Sunday, May 8, 2011

Do not leave things seen through the

Some things in this world, you will not see through, leaving a bit mysterious, leaving a little hazy, leaving a trace of suspense, some may be more interesting.
magic, if you let the audience see through the tactics, know know-how, this art will come to an end; face, because everyone so far have not seen through the truth of its technology to repeated speech repeated the new, popular, a quintessence .

friends, and for different purposes: or for friendship, like-minded; or for the benefit and mutual advantage; or for the wine and meat, eat, drink - can be too good to be like brothers. However, if the falcon-like sharp eyes, see through the motivation of every friend of a friend, you may become a loner, Of course, not confused you sell to friends, you count the money for him.

romance, The people are really there, but not much. In real life, two people can come together and certainly the cupboard: you are my young and beautiful map, I figure that you of adequacy; you figure that I tender and beautiful, pleasant, and I figure that you great wealth; you figure that I gentle and virtuous, I figure that you have a stable income ... ... the inherent elements of these emotions, not only do not see through, not to say thoroughly, otherwise very boring or obscure some of the good. And who says money can not love and love into one? Who can love it and love the very clear distinction? Pure but pure love, where to look on the go?

make contributions on the battlefield, should completely seen through, but to kill to kill to go, you grab that I would win, winner takes all. If so view it without our still thinking Xiang Yu, This history will become too boring, too boring, too boring.

the sacred science of it enough to explore the natural mysteries, for the benefit of human society. But if really seen through, is that nest in the laboratory all day, and dealing with a bunch of bottles and jars, test to test to go, get some data, collected two papers have a put a small prize. Darwin busy for a lifetime, but is found in the human from monkeys; said that the great Newton, Apple is no more than find out the truth from falling down! Fortunately, scientists are not see through people, obsessed not change, perseverance, painstaking, great care, one way to go black, only today's scientific advancements, economic prosperity, social progress, hundreds of millions of creatures enjoying the fruits of scientific research .

by extension, if seen through, show business is just a bunch of mad men and women play the fool, neurotic, mentally very, also thinks pride; Bianji cause, in the final analysis is Clothes

family is the most precious emotions, if seen through their contact link, but necessary for human reproduction is an advanced reflex, did not go beyond animal. As ferocious crocodiles, but also a loving mother and cruel wolf, caring for children are a plus.

Living life, when there are eye: see through the nature of the enemy, improper East Guo; see through the villain's face, not with the company of; see through the lies of liars, do not be deceived; see through the mischief of those with ulterior motives, not person acting as a proxy; see through bribery of those sugar-coated bullets, do not believe his rhetoric. But do not have all the people and things are seen through, such as family, love, career, friendship and so on. What are people who see through, is idiot, Manhan downright, no cure; and those savvy to the bones of people, those who see through everything, to live both tired and not any fun, is not the person to pay . In fact, seen through our own, we are most happy people, confused, happy, peace, people do not say

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