Sunday, November 28, 2010

How nutritional supplement during pregnancy

 We know today, pregnant women get together major hospitals have the phenomenon of children, expectant mothers are very easy to ask questions. So health channel specifically for Sohu users have launched a series of Guang An Men Hospital, Academy of Sciences, director of therapeutic nutrition, senior nutritionist Wang Yi teacher. Wang in the clinical application of nutrition practice and 25 years in clinical nutrition research and nutrition has a in-depth theoretical and applied research and unique insights.
Another is the Beijing Maternity Hospital, Beijing, Liu Youli MCH director of nutrition teacher. Liu in the Journal of Clinical Nutrition for 18 years, in the maternal and child health, nutrition, pregnancy nutrition and lactating mothers has a wealth of practical experience.
Internet users today, two experts will introduce various aspects of nutritional supplements during pregnancy, users can also ask questions to the expert advice, we hand over the following two experts.
stages of nutritional supplements during pregnancy
Liu Youli : Good afternoon! am very pleased and we can discuss the issue of nutrition during pregnancy. Today we want to discuss such key aspects, one is because a lot of people's nutrition during pregnancy have a lot of errors, such as some people do not know how choose food, some people do not know how to choose health care products, and some people think that something more expensive the better, more nutritious. I think for us the phenomenon of clinical exposure to be about communicating with you. another one, according to the different pregnancy fetal growth and development during the course of how the mother and fetus should be given the right to add, on these foods to make a brief introduction.
first tell you is that nutrition during pregnancy is divided into several stages so, generally speaking, we are generally divided into four stages :
First, pre-pregnancy preparation period.
the so-called pre-pregnancy preparation, is ready to be the first time a child of their own physical condition, including mental health and in other aspects of adjustment to do good, that is, We often say to the mother and father were both doing a good adjustment to reduce the pressure of work, so that you are in the best physical state of the indicators is that we often say that the internal environment and external environment have to do a good job fully prepared.
second trimester of pregnancy to prepare mm
general we three times, first trimester, second trimester, third trimester of pregnancy, different periods, fetal growth and development process in the demand for nutrients is not the same, so we speak in different stages of the general structure of our diet should pay attention to what it should have a reasonable arrangement. Therefore, I first of all how to plan your diet and reasonable to do a presentation.
trimester: general , since we know she was pregnant until three months pregnant before we call early pregnancy, early pregnancy, when the major said cell to keep the split, because we know that an egg and a sperm after a fertilized egg, through continuously differentiation, the gradual formation of a small prototype of the fetus. In this process a lot of baby to go through many changes, such as movement through the oviduct to the uterus to implantation inside the so-called like a seed planted in the implantation land in order to root sprout, kids, too, fertilized eggs to free in your womb the mother's womb implantation choose a suitable place to form a small nest, absorb nutrients through the mother, for his own growth. So Mother and early pregnancy in vivo and in other aspects of endocrine changes occur relatively large period of time. You may have had experience, some people may feel that there is often some sort of response such as morning sickness, or some people feel the sense of smell, or emotional fluctuations due to each person's response varies between individuals, so early when the body of pregnant women is beneficial to the environment and appropriate adjustments are very critical period. because the fetus when the key is the early cell division, such as sub- three germ layers, the effect on the fetus or other aspects of brain cells is the basis of the stage, to make positive pregnant women in adjusting to her environment, as far as possible through the painful period, why the relative pain? because we just talked about a series of pregnancy reaction, so this time we have to select some say benefit the mother eating, reduce vomiting, light and easily digestible food to supplement mother's nutrition, it is a good development of the fetus.
third trimester preparations mm second trimester, second trimester
: The second stage is the second trimester is from 3-7 months of pregnancy stage, this time the fetal cells that began to form after each of the major internal organs and organ, such as the heart of a child, kidneys, lungs, limbs, etc., this time is a process of differentiation, so this period will greatly increase the nutritional requirement, pre-pregnancy than early pregnancy and increase of nutrients. such as the need to increase protein, vitamins need to increase, so the second trimester, when the right to a reasonable increase in certain nutrients to the mother, the fetus differentiation, growth will have certain advantages.
fourth, third trimester of pregnancy to prepare mm
third trimester of pregnancy: the third period is the third trimester of pregnancy. During this period the fetus in the mother's last period of the body is divided over the future mature fetal stage, such as the lungs to mature, and the heart to mature, long-matured, was able to after his birth, to their own independent to survive in this world, so the latter is a period of fetal maturity.
we generally summarized into the following three stages, called the relative pain early pregnancy period,UGG shoes, the second trimester it was called the best correct and good nutrition period, to the third trimester of pregnancy when the sprint is the period before birth. So different periods of nutrient demand is not the same, we as pregnant women, should be how to grasp the nutritional needs of different periods, is the fetus and the mother's health is very critical issues.
From now on, we gradually give you a one of a simple introduction.
trimester: In general, we recommend early pregnancy from the time of heat from the protein, fat and in other aspects from the supplement does not require too much additional nutrients, because the fetal period is the period of cell division, pre-pregnancy period with only the basic nutritional requirements of the situation is balanced, the body can be achieved basically physiological needs. But now some studies suggest that, in the pre-pregnancy and early pregnancy should be appropriate to add nutrients such as folic acid can prevent cleft palate, cleft lip and neural tube-like illness that, so we generally recommend three-month period in early pregnancy to folic acid, the amount of general requirements of folic acid per day is 400 micrograms, is that the dose of 0.4 mg. this time in general, we can in the hospital or to the drugstore to buy folic acid, we believe that folic acid for the prevention of fetal neural tube disease certain advantages.
how to choose it from the perspective of food?
folic acid is actually the first of which derives from the leaves of vegetables,cheap UGG boots, so called folic acid. folic acid in green vegetables such substances which in general are relatively content more, then gradually as the development of science, we found in the liver, kidney, egg folate content of these foods which also pricey, so if you are eating a balanced and diverse choice of food then, basically is the ability to reach your nutrition the body's needs. Generally speaking, when folic acid in early pregnancy is to raise attention to aspects of an area.
In addition, the early time we must pay attention, because we just talked about earlier was mainly a response to the pregnancy environment, such as including progesterone and estrogen are changed, the corresponding change in the future there is some response to the mother, this time we have a process of adaptation. this process, we have from the perspective of nutrition and diet should be how attention? Generally, we suggested the choice of this time to try lighter, more digestible food and less to choose those who are more deep-fried or greasy, dirty food, so you can make your response to alleviate morning sickness.
same time we demand When choosing food not to be too partial eclipse, do not worry too much, some people think I am pregnant so sad reaction, can not eat, a food must spit. This is wrong and should be adjusted psychologically, to morning sickness is a normal reaction process, so help you smoothly through this period is also helpful. we generally recommend at this time to eat things like tomatoes, cucumber, green leafy vegetables, while some of you can stewed broth, so that pregnant women have some benefits. < br> the second trimester: early pregnancy after to enter the second trimester on, the second trimester of pregnancy is generally three months, basically the majority of pregnant women in early pregnancy has been smooth response through here, so this time the spirit of pregnant women, the appetite will great changes, many people feel the appetite increased significantly. this time we note that one is correct in the first trimester of pregnancy due to the phenomenon of malnutrition after reaction, the general nutrition requirements of pregnancy at the time to do something for three months routine examination, the time to do these checks according to your own circumstances and situation of fetal growth and development to choose you should pay attention to and adjustment of these nutrients.
addition, the appropriate time you want to add protein, the second trimester fetal growth and differentiation of various organs of an important period, this time for the protein needs of relatively large, that we often say things like some lean meat, like fish, milk, are rich in protein containing foods. In addition, as calcium, vitamins, minerals, and so must be appropriate to add. During this period the intake of nutrients, relatively speaking, than the period before pregnancy has improved, so when we choose to select food containing the food consumption of various nutrients .
third trimester: to the third trimester of pregnancy, when many people may think that the child feels a long growing fast, while that action has been started not so convenient, because in the 7 months after the fetus in the peritoneal cavity may relatively large footprint, you first eat something to eat, and eat while hungry. this time compared contradiction, the fetus is rapid during this period the growth period, while increasing nutritional requirements, how to do this time ? In this period, our food choices should be selected when some of the more intensive or relatively small size and relatively whole food nutrient supplement, in order to meet fetal growth and development needs in the body.
to choose how to ? We usually from several aspects to consider. because we know that nutrition is actually a process, not like a simple and rapid biochemical reactions in test tube-like, the human body there are many processes, digestion, absorption, metabolism, excretion, we nutritional supplements should take into account the time how to choose food. is not the same as with the original nutritional point of view, some people may think that eating fish good for the brain, some say food is good, in fact we have a system of diet structure, that I how to choose my food, is often said that the choice we are now eating behavior. acts of nutrition is very important, very important aspect. the first step, you need to ensure that your nutrition, you must first know how to choose the food, choose when to eat is beneficial to me. You choose how to put good food after the food with a reasonable range, is what we mean how to your diet is reasonable.
third aspect reasonable structure after as little as possible in order to be destroyed nutrition, you should pay attention to cooking methods. The most typical example, we all used to eat eggs, cooked, steamed food are relatively better digestion and absorption, digestion and absorption may take Fry to reduced, so this is what we all need to consider the issue, this is our time during pregnancy should be noted.
how to organize our diet then?
general, we believe that the time in the choice of several major food class must take care of the food, including cereals such as food, carbohydrate foods, like vegetables, fruits, food type, we generally choose the amount to about a pound to a half kilogram. Every day suggest you eat at noon When cooking, eat normal family use a disk about cooking. a dish is about half a catty about, such as three or four dishes at home for lunch, get together to eat an amount essentially is a Dayton amount of food to meet for dinner are the same, so choose when you basically know how much the amount of food.
also here to tell you, many people in the choice of food, you can easily walk into a misunderstanding, I remember two years ago, there was a pregnant woman, as husband and wife who are very educated, very knowledgeable, they often look at some books, turn some of the information, this thing is nutritious, that something nutritious, love to make child nutrition in particular good to do a lot of things to pregnant women to eat nutritious, he stacked all the nutritious stuff. 10 months the whole process of pregnancy, long-term process of pregnant women every day in fact, the environment, nutrition, maternal weight soared to more than several pounds before pregnancy. and so she did check with us when that child is not large in itself a long, pregnant women with normal blood pressure,UGG bailey button, the time to do some routine examination of urine protein, and so some of the symptoms appear, the two of them in particular do not understand, then to our outpatient nutrition counseling, I gave him a dietary survey, an analysis perspective, all of all of his nutrients than the normal two to three times more than the standard beyond!
any one thing we know all speak of a balanced, if uneven, it is actually a nutrient competition between the process of uneven experience adverse reactions after the machine. The most simple example, such as we all know, because children in the growth process of protein absorption to increase, not a hundred percent because of excess protein can be decomposed, such as will produce some waste, such as blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, which are to go through the kidney metabolism, protein food will increase the burden on the kidneys, leading to disease.
I The women talked about how to make reasonable arrangements, when she suddenly realized nutrition, said, She fetal growth and development and their health has a significant impact. So when we stress during pregnancy must pay attention to the rationalization of trophic structure.
other part, we have to choose something appropriate, like meat, fish, eggs, milk food for feeding, so that complement our high-quality proteins, including brain cells for growth and development of children would be beneficial.
Also select the part of the food such as soy products, which we talk about women in the choice of When food and eating with several aspects to note.
diet during pregnancy to give me the following errors all
prone to introduce some errors, these errors what is it?
blind and supplementary health care products trace elements: there is often some women come to us to ask some questions, for example, when I was pregnant should not eat health food, ah, I did not have another mother to eat, so that my children will not as good as other people hh we actually good kids so many years of clinical observations, not to say that you take in the health care products, we will certainly be beneficial to your child, and you do not eat health food may be your child's development is normal. Generally tell you when choosing health foods must be combined with their own physical condition, for example, did some testing and other dietary or nutrition survey found that what your body really is nutritional deficiencies or lack of something, you want the situation for their own added that the choice of health care products do not blindly or supplements, it would be counter-productive.
special emphasis for some time, Many Chi Daier or unusual child was born, and finally after an investigation found that the region is iodine deficient areas, many pregnant women, especially after seeing this report panic, rushed to the pharmacy or the counter preparations of iodine supplement purchase blindly. In fact the human body iodine are trace elements, very few requirements. In fact the process of cooking at home, such as the Beijing area of iodized salt, as long as normal eating will meet the needs. but we can from the food supplement, such as we recommended for pregnant women At least once or twice a week to eat seaweed soup, put some shrimp, put a little sesame oil washed with boiled water, eat once or twice a week, there is no need to buy preparations. This is what we want to draw attention, and that is not entered Such a blind misunderstanding.
food too: we must pay attention during pregnancy, when nutrition and malnutrition are actually a manifestation of nutritional imbalance, so we do not say to a pregnant hard to eat, Meng Chi, So, if weight control is not so good or looks excessive body weight, in fact, not good for the fetus and pregnant women. Generally, we recommend pregnant mothers in the entire length of your weight during pregnancy is about 25 pounds is the best, if your pre-pregnancy is a relatively lean body weight may be a little more weight, if you are overweight before pregnancy of pregnant women, weight may be slightly lower, this is the most reasonable. not a pregnancy was up three or four pounds, four or five pounds, This body of pregnant mother such as post-partum recovery as well as a whole is not necessarily good for pregnancy.
field questions from the audience: How do pregnant women calcium? pregnant cramps are not a calcium deficiency in the performance?
Liuyou Li: This mother a very good question, this is a very common problem, whether women should be calcium during pregnancy is also of concern to everyone in general, as many see a doctor inside the hospital often have what the doctor give you calcium, for calcium the question I In it we must give emphasis on three aspects, but also in terms of calcium, many people are misunderstanding, in fact, the absorption of calcium is divided into many channels, there are a number of conditions, at least the most basic of the three conditions to have. First, you have calcium sources of calcium intake should be sufficient, that is, the food in your calcium intake should be sufficient, first of all raw materials should be enough, this is what we call is not to add. If the diet is to eat of calcium, then do not have enough calcium supplement preparations.
second aspect, the absorption of calcium is conditional, in fact, the process of absorption is through the movement of skeletal muscle to bone up on your attachment, so that fishes absorb a great advantage, so you have a certain amount of appropriate exercise.
third aspect, the process in the absorption of calcium actually need some auxiliary elements as materials, such as we eat like vitamin D, that is our pregnant women must go through ultraviolet radiation, so we say that the process of calcium must pay attention to women during pregnancy to ensure that at least 40 minutes a day of outdoor exposure time, but do not look the strongest UV time, because most of the time may have damage to your skin. For example, we recommend around 10 to 11 can go out to accept the sun, such as 2,3 points after the afternoon to get some fresh air outdoors. < br> When you accept the sunlight to note that, Do not just stand there without moving due to some sports, such as walking, or doing simple exercises, such as another little stretch my legs, arms, on the absorption is help. So the question of calcium a big problem, but many people know there are errors, that I had to make, and in fact not the case, other additional conditions may also be passed unnoticed if such as feces or urine excretion, which is the process of calcium we should pay attention.
Also, when you have cramps during pregnancy is not the phenomenon of calcium deficiency in the performance? is that, if you have When the symptoms of lack of calcium, sometimes there will be cramping or numbness in the hand of the phenomenon, but certainly not cramp to calcium deficiency, there may be other factors in there, so do some diagnosis to the hospital.
Moderator: I users have just received the following question, ask an expert, how to know the baby and the mother's nutrient absorption balanced? how to eat may cause the baby's mother is not obese and have better absorption?
Liuyou Li: the problem well put, I think her mind is very clear. We often talk about the process throughout your pregnancy the mother should not only care, but also care for the fetus. the first two years, when many pregnant mothers also do not know how to nutrition and health, often heard Many mothers say, Doctor, what I eat good for a child, never the mother's own health first. The user said very well, considering both the health of the mother, because the fetus itself is not self-absorbed thing to He did not act to choose their own food, he is given his choice of food through the mother, the mother eating into the body after he got through the mother's food nutrition, so we must be concerned that the mother if the mother is a balanced nutritional intake , as long as no disease, in normal circumstances would be through its own channels, such as through the placenta to the fetus through the blood and so get their nutrition.
fetal life is very interesting on their own according to the needs of his body to grab the mother food. Why is the great mother in particular? because the mother is particularly dedication, we give a small example, when the mother during pregnancy is the most prone to calcium deficiency, but even when there is no calcium in particular the lack of attention to add, often born the children do not necessarily reflect the physical condition as the mother's so serious, this is why? fetuses have an instinct to survive is to grab as much as possible the nutrients they need, so no matter to what extent missing mother, baby or will do our best ability to meet their own lives, maintaining their own lives, so the mother actually gave birth to the fetus when the sacrifice of your nutrition and your body all.
so we talk about when you care about the fetus must be concerned about the mother, the mother fed the baby will be sufficient, as long as you do not have other diseases of the conditions will be sufficient.
Moderator: Site users there is a problem, it seems very popular now probiotics, and many There are added yogurt, probiotics for pregnant women to ask what benefit there? pregnant women, the food intake of probiotics have any requirements?
Liuyou Li: Now we all know there are many biological adding probiotics, in fact, this is intestinal absorption is very good product. We are also recommended for pregnant women to eat yogurt because the yogurt or milk than the light absorption rate even higher, and the calcium content of yogurt which is also relatively high, so we recommend that in general drink milk and yogurt when you can eat two alternate, Do not just drink milk instead of yogurt, so the effect of calcium may be better.
the audience: the teacher just said that the sun's problem, if, when the sun coated with sunscreen vitamin D intake will affect you
Liuyou Li: I'm no research on cosmetics. However, if topical sunscreen, or other parts of the body can absorb vitamin D,.
the audience: Now many are more partial sweet fruit, is this sweet ah?
Liuyou Li: fruit sugar inside this thing though, some tastes very sweet, but there is a lot of fructose if you do not have much to eat should not be effect, but if there are other diseases during pregnancy, if the doctor asks you to limit such foods need to be aware, and to consider the amount and degree of exposure you a question.
Moderator: now call Wang Yi to tell us something about the teacher, the teacher's lecture after Wang Yi we can continue to ask.
Wang Yi: I talk about the following topics and then Deputy Director Liu. In fact, Deputy Director Liu spoke today, especially small, from her professional perspective , according to month, speaking at each stage of growth and development. I am standing in another perspective. No matter how we eat have mastered the process of human metabolism, because you have mastered the process of metabolism, for your baby today, tomorrow in the elderly who are still applicable, and this is how we should spend his kind every day.
physiology and traditional Chinese medicine and told us that the morning sun is the best, our body, too, is the morning We are most productive when metabolism is the most abundant time to get nutrients. tell you what is the purpose of this is that no matter what daily intake, the best time is when the sun rises, sun rises, the most vigorous metabolic time. American nutritionists tell us that the first meal of the morning the day the body 50% of nutrient intake, and if do not eat breakfast, lunch and dinner and then rich people can only get 50% of the nutrients, the breakfast meal did not good job, 50% of your nutrition is lost, so how can cumulative live to be 100 years old, 120 years? so we want to live each day to the well, to improve the quality of each day, I would like to quantitative change can be bad. Every day the quality of life is where to start? from the mother began.
how to get up early to drink the first cup of water because when our body metabolic
when the body is a huge load of times, it is the most human metabolism productive time, hope you caught this time. breakfast is the start of the morning's first cup of water. the morning's first cup of water for healthy people is very important, more important for pregnant women. We normally would be very careful to tell you, The first cup is the life-saving water, you think too much fear, here it is all about I can not wait to put up the pores, uncomfortable, in fact, we put it plain that is healthy water. because the metabolism of the human body through the night after the body of all waste needs a wash, the wash of the process, we need to give a force, this force is the clear glass of water, our cells are like a dry sponge, when the water into the future to capture this water, about 40 minutes passed very quickly excrete, and excretion of the water metabolism is a process that we are concerned with detoxification. When the body's waste row down, we are the food intake of nutrients absorbed by the body is clean, so this morning glasses of water is very important.
cup of water to drink this morning was said honey, water, water, H2O, we say, there is no sugar and other nutrients, we eat on the excretion, and if we drink honey water, there is sugar, there is the process of transformation in the body, this process can not be quickly put away the garbage in our bodies, this is the morning and drink this cup, the importance of clear water.
our popular morning glass of water three, The first is the clear water, must be detoxification. The second cup is the lemonade, the lemonade is the value of what? Because lemon is sour, to increase our appetite in the morning, while the lemon is the molecular small to affect our metabolism is not conducive to flush out the water. and a cup of water, that is salt water, in fact, for many years in promoting the morning cup of salt water, in fact, this cup of water for constipation is a very good . This cup of clear water for our elderly to reduce the viscosity of blood.
here by my mother saying, This cup water meridian hour, from midnight to noon when the sun exposure, which is metabolic climax, this time is the first prone to the problem of blood viscosity, whether young, the elderly, children, the situation of water shortage have emerged, so we usually drink the glass of water. The first cup is important to important in the Here, when you get up in the night to urinate when you drink a glass of water, that is, reducing the chances of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease, so that we inadvertently receive the maintenance, but the key is the quality of our health. Today, when we talk about pregnancy the glass of water, we promote them this glass of water should have Qiye habit to drink, no Qiye habit to morning drinking.
I was asked a very practical question, you drink water? I have also drunk a lot of water, such as mineral water to drink I do not specifically a sign, I hope that in the very particular about the water, when in fact most worried about is the source of the problem, or want to choose a clear water, I hope you drink mineral water, it is the multi-brand change, many brands for that water is not the same origin, can complement each other. drink one brand of water to the water will always be the library, it is more monotonous, especially our special needs during pregnancy trace water elements, we take water for a change often, so make a good water source for the trace elements and better is necessary.
how to solve the problem of poor appetite
morning spoke to the morning talked about breakfast, because breakfast rush, when many people feel, especially the morning feel particularly bad appetite, we analyzed the two.
the first morning, the reasons for poor appetite, eat the night too much, because our habits, feeling only at this meal is the most abundant and most have time to eat, to cook at home can do, in a restaurant can also enjoy food, enjoy the chat, go home at night to sleep anyway the. but in fact very difficult to eat too much at night excretion. First, we fast during the day than at night Metabolism, and the second night we metabolic process is a long process, the body is putting an enormous burden. Some people say I am very busy during the day, especially our pregnant women to feel hungry at night time, how good mend,bailey UGG boots, and Chinese people often say this: eat less at night, our ancestors to tell us the evening yin tonic, the so-called negative is light food, vegetables , fruit, and our grain, while the fish is often on the negative class. I said that this implication is that if the evening meal should have a good selection method should be beneficial to digestion, so the next morning through the evening intake of vegetables We began the morning of the normal bowel movements. Why am to defecation, in fact, the trash is to the body, and then began to work.
us that night to drink a little milk, for calcium is good, all in all night, this meal load should be reduced. We went at night to eat a lot of positive impact of morning appetite. So to change, that morning, to increase appetite, natural food minus down at night, including our pregnant women are counted, if the words of the morning loss of appetite I offer you to test experimental methods to see if there is no life for your help.
second morning we get up people's cell is passive, unlike in the past can sleep when he woke up the sun rise We are sleeping now is the time, because of this reason, that reason must get up, get up the body's cells at this time there is no real evocation of activity, this time we need to stimulate him by force. In the past we see foreigners morning up and take a bath, I feel incredible, in fact, today we take a shower every morning is very easy, can also practice this thing, in fact, very simple secret that is alternately hot and cold water through the shower hit the body, thus stimulating cell excitability . In fact, you go red three minutes from half an hour than Liuwan save time, we are advocating that elderly people walk up in the morning and then come back to eat the morning of activities for pregnant women to eat again, for the office workers do not have time to dampen, way to dampen the body's metabolism for up, acid excretion started out, so we began to start the whole gastrointestinal function, and began to work out.
how many kinds of food
eat every day now, I say morning how to eat them. the morning meal is the day that 50% of nutrients, we must think of the morning to eat milk, eggs, whole wheat bread, all thought, but we are a small breakfast vegetables and less fruit. This is equivalent to the morning of nutrients 50% of our lack of a gap on the nutrient is divided into a few categories, including vegetables, fruits are rich in vitamins, dietary intake should be, so a little up in the morning to vegetables, fruits to eat.
also extended another ...

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