Although see heavyweights will adjust, but it is still only see the morning to the shock of the afternoon, but did not think the afternoon after the main rally again for the kill, the investors want to become a bubble.
today fell, so that investors understand the following several reasons:
one reason the stock market too is missing, not to talk about the value of investment, purely gambling.
Second, investors should think about the market in the end who Zapan? Fund Why pain killers?
, for any positive also profitable, is still down, indicating that the main point now is not recognized.
four, regardless of whether investors are willing to, and now to do continue to suffer torture mentally prepared for some time.
V. shock index today is entirely due to heavyweight Budie. Olympic Games and other hot stocks, technology to maintain good form, with the broader market pullback today, it is time to intervene. also fell, the nature is different.
six, fell today, so that investors understand that there is still hope as long as your heart, this tape will let you down.
seven, fell today, so that investors understand rise in the first three days, is entirely man-made relief rally.
eight, fell, investors need to understand that I am afraid the time Market adjustment longer than expected.
nine, fell again for investors experienced the cruelty of the stock market.
ten, fell probably pave the way to the back of financial innovation, which is something that investors can understand the truth last.
to work, and want to say, and at night send a post it.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I just know what I lost

 Members Dong-Dong Li said the students, she one of the greatest of our desire is to live to see a Michael Jackson concert. She said this time, MJ was still alive, his farewell tour is also planned only in his own mind , did not begin to prepare. She said this time, I do not think this is what great desire, do not think it would be any different with the other concert.
until reading are really different. If there is anything in this world worthy of the large screen, well-crafted video, mobile pan, put up scaffolding on the stage, the real forklift for the props, the elevator will jet out of people coupled with the conventional hh fireworks, lights, fans, by all means, use a timely manner to meet the emotional atmosphere of the song, the whole stage, the entire venue into a fantastic place to create; carefully choreographed dance, the selection of dancers and accompanists to help his songs reached or grand, or bizarre, or violent, or affectionate effect. The most important protagonist of MJ himself is of course, every song, he go all out, whether it is singing or dancing, precise, perfectly demonstrate the feeling he wanted.
this is not all, this is just any concert Council will do something, in addition to his more extreme than others do, no one can reach the extreme. so that he will be fine concert, is the deepening of his own bone marrow familiar songs, the better, stir up the audience with his emotions for each joint, each familiar with techniques, which make him not just a singer, or a mass psychologist. In the documentary film during his rehearsal, he continued to modify the subtle handling of each song mm in this place, two more sections of the air when; in this place, to extend the length solo; in this place, repeat the last sentence, then repeat, repeat to add and delete those hh, no one not to make their songs have more provocative. for how to extend orgasm, and Biao to a higher, he not only has a very keen sense of, and have a try again, the pursuit of desire and action to perfect, every song In the end, is actually a word, an action an action, a section out of a section mill, grinding to a mature, bright, ground to every movement of each voice for each light feathers have become deeply moved by the audience, follow the steps according to the rhythm appears take people to a high position, no imagination into a world of their own.
final film is the end of rehearsal MJ team, well before the tour for mobilization, MJ on this occasion, the team partner said: a master is to the audience from that. he really live up to see his fans crazy, coma, and even trampled. I have not understand, now I know how this is done, but also know that this can indeed be done. is now, I finally knew that he go, what the world has lost.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Po into a line of more than 1,300 passengers on board the train Zhuihe safe transfer to Chengdu

 Yesterday, 15:15, K165 from Xi'an to Kunming Train travel to the Baoji-Chengdu railway between Deyang to Guanghan shiting River Bridge at the bridge piers were washed away, the bridge suddenly broke, the two cars hangs in the air, then two carriages of the train fell into the river, but fortunately in a dangerous place before the passengers were all safe transfer, only three people suffered minor injuries. Currently the railway sector is full rescue of personnel, passengers have all been transported to Chengdu.
train 3 cut off a car floating in the river
5 o'clock yesterday afternoon, the scene has entered a state of emergency, all out of the junction to allow only emergency access for the roadside more than 40 vehicles parked bus, which Train passenger vehicles used for transport.
incident of Shiting River Bridge, a bridge 20 meters invisible, and breaks in the train car parked on both sides but also from the entire deck can be clearly seen, the train car broken into three section, two cars near the broken bridge, there are also hanging in the air half car, looked shaky.
reporter noted, Po into double track railway, Shiting River Bridge consists of two Bridge, and the fracture of the bridge is exactly the single-track railway train in Chengdu, another line next to no damage.
in the 300 meters downstream, is under construction Chengmianle passenger line, the river has a good placement pier, the pier at the middle of the river, breaking the bridge was blocked down, near the pier at the river, but also a sideways car, cars lie down in the river, fast flowing water constantly hitting the car.
at this time the river banks has gathered thousands of rescue workers, some armed police entered the scene with excavators, both sides of the broken bridge, the railway staff is organizing a cable car, ready to drag the car back on track.
passengers: like had a horrible dream
leaning forward, and then the train stopped. he did not understand how, once inside sinking, sinking his body followed suit, and appeared inclined.
Qiu Mingqing leaned over to see out of the window, at the foot is rolling in the flood. , seated do not move, some passengers subconsciously to car doors, but because of body tilt, the door difficult to open, everyone is worried expression on his face.
the minutes ticked by, how to leave the vehicle? are all very anxious, the car door opened, the crew of the organization, we turn out of the car door. At the same time, rescue personnel rushed to the outside, and we totter out of the car.
Conductor: drill crew was the last to get off
danger occurs when the conductor Wang Qiaofen crew quickly organized the evacuation of passengers. attendant on the train can be in accordance with the emergency plan has been rehearsed emergency evacuation of passengers, this train before it specifically been engaged in a drill. was the first flight attendant opened the door to allow passengers to get off, quickly transferred to safe areas until the first few cars were empty after they began to train No. 14,15 vacant eventually all passengers hh safety of the car.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Classic American style of simple lovely garden

 Garden-style home design seems to be particularly prevalent this year, American Pastoral pastoral style, as a typical representative of its natural and simple elegance yet highly respected people. Beijing Purple Town Zhaotong
rustic home office Design seems to be particularly prevalent this year, American Pastoral pastoral style, as a typical representative of its natural and simple elegance yet highly respected people. Beijing Purple Town Branch
American pastoral focus Zhaotong among family members exchange, focusing on private space and distinguish between open space, attention to furniture and everyday practical and solid. American pastoral style of the furniture lines usually have a simplified, rough size, its selection is also very widespread: wood, cloth, Nepal handmade textile materials, hemp fabrics and natural stone cutting has long been ... ... pastoral style in American furniture occupies an important position. Zhaotong Beijing Purple Town Branch
American pastoral interaction among family members focus on exchange, focusing on private space and distinguish between open space, furniture and attention to practical and everyday strong. American pastoral style of the furniture lines usually have a simplified, rough size, its selection is also very widespread: wood, cloth, manual Nigerian textile materials, hemp fabrics and natural stone cutting has long been ... ... pastoral style in American furniture occupies an important position. Zhaotong Beijing branch
Purple Town

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Busy silly

 After today's dollars

role in society has 7 months pull

asked my work experience

I can only say one word: Busy!

words: full!

end of the year, the Special busy

the same time I have experienced all the busy work

5 Department of reminder you ship

I urge you to play money

drop a few days work, they are all dealing with the phone

a phone to listen to tight

another phone rang tight

busy years, the time passes very quickly

class time even down to the

also want to finish the job

like war-like

I may be responsible for his own work Karma heavy

may be denied

to be responsible for what they do a

they may turn a business my sister left the country earlier

I have one department office office

Sometimes I really channeling it through


I think the Department of drops in two weeks

learn a lot of textbooks can only learn

However, in practice 5 to operate 5 to Karma know

to now, I export the goods, customs clearance

trailers, trailer cabinet's understanding of both

more in-depth understanding of

in fact they are all a chance to understand and practice

also my first day can help to test knowledge and understanding declaration card

it is a good learning opportunities

I really learned a lot of wild

be natural to do sometimes is to blame wild,

5 willing to do good, do not think their scope of work

but Department of twist twist

learn is their own, their sound

why not not try

under their own power to the body to that extent it

under the test yourself!

Department would like to thank the most important person to help me back and forth 

Miss Mongolia export company (first taught me to fill in documents, but also to teach me, I check the documentation)

newly born wild graduation ----- do remember my first first contact with the documents Karma, I was willing to play the left one, then

: under 5 ~ I know Oh, I just graduated from loud noise, Miedu 5 know ah. point fill ah?

If you follow: 5 to surprise, with great difficulty Karma, I can send copies of copy than you refer to, 5 know ask me, I will teach you fill.

you The careful, I can feel it,

good so I dare to call you the same question

good Italian to cooperate with you, ah, ah good as Hello

unconditional help with your Karma, I have become increasingly strong and to do

ah south side of the cargo (for busy stable trailer Miss Mongolia Department introduce you to help me find you)

I remember you, then you are in Mongolia's Miss Department of VIP, but if I was I kept my Miss VIP .--== is just hype, ha ha

Wu Nai under you to help me so grateful to you anyway

you may speak no fault, your relationships do imagine

people to stable from 5 to trailers, you can get, Jin!

your account if you do 5 to no one really wild to do it, I have reflected Rights

goods are not re-vote difference out of ah, the first to ask you whether the car

if you are not, it is important to talk about burying my 5 car stable, others are stable 5 to

really, no other of the

so good thank you help me to be fixed up to Karma three cabinet

schedule can be shipped

want then there are opportunities for cooperation ah

because I left the guests to pledge Department years ago to ship

but for various reasons

production schedules, quality issues

delivery, delayed again and again

so on such a tight, this busy

body of the two bosses where you will be willing to drag on 5 things

I Deng you to Fana

always good, things are fixed up the

Mexico's three major clients --- cabinet fixed up friends

LTL United Arab Emirates - New customers

several raiser India - New customers

really good guests in Lebanon ----- sorry Rights large customers

because you To counter fight, and you has not yet been returned to

destination port, so only one year after shipping companies shipping work to help you friends

Turkish guests that ticket goods, not forwarding all of your fixed position, can not do anything Rights


New Year I can rest assured that you, busy, really Desiring to rest rest!

really very tired ah!

I can score more than a satisfactory Karma, a satisfaction questionnaire than myself! 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Oaks Festival started construction of rural sales network

 Cold year in 2011, Oaks launched the contradictory system of vehicles, the intention is clear, that is, two channels in urban and rural areas are implemented within the amount of growth. After the incubation period from the initial product, brand-building period, expansion of marketing channels to reinforce the current period and the rise of system. Oaks in the heart of Beijing city (within the Fourth Ring) is a market building has been perfected, and even after the holiday sales growth in air conditioning and close to saturation. Based on this, the new system of strategic conflict on the self-evident. For the rural market towns covered will naturally become the Oaks in the Beijing area of the new battlefield.

tilt, aimed against the City of Victoria's third and fourth level than the rural market. The Plough's call, and make better brand awareness, expand channels of multi-angle, Beijing Marketing Center will be devoted in the coming months 80% of the energy resources to invest 500 million rural village market, a change in the past inadequate attention to the case of rural channel, so that each district is guaranteed at least one salesman stagnation.

reporter learned that the air conditioning in the past Beijing Regional Sales, Oaks are more focused on the primary market channel construction, the internal implementation is a major urban policy. The facts also prove that, in the primary market, Oaks reason for optimism. . In particular the call for about 30%. As the end of 2010, Oaks in the Beijing area has been completed 180 million yuan of sales volume, growth doubled over the same period last year. Now sales are expected to achieve targets of 50%.

However, even developed a market economy there is no sales stagflation, there will be saturation. Especially in Beijing, after the holiday's primary market has experienced a sales peak in the post, to coincide with a small off-season. At this time, to look into the township to stay the market, continuous efforts would be a wise choice. In recent years, coupled with the national launch of home appliances, energy conservation and other measures to stimulate the rural Huimin consumers from buying the market, making the Oaks also aware of the rural market full of opportunities.

third and fourth level a huge market gap in the interest of air conditioning brands have attracted a number of large-scale presence, naturally, will not be willing Oaks behind. Oaks Center general manager of marketing, said Beijing has not, and still has 60% of rural markets, or even 70% of the rise, profit is huge. this time to build a system aimed at rural network is in line with the needs of profit-driven. We will put a lot of models to the countryside markets to target in 2 years to achieve sales of 150 million -2 million scale. Meanwhile, place the material in view of the developer network terminal, so for some of the traditional rural market outlets, to proceed with booth layout, prototype replacement sales and the first door , the required funds have been Oaks headquarters support and approve the adoption. point to an area rely on to take the rural town of channeling one-stop marketing, coverage is very difficult to do everything, and easy to care the left suddenly right. Thus Oaks channels in Beijing to be multi-faceted operation, the so-called moral support from many, is to attach importance to channel development, attention to urban and rural areas to clear the multiple channels. In addition to the countryside to carry out a one-stop promotion, propaganda model static and dynamic combination. 

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Reform of the four questions holidays

 Reform of the four questions
holiday Liu SM
12 7 December, Premier Wen Jiabao chaired a State Council executive meeting approved in principle ) satisfaction of any party to dispute. At the same time, there are a few questions around not open, so that this democratization of the Chinese public policy decision-making test, unfortunately, spontaneously aborted at the last minute.
question one: scientific decision-making and democratic decision-making?
look at several years of dispute over the abolition Golden Week, and if the classification of the concerns adjustment of legal holidays, there are four words power, namely expert analysis, media reports, online forums and Government Decision . they are together, together to form the words around the holidays adjustment system. In the final analysis, this involves national interests, should be implemented scientific decision-making and democratic decision-making combination. The Government has made a positive public opinion on the good response, but the real public opinion, and did not do more in-depth research, only to investigate the network is extremely unscientific. In recent years, many websites, the media have done this many times the network survey, the results are quite different ways mm using online survey Decision making is like child's play, the network views the same as completely contrary to basic common sense real public opinion. National Development and Reform Commission, whether the organization of its reform program online survey nearly 80% in favor of the rate, or the People's Organization survey of the relevant independent network Nearly 60% of the retention of the golden week, are basically not making significant digits.
the so-called scientific decision-making, the Golden Week is to further the social, economic, cultural and other aspects of the effect of doing more scientific research and feasibility studies , is by no means a holiday based on a flawed study research group can reform frivolous decision-making; so-called democratic decision-making, is the face of divergent opinion polls (mainly web-based survey), should be invited to survey the international authoritative professional bodies (or use economic census team), to organize a scientific, convincing large-scale public opinion survey, real, complete and reflect the masses of the people's views on the Golden Week.
media in this debate, the whole society to play a premature role in the performance of a poor understanding of social responsibility and misleading discussion.
two questions: Where are the limits of the total holiday?
in the abolition of the Golden Week holiday at the core of the struggle to adjust, we note to participate in the discussion without thinking of many experts for a discussion of premise mm default is our annual vacation days to 114 days, is already China's current social and economic development can withstand the limit.
and this premise, as necessary to prove just as axioms? If it is really a limit should be followed in the research and demonstration in order to draw conclusions. In fact, implementation of Friday working system in 1995, 1999, an increase of 3 statutory holidays, are not been demonstrated . If not to research and feasibility studies, experts on this as far as the Government to the decision-making, no doubt is extremely serious, very unscientific; if the limit, not to study and demonstration, but lightly in the reform program break one day, is extremely serious, very unscientific; If you can break one day, not to study and demonstrate to categorically denied the possibility of a three-day break, it is extremely serious and very unscientific.
us that is, the increase in holidays to the Chinese economy has not stalled and obstructed, the opposite is 10 years of continuous growth. If you can not prove that a limit of 114 days, or more than 114 days, three additional days to two days to some of China's economy catastrophic consequences in the case of reservations under the Golden Week, adds to the three traditional festivals are what can not it? the total space of statutory holidays should not be an expert thought it would be small. face the reality of economic overheating, Even thus reducing 0.5m1 GDP percentage points, in exchange for a worker's health and economic operation of more optimized, it not worth it?
three questions: whether the alternative festival golden week?
In fact, it traditional festivals as a statutory holiday, from the cultural heritage, and strengthen national cohesion demands starting with the Golden Week this reform could have been irrelevant in early .2004, Ji held first in the People's University of China's social development forums. Subsequently, for three consecutive years he submitted to the National People's Congress will become a statutory holiday festival proposal, complete with the abolition of the Golden Week unrelated dispute. until this year in March, he gave up our social and economic levels can afford to increase the statutory five or six holiday point of view, instead received a statutory holiday in China is almost the limit of the total view of the NPC session this year, proposed to abolish the Golden Week, mandatory paid leave, will be transferred out of the golden week holiday for the establishment of traditional festivals proposals for the statutory holidays. based on China's sustained rapid development of the background, the pressure on for the holidays should only be increased rather than decreased the basic reasoning, we can draw a lot of big-name experts in holiday adjustment argument opportunistic approach taken, rather than rigorous scientific approach.
I think that the additional statutory holiday festival, the effect is not known although it can still be seen as a positive attempt. However, in the context of globalization and culture clash is a natural phenomenon, it is difficult to avoid. to Christmas and Valentine's Day as the representative of the Western holiday, did not become a statutory holiday, and increasingly prosperous China has become very popular, relying solely on traditional festivals into a description of the legal holiday is not enough.
But even out of the golden week holiday to increase inside the festival, but is not a wise move. an effect because I questioned it, two would have been by increasing the holidays total approaches to this attempt. traditional festivals, Golden Week and the paid leave has a different function, is no contradiction between fact and do not conflict and can not substitute for each other.
Some experts, Golden Week should be completely abolished, because it is a holiday, but the amount has not changed, but different permutations and combinations to achieve different functions. the three golden weeks, it only takes a six weekends. two days of the function can be achieved, there are 46 opportunities a year; need more than 4 days before holiday realize the function, 46, 100 weekend also fail to realize moved down by the Golden Week on the realization of such a ride. like graphite and diamonds are made from carbon molecules, but because the carbon atoms arranged in a different order, resulting in world of difference between the physical properties of graphite can be easily mm crack, and diamonds are all objects you can smash.
four questions: Just how the United States paid vacation?
First of all, paid leave system only looks United States. the face of the administrative resources and law enforcement resources to enforce lightly. from maintaining the to the knife's edge. system is not perfect closer look. Now the Golden Week can be called climate, natural conditions, herd mentality, culture, tradition, though let the public own way, in fact it is entirely possible to create holiday coincides with a large area of
paid leave since the Golden Week is a community for the shortcomings of the common prescription unanimous, then in theory, if the implementation of paid leave can not be implemented or not in place to also need golden week; implemented if the paid leave Golden Week is still crowded, it means that the prescription is not efficacious paid leave; paid leave if the prescription efficacious, consumer demand for the release of a dispersed, Golden Week would not be as they are now choked; if you do not jam, and no increase Golden Week holiday, what the total amount necessary to cancel? Golden Week and paid leave hand in hand, combining centralization and decentralization, might become a model for the creation of human recreation.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Bureau of Statistics reported housing prices rose 1.5% in the test of the credibility of the debate ----

 Bureau of Statistics reported housing prices rose 1.5% in the test of the credibility of the debate ----
Bureau of Statistics house prices rose 1.5% in response to the question: was due to the time gap between cause
Source: Beijing News
2010   27 February at 01:32
(Reporter Hu Hongwei Zhang Qi) on the 25th National Bureau of Statistics revealed that 70 cities in China last year, housing sales price rose 1.5%, multiple people expressed doubts yesterday. According to the Central People's Broadcasting Station reported , National Bureau of Statistics China Economic Monitoring Center Pan Jiancheng, deputy director explained that the data and we feel there are gaps caused mainly time. Last year, before presentation of real estate prices trend lower after the high, bleak beginning, end of fire, Consolidated full-year data is not very high but, referring to the 1.5% annual average increase.
rose 1.5%, including new residential prices rose 1.3%, second-hand house prices rose 2.4%; rental prices fell 0.6%.
the State Information Centre senior economist Qi Jingmei, said yesterday that the number and price changes in her personal understand that mistakes, which need to see a sample of the specific statistical data.
yesterday, real estate, chairman of SOHO China, Pan Shiyi, is also mentioned in this personal blog and micro-industry exchanges, prices in 70 large and medium cities rose by 1.5% last year, you believe it? caliber. Jichu estimates, whether cities or small cities, up 1.5%, much higher than the degree. report, an increase of 20% often 30%.
Easy Home Muzeng Bin, deputy director of Beijing, China Institute, said the agency has no specific statistics on each city's average house prices rose, but according to statistics the agency last year in key cities house prices rose, the average increase of 1.5% is too low, and the great gap between the experience of the market. Last year, the statistics agency in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and other major cities, average house prices are more than 40% average rise in property prices Beijing more than 4000 yuan.
projected increase disparity with the published data in January, according to media reports
, published monthly from the Bureau of Statistics, cumulative sales of 750 million square meters of commercial housing, achieved sales of 3.6 trillion yuan, sales area and sales were up 53% year on year and 86.8% mmm area of sales growing faster than sales growth of 33.8 percent. to industry sources, this is not difficult to calculate, the first 11 months of 2009 the national average commercial housing sales price rose 22% over the authority of this data has been media coverage.
CCTV reported yesterday, according to the method of projection, the 2009 average sales price of commercial housing rose 24%, and the disparity between this published data.
Bureau of Statistics has just announced prices of 70 large and medium cities rose by 1.5% last year, Do you believe it?
mmm ye feel to the Pan Shiyi
remove it before the decimal point Kaopu?
mm kingsmart
70 cities last year, prices rose 1.5%. and feel a serious discrepancies!
mm forcode
looked Bureau of Statistics, really want give yourself a few harsh slap in the face. Last year prices rose only 1.5%, why not buy a house?
mm scalarize
experts suggest that the Government should publish the data calculated
Beijing Institute of Real Estate Research Center, Bi Wen Zhou that the average house price in different cities of Statistics technology is very difficult, different cities, different city, different types of price data are not the same, and the gap between personal feelings are normal, but the country house prices rose sharply last year, a common phenomenon If there is no reasonable explanation, will affect the credibility of the government in the future. He suggested that the Government should be open formula, such as statistical offices around the number of reported data? whether truthfully declared? monthly level, each city's rise and so on, to resolve market in question.
prices rose last year to establish whether the geometry
expect house prices to reflect the authority of the index system, but also looking forward to the official statistics do not, and a far cry from the feelings of the people.
National Bureau of Statistics 2 25 released prices fell by 0.6%. The statistics immediately sparked controversy, a site survey, up to 94% of the users that the result of stimulated by loose monetary policy, soaring real estate market to return to the situation, major cities have real estate prices and trading volume hit a record high. the same to National Bureau of Statistics as an example: In 2009, the national real estate sales ratio an increase of 42.1%, commercial sales of 4.3995 trillion yuan, an increase of 75.5%. Among them, commercial housing sales increased 80.0%.
This is a simple conversion: 42% growth in the sales area of the case, If prices rose only 1.5% the year is hard to imagine commercial housing sales to increase 80%.
to Beijing, for instance. Since the beginning in June 2009, official data to show that new housing sales price index showed an increase accelerated the trend, in December reached the highest point of the year, up 13.2%. from the price of view, the fourth quarter of 2009, within the Fourth Ring 期房 price reached 25,907 yuan / square meter. and in 2008, also according to official data, within the Fourth Ring 期房 average price of 15,581 yuan residential / square meter, if the deduction of housing policy factors, the Fourth Ring Road within the residential average price of 16,892 yuan 期房 / square meter. Even if the policy of housing factors deduction of 16,892 yuan / square meter price calculated in 2009 prices for the full year rose 53.4%.
considered to Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Shanghai and other cities of similar price gains and Beijing in 2009, housing prices in large and medium cities rose by whatever statistics calculated to be beyond the 1.5% gain. Further still, if the annual increase is really only 1.5%, and even demand deposit interest rate benefits are not to hard to imagine so much money into real estate real estate madness.
70 cities across the country real estate sales prices of statistical indicators in the July 2005 inception, the question of its authority and authenticity has never stopped.
2005 年 至 2008 is real estate prices soaring in recent years, the national macro-control policies introduced in the period of intensive, in accordance with the statistical indicators show that the price increase is still tepid, the index results show: In 2006, 70 cities nationwide housing sales prices rose 5.5% in 2007 to 7.6% higher than in 2006, 2008 rose 6.5% over 2007. If the results here, from 2005 to 2008, China's total real estate prices will not rise more than 50%, while In fact, the 4-year period, the country's conservative estimate of at least double the price.
housing reform since 1998, China has a more accurate real estate on the lack of statistical systems, the so-called country is chaotic. National Development and Reform Commission statistics in 70 cities is the price index, the real estate business associations in the housing index is used, local and its own price index, real estate agencies are even more pleasing needs, self index, resulting in the chaos of information and price. To do this, look forward to establishing the authority of a true reflection of price index system, but also looking forward to the official statistics do not, and a far cry from the feelings of the people, otherwise, the statistics themselves lost its value and meaning.
Guang-Yuan Mar (Ph.D.)
ridiculous prices rose 1.5% deduction
National Bureau of Statistics recently released 70 cities housing sales price rose only 1.5%. Experts say the statistics and the residents feel there is always a certain gap between the vary with the experts, though by only intuitive feeling, the feeling is not necessarily, not necessarily accurate, and by the Bureau of the quantitative analysis, accurate calculations, but Suanlaisuanqu only rose 1.5%, on the data , I really want to believe, but how can convince yourself.
1.5% is not really a high rise! year than the fixed deposit interest rate of 2.25% is lower, it is only the equivalent of January of this year's CPI increase (and National Bureau of Statistics, is 1.5%). In other words, house prices rose last year, still keep up with the rate of depreciation of money, but also keep up with the rate of time deposits. As a result, you can easily reach several such reasoning:
First, the the others accused, one year, earnings are zero.
second is the house, in the end is also much less revenue.
third is the how can that be? prices rose 1.5% in one year, their profit margins should decline is.
Fourth, the real estate doing? as diligent point, more 跑跑 National Bureau of Statistics, with them to figure out that these prices rose only 1.5% in 70 cities, where is, not on the line? might even get a price reduction room.
The new release of the Why not eight? people year after year will only be the happiness index of housing, there is no need to control housing prices.
can be seen that although the above reasoning is absurd, but 1.5% are based on data derived , the conclusion should be due to the absurdity of the absurdity of the data.