Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Adjust the minimum wage for Guangdong, the average social wage of 40%-boai-laoliu Bo ...

 Adjustment of the minimum wage in Guangdong will be adjust the impact, how do? Guangdong has made it clear to adjust the minimum wage for three consecutive years, the goal is how much? this morning, the Provincial Labor and Social Security Office Director Chen Siyi labor and wage adjustment of the minimum wage to a hot interview said that the Guangdong adjustment of the minimum wage will continue to take Some categories increased 17.8%. the minimum wage adjustment is generally considered conducive to upgrading the industrial structure of Guangdong, but do have some low-profit social services sector, have also been greater pressure, how do? In this regard, Chen Siyi analysis, the adjustment is based on economic and social development in Guangdong, considering the recent economic growth, employment status, and other factors set the price level is appropriate and feasible. for some help expand employment and provide community services such as low-profit sectors may be affected, should two ways: on the one hand, the survival of these enterprises can not rely on lowering wages to laborers; the other hand, some do need to support the industry, suggested that the relevant authorities to conduct investigation and study, under certain conditions with the actual situation may be considered to provide some policy support, tax incentives and so on. Recently, a greater price index rose, while the minimum wage increase will promote wage growth, which will add to price pressures continue to rise? on this question, Chen Siyi that wages reasonable level rise, will not cause price increases. It should be said, compared with the level of economic development in recent years, the proportion of GDP, wages relatively low, the adjustment of the minimum wage, but also take into account price changes more factor. in taking groups of minimum wage standards, consumer goods accounted for the bulk of expenditures, even if this demand of the factors that affect the price to some extent, it will soon be leaving as the increase in output prices, thus its impact is only temporary. Guangdong has explicitly raising the minimum wage for three consecutive years, adjusting the target level? Chen Siyi said, there is generally equal to the monthly minimum wage for 40% of the average monthly wage -60%, Guangdong adjustment of the minimum wage will continue to take ; <

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