Thursday, November 4, 2010

First, college students Introduction to the daily rituals

 First, college students Introduction to the daily rituals

(a), the campus etiquette

1, classroom etiquette: to comply with student classroom discipline is the most basic courtesy.

(1) class: class bell rang, students should end sitting in a classroom, waiting for the teacher class, a teacher announced the class, the class should be promptly stood, say hello to the teacher until the teacher Dali after be seated. Students should be punctual to school, if in exceptional circumstances, forced into the classroom the teacher after class, teachers should first obtain permission before entering the classroom.

(2) Attendance: In the classroom, the teacher explained to listen, concentration, independent thinking, the important content should take notes. When the teacher's question, you should first raise their hands, until the teacher points to your name can stand up and answer, to speak, the body should stand at attention, attitude to be graceful, the sound should be loud and clear, and should the use of Putonghua.

(3) class: when you hear the bell rang, the teacher has not announced if the class, students should feel at ease to speak, do not just clean up the books, or the ping-pong table, the sound of confused, this is the teacher no respect. The classroom, all the students still need to rise and each teacher said: Until the teacher left the classroom, students may leave.

2, clothing instrument: wearing the basic requirements are: fit; timely; clean; generous; stress situations.

3, schoolmates etiquette: the deep friendship between the students living in one of the power of solidarity. Note polite manners among students, is that you get a good relationship between students the basic requirements. Among students can be with each other by their first names, but not with When the students are asking to be using When studying and living supplies to borrow, then consent should take, should be promptly returned after use, and to thank. Unfortunately for the students to encounter the occasional failure of temporary learning backward, not ridicule, sneer, discrimination, and should be given the enthusiastic help. The appearance of the students, body, clothing can not be judgmental, does not give the students from the insulting nickname, the students must not laugh at the physiological defect. In the matter of the issue of self-esteem must be careful to respect Canada, the students not to talk about taboo topics, it should not discuss the students are not.

4, liturgical assembly: assembly at school events often. Usually in the playground or hall, as the large number of participants, but also a formal occasion, and therefore pay particular attention to the liturgical assembly. Flag-raising ceremony: the flag is a symbol of the country, down flag is patriotic education of young people a way. Flag, all the students should be lined up neatly arranged, facing the flag, stood in tribute. When the flag-raising, national anthem, we should stand at attention, hat, with eyes ceremony, until the flag is completed. The flag is a serious, solemn event, we must keep quiet. To solemn manner, when the national flag rising, all persons present should be made payable to watching.

5, etiquette in public places on campus: It should be conscious to keep the campus clean, not in the classroom, corridor, playground, throw confetti, peel, no spitting, dumping trash. Not blackboards, walls and desk chair graffiti, graffiti, random wipe, chaotic moment, care of the school of public property, flowers and trees, save water and electricity. Consciously kept the bike shed or in designated locations, not Luantingluanfang, not internal traffic. Meal in the cafeteria to line up comity, not chaos crowded, to cherish food, leftovers are not fly-tips.

6, Library etiquette: enter the library, reading room to dress neatly, do not wear slippers vest. The museum to be in sequence. When seated, move the chair to be silent. Do not occupying a seat as a friend. Walk to light, so as not to influence others. Do not read out when reading the sound, and do not and acquaintances talk. Not to use the reading room to rest, sleep.

access to library card catalog, do not turn into chaos tore the card, the card should not be painted. To take care of books, with light, light turned, light place. Because they need certain information can not be damaged books, secretly cut book is extremely immoral. Books on the asking price should be registered by access, not to occupy more than the same time. After reading back in place immediately, so as not to influence others to read. Borrow books should be on the return.

7, respect for teachers: the ancient Chinese tradition of respecting teachers of virtue, the teacher in the community bear the

China has five thousand years of civilization, known as the Etiquette of Chinese traditional culture of civilization as an important part of the historical development of Chinese society from a wide range of far-reaching impact, its content is very rich. Etiquette involved in a very broad range, into almost every aspect of society in ancient times. Ancient China, In ancient China, etiquette is in order to meet the needs of society at that time, from the clan system, derived hierarchical relations are equal, and thus produce it with the characteristics and limitations of that era. Today, the modern and ancient rituals have been very different manners, we must abandon the exploitation of those services, etiquette classes, focusing on selection still active today, the tradition of universal civilization and etiquette, such as respect for the old King Yin, Miriam is still appropriate, courtesy analyzer, a whole other capacity, to transform and Heritage. This is good for the cultivation of personal qualities, for the Harmonious interpersonal relationships, social trends shaping the civilization, the construction of socialist spiritual civilization, with a modern value. Are tested are as follows: First, respect for the old King Yin of China from primitive society to feudal society, the political ethics of interpersonal relations are the clan, family kinship as a link, which therefore respect from the ancestors in the family, respect for elders in the community. Ancient China respected the Courtesy and benevolent, the history of King Yin has become a requirement. Mencius said: This ancient tradition of etiquette, for the formation of sentimental relationships, and the orderly and harmonious relationship between ethics, regardless of the past and the modern, play an important role. Speaking of respect for the old, traditional Chinese culture which is a major feature. Ancient respect for the elderly, not just stop at the ideas and preaching, but also goes beyond just the ordinary people's lives. From the monarch, Gentry to the gentry class, are personally, and the formation of a pension in respect of the rules and etiquette. That is, five years old or older do not have to personally hunt, but in the distribution of prey to get a favorable. Some ancient books, for the same volume when the elders speak, also made a specific demand. Such as In short, from the noble king, issued common people the people, must follow certain rules, with a variety of ways to express old man, elderly people in the honor of Italy, as a measure of whether a person has an important symbol of accomplishment. Any form of society, need to respect the elderly. Not only because the elderly experience deep, broad knowledge, experience and more work and long hours contribute the society should be respected; the same time, their poor physical and mental needs of young people caring, care and assistance. As a polite modern youth, the elderly and the elderly, it should do: Lu Yu active humility, car seat initiative, in shops, cinemas and other public places, should be taken into account to create convenient conditions for the elderly. About Jingxian, when the three countries have a story, called That is admired Zhuge Liang to Liu Bei, to ask him to help them conquer the world, we have taken the trouble to go to the wise live in thatched cottage invite him to take. Again and again, before agreeing to Zhuge Liang. From then on, Zhuge Liang's ingenious brought into full play, as Liu Bei's cause, Throughout the history of ancient China, as the monarch has always been mostly very seriously Zūn Xián by Yin, regarded as the determinants of national security. Usually do not Jingxian, to the critical moment, talented people will not share those concerns for the country. Sake is not for the country is not more capable,bailey UGG boots, but the country ease Yin forget who, and so Today, we advocate to carry forward the ancient Today's society, a variety of increasingly fierce competition. All the competition, the final analysis, talent competition. Nation as large as small companies, in fierce competition to maintain a superior position, must have a strong talent. Only from the ideas and concepts into concrete action to respect, love people, so that the whole society into a respect for knowledge and talent of the good environment, to form a strong enough talent, to be invincible. Second, the instrument is still suitable for the Chinese nation has always been focused through the form of a rich emotional expression of people's hearts. In case of major holidays and important events occurred, more than a conventional instrument moment. Such as access to harvest, to celebrate the singing; was evil, we must pray for the grace of God. Over time, the formation of many festivals and liturgical forms, such as the Spring Festival, Lantern Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, Double Ninth Festival, and so, almost every festival, there are specific rituals. In ancient times, marriage, funerals and festivals and other activities is a major event as a social life to treat, and its ritual provides exceptionally detailed and thorough, from clothing, utensils to the specifications, procedures and manner of the position, have specific requirements. Today, we must maintain and carry forward the Chinese civilization and good manners, the most important point is that you in the appropriate. Such as two-way advocated that: Shows the scale of the ceremony is appropriate, proper tattoo is necessary, but the tattoo will result in excessive extravagance, deviate from the requirements of the rite; and too mean, impede the implementation of the ceremony is inappropriate. This view is ancients brilliant ceremonies held today in our guiding role. In today's social activities, ceremonies are still held indispensable. The company opened, marriage and children, all kinds of festivals, has a different ceremony. We must grasp the scale of ceremonies, we must master the principles of moderation, to make the necessary instrument of modern civilization, with the combination of moments, the activities related to both mark the occasion, but not so flashy. In particular, we are opposed to that through weddings, funerals, celebrations of the machine, profile wedding, the phenomenon of conspicuous consumption; against the idea that the more solemn ceremony, the better, more in line with the more luxurious the rite of practice. Such as: the current number of newly married couples to make the wedding enough pomp, show off, another competition, get in debt, causing a huge waste. Despite the impact of even some leading cadres, abuse of power for their children, receive large gifts, encourage Wasteful. This is neither in line with our tradition, not in line with our national conditions, the people. Third, be polite, any civilized society, any civilized nation, people are always paid great attention to courtesy and manners. According to human society because of politeness in order to promote friendly and harmonious interpersonal ethics is one of the building to get along with others from the bridge. It marks the process of civilization of a society,Discount UGG boots, reflecting the spirit of a nation. The Chinese nation has always attached great importance to follow the rite, polite. Many interesting short experience, both past and present, are inspirational. Specifically, there are the following two points: (a) with people with people,UGG boots clearance, be good at the head. And this If the surface warm and respectful, while the inner hypocrisy, or simply respect the heart, and no expression, is not enough. Should be the same table in order to fundamentally eliminate the barriers between people, friction, and thus mutual respect and love, friendship and harmony. Respect for others, we should treat people equally, without distinction of class, non-discriminatory. If only those who offer their homage to the upper level, financial situation to get people to pay the interests of people, in fact as a little man. Meet, even if they were young, Confucius must stand up. Walk through the front of others, we must quickly come to show respect. Ancient King's method, but also a place worth learning. Must respect the wishes of others, understanding the needs of others and taboos, not a difficult one. Not demanding others do not do, not force others to accept not like. The ancients said: Contacts with people, humor and good jokes are often brings pleasant, but must not be teasing fun. If you take another name for the jokes, or indecent people from the nickname, is very disrespectful. Northern and Southern Dynasties tui had in terms of such disrespect angry: (B) reciprocity reciprocity is an important criteria to be polite. That is, to accept other people's good intentions, must be reported in the same veneration. Thus, interpersonal communication can be equal and friendly in a virtuous cycle continues. Therefore, the For stipendiary who, it should drop received, the smallest favor. In the eyes of the ancients, no more injuries than the ungrateful Rende. Confucius said: is to treat people's basic morality. Of course, between the ceremony and also the moderate. gifts intention is to pay homage to A shot of Italy, the so-called re-gift lightly, not better. as said: He has no reason to co who is no reason to leave. able to maintain personal dignity, virtue and duration can also help. ancient thinkers had to take an animal's fur and the people bearing the instrument compared to animals without fur, not for the beasts; lost rites, that is not a person . ancients the requirements of the instrument, can not help but be too complicated. One of the most important, have the following three aspects. (a) of the dress looks: . even nausea, who would such a person close to it. Of course, the dress must be suited to their occupation, age, physical characteristics, environment and contacts to get along with the customs, the decent and generous choice. makeup, artificial, only counterproductive. (b) behavior: Confucius said: can not consolidate. Specifically, the requirement to achieve not frivolous, not obscene, it should be dignified, careful, calm,UGG bailey button, so ) speech rhetoric: Language is the people's thinking, sentiments and cultural enrichment of the mirror. ancients called the foundation, there is some truth. and to a natural person, up and down two rows of teeth on the tongue closely muffled, and the outer layer of bread, thick lips, that they should be careful to speak. Of course the ancients and is asking people to less words, but speak as the case may be, when said said that, when the silence is silent. Confucius said: Yet people who know, do not slip of the tongue

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