Sunday, December 12, 2010

Patty Jay love the old paper reviews the trend analysis

 Chou and Hou anchor had affair after the open, to specifically do for them, the following analysis and forecasting, it seems, and sure enough as was expected in general, started hot, but the rapid decline. Debated, is still quite interesting.
Jay finally admitted their love, and the inner world of the superstars like escapism finally determine with certainty who you love. Anyway, this is a great of its own progress, is the first step to overcome their defects of character.
many people still remain in Jay's cheating incident (which means a third party get involved in) the controversy and criticism in the popular vocabulary to Taiwan with the mainland are all of a sudden the market. but I'm afraid very few people can From his own point of view out there so why do they attract. and in this series of articles which, I will expose you from a complete astrological Jay, a complete Patty, and a complete love the trend.
for the lifetime of the correction
Jay Small Jay Chou was born in January 18, 1979, the specific time and have not been announced. but because of leaving a lot of talk shows and various entertainment reports can serve as a comprehensive analysis of projections. in Taiwan The most popular of recent interviews show , in all of the rising sign, the favorite sorts of stuff to say is a Leo and Scorpio. However, the lion is the so-called The so-called Leo fell, while Leo ruled by Sun, and .
Another point where the sign fell, reflecting the choice of spouse, Jay describes himself as the image of dreams, beauty on the right.
by two-factor authentication, we have to basically determine the time Jay was born, about two in the morning.
autistic children to escape and indulge in fantasy and Joyce
analysis of the Jaycee article, has talked about the important role of the moon for the individual, Jay's Virgo Moon conjunct Saturn, Mercury, arch, square Neptune. together with a Capricorn moon of Saturn features, belong to the more severe autistic tendencies, it is difficult to heart smooth expression.'d dated relatively good water arch position, that he is basically a more objective look at the issue of people, unfortunately this mare will weaken the positive power of punishment, many specific problems in the face of time, Jay will have to escape tendency to retreat. So his private life, so that autistic Jay added escape to admit, can be described as too difficult.
In fact, If you are interested, you can see jolin's birthday plate, you will find her moon in Scorpio, Scorpio Moon person may never be the first to tell the truth, must be very sure the other's ideas, it would make a decision. then we might imagine one, even if two people really want to love the above development, something of a self-closing do not say, would rather wait for each other before a confession, how could there be a good development? even if two people have some meaning, it is estimated will simmer in silence. jolin with just the sun in Virgo, are men and women at co-month Anti-compatible, that is, we often say, Passionate love the concept of
said Jay love, in fact, somewhat self-contradictory. Jay mentioned above like beauty, then what kind of beauty like it? from Venus in Sagittarius and in the first house point of view, like the kind of passionate Jay has a strong self-advocates girls, this point of view, more shy Jolin does not have, and Sagittarius are fully qualified Patty.
As for cowardice, it is Fengyun Venus and Saturn also has a negative phase is related to the excessive suppression of Saturn on Venus, life will love the Lord has brought too much pressure on concerns about will find a tendency in young people older than themselves for their own relief this self-stress, overcome fear of interpersonal communication. And Patty than he is just a wealth of experience to such a request. Therefore, a person really love is what you want, rather than the strict sense of each other.
topics in love outside, may wish to talk about Jay Why is high school, we all know, the community can be taught to children to determine whether, often based on the performance of the child is a child. Then the moon Jay is co-autistic Saturn, with Mercury fell Capricorn, and Saturn to be arch, can be said to fully demonstrate the features of Saturn, is thought reaction is very slow, often feeling stupid (you can find now if you watch Jay Chou speech is still very vague, which has a lot to the characteristics of Mercury), but Mercury is often characteristic of people that very strong sense of rhythm, but also good memory and accumulation. so embarked on the road was singing, but also is in line with their strengths. So if people reading this will do the parents, their children do not feel stupid to kill a stick, maybe it will achieve extraordinary!
love Jay Chou, Patty Hou trend analysis (2): beautiful women anchors < br> Patty and Jay came in love before, but little known in Taiwan as a province host. Zhouhou love with the successful exposure of the sex scandal, described as a sensation, so all the entertainment media across the continent started to pay attention look as good as gold actually it is not the case in the female anchor.
because the information is limited, so when the correction for the Patty doing business, you may need to rely on assumptions and projections a little more.
to Patty for the lifetime correction
Patty, Born December 20, 1978, the specific time is unknown. the birth of her analysis, the main starting from the moon. (Note: The following analysis may be some applications a lot more Miyaji stars theory, need to have some understanding of astrology personnel to facilitate understanding)
since December 20 this time, just the moon from Leo to Virgo's cross-border transfer of the time. So, what is a Leo or a Virgo Moon do?
quoted reports saying, Patty in the Times, is the bit Anne of Green Gables, according to the same session, the boys say: She is very low profile at school, but also no one knew her, the girl was a lot of people famous than her. people, and there is no suppression of Saturn, will never let people feel a low profile, will work hard to fight for their right to be praised.
coupled with media comment Hou anchor Leo moon and a girl, can not be reconciled into the kitchen, it touches the moon Virgo, will clean up the house cooking as a pleasure.
Moreover, we should remember that the moon also happens to be Jay Virgo. We speak both to attract, that they will attach great importance to the moon with the constellation of appeal. because the same people who sign the Moon share a common inner needs, such as with the moon in Virgo, will be relatively realistic, stable life and extraordinary attention to life's little pleasures . Therefore, it will be, Patty moon is very big possibility of a virgin.
integrated the above three points, we boldly speculate Patty's Virgo moon, then, in this day, in line with the moon rising sign of Virgo Only the possibility of Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo 7 possible. in order to apply this increased 7 can be found up a possible four stars by the other stars the main criminal grams, and rising sign grams of the main stars of the girls are often subject to punishment not reach the eyes of the public standards of beauty, so only Aries, Taurus, the lion three possibilities. observe Patty's behavior and feelings to others, in any case not like fiery, impulsive as the increase in the fire, only the steady increase in the most discreet of Taurus found.
further below to determine the time, from day look at what is water bottle or a Capricorn. transit like a water bottle to play a relatively free independent professional, such as a reporter of the class; and Capricorn transit administration is partial, then in accordance with the present situation, transit and further identified as water bottles.
Therefore, through comprehensive analysis and assumptions to determine the final Patty's birth about 15 o'clock in the afternoon .
is life, as you explore more than
Patty University of Southern California BA in contemporary women, can be considered a typical high level of education. This natural and inseparable from her own personality. Patty Mercury fell like constant develop their own opinion, keep any knowledge of Sagittarius, and Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter, with 120 degree arch phase, and further enhances this character. can be said that continuous access to knowledge, experience and ideas to improve their own, is her fun. Whether the media to study abroad, or the final into the news industry are inextricably linked with her own preferences.
Although Patty subjective qualifications is high, and a rich background, but this does not prevent her a very subjective one fundamental, preconceived notions can easily be about their own judgments. coupled with the sun itself is a Sagittarius man, things start to often cynical, do not do too much detailed analysis, which often determine errors, self-righteous.
Take the Zhouhou romance, both sides behind the educational differences, reflects a much different way of thinking the two sides can be said that an open, a depression, to the final implementation of the specific real life there, is certainly not optimistic.
love about the outcome but the indomitable Patty Venus Scorpio
but since the feelings of external recognition, to show that she was prepared to invest seriously in this affair was. For a woman Scorpio Venus, this is not that simple. Venus Scorpio is always facing the feelings very carefully at the beginning, waiting for the other's input is confirmed, will follow up. and when to follow up, do not Kensa hand, use various means to try to firmly control the were feeling, careless put all their thoughts and efforts put into it all, does not fit the typical Nadeqilai lovers.
Therefore, in the future even if there is a variety of sub-harmonic factor, I believe she is not so easy to let go Even if knowing is not good, it would be easy to be willing to discard. So may eventually become the most injured, and that is herself.
speaking, however, precisely because of Scorpio falls down, she is like this Jay cold cool, work hard and very diligent guy. As for the future direction of two people, I will conduct a comprehensive analysis below.
love Jay Chou, Patty Hou Trend (3): passion and fire fighting over
Several other people who study astrology reading together a panel of two people, not help sigh of relief, not that much of how two people feel good, but fairly typical example, basically there would be no chance of error. As predicted, can responsibly say that two people will eventually come to the stage to go.
way also looked at the website of Taiwan's few numerology, probably is the same on the conclusions, conclusions are ultimately much noise bickering over the unpleasant breakup.
Why do you say, the other may have their own interpretation of numerology, astrology combined now take a look at the explanation given right panel:
course, we can not deny that two people share a joint panel some very good positive interaction, which from the contents of two articles can be seen. But the two get along in the positive and negative effects is not mathematically simple calculations, several positive factors that can offset the negative power. a negative impact, good for thousands of longitudinal, or objective reality.
So, the combination of the plate, sun and the moon 11 points off the house, 7th house, the formation of arch-phase 120 degrees, indicating that the two people in the overall feel very harmonious relationship if two people are, they are complementary; moon harmony, but also human life, especially in the harmony of the two, plus the involvement of Mars in the disk, I can safely say that two people sex life will be very coordinated, full of surprises.
However, there are two distant planet from the difficulties caused by the phase, determines the outcome of this run-down of love.
first first, Neptune and Saturn is 90 degrees negative phase. in their own separate chart, the two Sea King Saturn in fact have a negative phase of 90 degrees, in the combination plate, but this trend is a strong stack. Neptune Saturn negative phase, it will make a person would have easy unfounded, thinking; then worry about the outcome when two people together, it will start to many trivial matters a thousand times magnification of view, it is easy for some other small faults were exaggerated argument. and the future, if two people really want to form a couple, how could not face the trivial matters, as if everything were the Iraq war, then how can there be peace in the days?
then second, Pluto and Mars is negative 90 degrees phase. This is even more frightening. This shows that two people get along with the process, turn into the situation of use of each other, trying to keep each other's hands to do things to help themselves. other offerings in the impact of fire is also a very deep tempered strength lies. taking into account the same time two people are in a strong Mars in Capricorn. dispute over whether two people will turn into the next fight is also unknown.
Thus combining these two points, two contacts at the beginning of warm waves, extremely comfortable, but with a better understanding of the beginning to endless war and escalating, no peace. such marriage, who can endure it?
So, this feeling is doomed no final results . Even if the combination of unbearable eventually lead to breaking up. But now that this may still be a little early. but the choice of a lover, to choose their own destiny, just want to get yourself into two people each.

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