Wednesday, December 1, 2010

General Assembly resolutions on the branch

 1. Resolution range. Fan Zhu required to submit a general membership meeting to discuss and decide important issues, the general should be a resolution or decision. Some of the contents of the meeting as to convey the spirit of the higher Party organizations, or study the party's files, or on gave lectures, or the party's other activities, generally do not make resolutions.

2. Preparing the draft resolution. Branch of the General Assembly discussed the issue, first through the branch committee to discuss the general research, preliminary comments by the branch committee and programs in order to facilitate a general membership meeting to discuss and make decisions. Branch of the Committee's preliminary views and programs, providing general membership meeting for discussion and revision, and finally by the branch of the General Assembly to make a formal resolution. Branch committee of a resolution or decision of issues, a general membership meeting and denied the right to modify.

3. Democratic discussion. Branch of the topics discussed when the General Assembly should encourage and support members to fully express their views, to focus on the views of the right to make the right resolution. In a general membership meeting, the branch committee deems it necessary, can also be a branch of the Committee to discuss issues in the different views to the branch of the General Assembly for introduction to the Council members for discussion. Some branches in the branch committee members discussed the comments when an issue has not been adopted, or, having been adopted, but later realized that there was a change made in the branch and the branch committee of the General Assembly on the different views are allowed. Of course, the branch members to make such a statement should be careful to respect the views of the collective, it is best to change prior to their views and explain the reasons to the branch secretary. But not in the branch of the Committee have different views when discussing the issue deliberately did not mention, and in the branch meeting suddenly released. This approach is not conducive to the work of the party and the party's unity is not consistent with the principle of party spirit.

4. Vote. Branch of the General Assembly adopted resolution is an extremely serious matter, the members should each have the right to vote to the party responsible attitude, to vote on the issue, clearly expressed their support or opposition. Members if the situation is unknown,UGG shoes, it is difficult to express their views, to abstain from voting is permitted. But the comrades to abstain from the principle according to the majority of action taken on the subject branch of resolutions the General Assembly. Branch of the General Assembly should try to avoid the case of abstention, branch committee shall inform all members in advance of the issues in order to prepare for party members in the branch of the General Assembly to fully express their views. Each party should also take positive and responsible attitude in the party, clearly indicate their views, do not easily give up their right to vote. Branch of the General Assembly adopted the resolution, there must be more than four-fifths of the voting branch of the official party members attend to the meeting by more than half of the voting members agreed a formal resolution be effective. Sent by the higher Party organizations to participate in a general membership meeting of the comrades, not in the branch because of organizational relationships, have a say, and no right to vote. Branch of the General Assembly to discuss and decide the issue, if there is considerable disagreement, and sometimes difficult to unity, as long as not urgent matters, do not make a hasty decision, allowing us to make some brewing separately, and then proposed, one is not, one or two more meetings, and strive to agreement. If the matter is urgent, not because a small number of comrades who hold different views but do not delay decision should be based on the principle of majority vote, a decision will delay the work. Branch passed a resolution not to take the way of individual comments. Because only hold a general membership meeting, after full discussion, exchange of unity of thinking,Discount UGG boots, can only be guaranteed to make the right resolution. Some at the meeting, the right not to be the gay way to take individual comments, the views of their information is available at the meeting, but in the vote, their opinions can not be counted as affirmative or negative vote.

branches, groups of institutions working

1. Party secretary of the main responsibilities?

branch secretary at the branch on a collective leadership, in accordance with the branch membership meeting, Zhiwei Council resolutions,UGGs, responsible for conducting daily work of the party branch.

(1) responsible for the branch committee and branch members to convene the General Assembly; the specific circumstances of the unit, carefully implemented to convey the party's line, principles, policies and higher resolutions, instructions; research branch of the work arrangement, the branch the work of the major issues in a timely manner and a general membership meeting will be submitted to Zhiwei discussed and decided.

(2) members understand the ideas, work and study and found that the problem solved in time, do regular ideological and political work.

(3) Check the branch of the work plan and the implementation of the resolution problems on time to the branch committee members report to the General Assembly and the next higher Party organization.

(4) regular members and at the same level with the executive branch responsible to maintain close contact, exchange information, support their work, coordination unit within the party, government,UGG boots, industry, group relations, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of .

(5) Zhiwei will do a good job of learning, time and life will be held Zhiwei, strengthen unity, improve group of people themselves, and give full play to the role of collective leadership will Zhiwei.

branch branch secretary, deputy secretary of the assistance work. Secretary's absence, chaired by the deputy secretary of the branch's daily work.

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