Wednesday, May 25, 2011

100 in sales trick

in sales trick ----------------------------------------- 100 --------------------------------------- A person to old age, poor and bitter, that is not what that person did wrong before, but he did not do anything. 1. Sales representatives, sales knowledge is undoubtedly the need to master, there is no knowledge as the foundation of sales, can only be regarded as speculation, can not really experience the wonders of marketing. 2. A successful marketing is not an incidental story, it is to learn, plan, and a sales representative of the knowledge and skills in the use of the results. 3. Promote the use of common sense completely, but only confirmed these ideas into practice by those who used the positive in order to be effective. 4. Made before the blockbuster performance, we must first do the tedious preparations. 5. Pre-sales preparation, planning must not be negligent contempt, come prepared to winner. Get ready to sell tools, opening remarks, the questions asked, to say the words, and the possible answers. 6. Fully prepared in advance and out of the scene inspired by the power of comprehensive, often very easy to achieve success in the collapse of strong opponents. 7. The most outstanding sales representatives are those who approach the best and most knowledgeable of goods, services, sales representative for the most thoughtful. 8. Of relevant information with the company's products, brochures, advertisements, etc., must work to discuss, memorize, and competitors to gather advertising, promotional materials, brochures, etc., to study, analyze, so do know ourselves, so that it can truly know ourselves. Take appropriate countermeasures. 9. Sales representatives must read more on the economy, sales of books, magazines, in particular, to read a newspaper every day to understand the state, society, news events, visiting customers days before, this is often the best topic, and not ignorance, knowledge shallow. 10. Order to obtain the road looking for customers from the beginning, develop customer sales is more important than the immediate, if you stop to add new customers, sales representatives no longer a source of success. 11. No good deals to customers on the sales representative must also harmful, this is the most important piece of business ethics. 12. In visiting customers, the sales representative should be a criterion when the believer is also necessary to grasp even a fall of sand. Means that sales representatives can not go home empty handed, even if the market is not traded, let the customer be able to introduce you to a new customer. 13. Select customers. Measure the willingness and ability of customers to buy, do not waste time hesitant people. 14. A strong first impression of the important rule is to help people feel important. 15. Appointment on time - late means: I do not respect your time. Is no excuse for being late, if not avoid the occurrence of late, you have to open up the phone before the appointed time past, to apologize, and then continue to sell the unfinished work. 16. Can make a purchase decision to the President the power to sell. If you're selling to buy no power to say, you can not sell something for. 17. Each sales representative should be aware that only staring your customers. Sales to be successful. 18. Planned and naturally close to the customer. Make customers feel good, and can smoothly negotiate, a sales representative must work hard to prepare in advance and strategies. 19. Sales representatives can not visit every one of his customers a deal, he should try to visit more customers to increase the percentage of transactions. 20. To understand your customers, because they determine your performance. 21. In a good sales representative before you want to be a good investigator. You have to discover, to tracking, to investigate, until Mozhun all customers, enabling them to become your good friends until the next. 22. I believe your product is a necessary condition for sales representatives: this confidence given to your customers if you have no confidence in their own products, your customers will not have confidence to discuss it naturally. Customers so much is because the logic of talking to you was that high levels of the eye, you might as well say he was deeply convinced confidence. 23. Stand the failure of a good sales representative performance, in part because they sell the products themselves and the confidence in the letter. 24. Understand customers and meet their needs. Understand customer needs, as if walking in the dark, vain and not see the results. 25. For sales representatives, the most valuable thing than time. Understand and select a customer, is to make sales on behalf of their time and efforts on the most likely customers who buy, rather than waste can not buy your product people. 26. There are three rules to increase sales: - is important to focus on your customers, and second, more focused, more concentrated the three is more. 27. There is no gap between customers, there is hierarchy. Customer rating determined by the number of visits, time, sales representatives can make the time to play the greatest efficiency. 28. Close to the customer must not stereotyped formulaic, must be well prepared in advance for all types of customers, to take the most appropriate manner and close to opening. 29. Marketing opportunities are often - vertical disappearing, must quickly and accurately determine, pay attention to avoid disappointment, we should strive to create opportunities. 30. Focus on the right target, the correct use of time and the right customer, you will have to sell the eye of the tiger. 31. The golden rule of marketing is what you like other people to you, how you treat others; criteria platinum selling hi times by the way people treat people. 32. Allow customers to talk about themselves. Let a person talk about themselves, can give you a great opportunity to dig in common to build goodwill and increase marketing opportunities to complete. 33. Sales must be patient, continue to visit, so as not to be rushed, should not be taken lightly, we must calm, observing Yan concept of color, and at the right time to facilitate transactions. 34. Customer refused to sell, do not be discouraged, to further efforts to convince customers and try to find customers rejected, and then prescribe the right medicine. 35. The customer asked the curiosity of people around, even if not likely to buy, but also enthusiasm, they explain patiently, introduction. Notice they are most likely directly or indirectly affect the customer's decision. 36. To help customers and sales, rather than to commission and sales. 37. In this world, rely on sales representatives to someone struck a chord with customers quick thinking, logic, rhetoric makes criminal Gen careful: Some people sound Sui, and Mao, 'submission to the expense of moving both the passionate heart. However, these are all forms of problems. At any time, any place, to convince anyone, and always contributing factors only - one: that is true. 38. Not to sell but to help. Something inside to sell is to customers, but it is for customers to do things to help. 39. Customers to think with logic, but that their actions are feeling. Therefore, the sales representatives need to press the customer's heart button. 40. Sales representatives and customer relationships that will never need calculus formulas and theories, the need is today's news ah, ah the weather and other topics. Therefore, the simple truth should not attempt to go for customers to be tempted. 41. To move the hearts of customers rather than the head, because the mind from customers recently installed a pocket wallet. 42. Objection to their own customers can not answer, must not be perfunctory, or deliberate deception Tongue L rebuttal. Must be answered as far as possible, if to no avail, it must consult as soon as the leadership of the Shan Jie to the customer satisfaction, the correct answer. 43. Listen buy signal - if you are attentive in listening to the words, when a customer has decided to buy, usually will give you suggestions. Listening is more important than words. 44. Promotion rules of the game is: for the purpose of closing a series of activities undertaken. Although the deal does not mean everything, but there was no transaction to nothing. 45. Transaction Rule - Article: require customers to buy. However, 71% of the sales representative did not deal with the customer the reason is that there is no transaction to the customer requirements. 46. If you do not have transactions to customer requirements, aimed at the target as if you did not pull the trigger. 47. The moment you deal with a firm confidence in you, you are the embodiment of success, like - say an old adage that: Success comes from the success. 48. If the sales representative can not sign a single customer, product knowledge, sales skills are meaningless. No deal, no sale, simple as that. 49. Did not receive the order is not - a disgrace, but it was not clear why the order is a disgrace. 50. Proposed transaction to the appropriate customer at the right time to put forward appropriate solutions. 51. Completion, to convince customers to take action now. Delays in closing transactions may lose the opportunity. - Sentence marketing motto is: Today's order is here, tomorrow's orders the world. 52. Confident attitude to overcome transaction barriers. Market performance is often the ability to create confidence to buy. If the customer does not buy the letter B, even if it cheaper does not help, and the low prices will tend to scare away customers. 53. If not executed, the sales representative to immediately meet with the client the next appointment date - if, when you and your clients face to face, can not be under an appointment - time to time with the customer in order to meet the future can be difficult to add difficult. Each of you play out a phone, at least bring some form of sales. 54. . Sales representatives must not be because the customer did not buy your product and be rude to him, so, you lose not just a sales opportunity - but losing a customer. 55. Tracking, tracing, and then follow - if needed to complete a contact with customers to sell 5 to 10 times, then you have to stay up at all that 10 times. 56. With others (colleagues and customers) get along. Marketing is not a one-man show, to work together with colleagues, and customers to become partners. 57. Efforts to bring luck - a closer look at those lucky people who share their good fortune come only after years of effort, you can also like them better. 58 Do not blame others against failure to complete thing ---- responsibility is a pillar point, hard work is brought to fruition the standard, and the completion of your task is to return (not return the money - money is only a subsidiary of the successful completion of the task grain .) 59. Persist in the end - you can not not be seen as a challenge, rather than refusing to sell you willing to complete the required 5 to 10 visits to adhere to in the end if you do, then you have begun to realize upheld power of the. 60. With figures to find out your formula for success --- a complete sell you need to determine how many clues to how many phones, the number of potential customers, how many times the talks, the number of product introductions, and how much back tracking, so the formula and then act. 61. Warm the face of work - so the feeling is to sell every time: This is the best time. 62. Dead leaves customers impressed - this impression, including a warehouse, j new image, a professional image. When you're gone, the customer is how you describe all the time you do an impression to others, sometimes dark, sometimes bright; sometimes good, sometimes not to the mouth. You can choose who you want to leave the impression that the other U, must also be responsible for his own impression. 63. The failure of the first law of marketing is: the level of competition and customers. 64. Competitors out of the corresponding highest offensive, that is grace, goods, services and dedicated spirit of enthusiasm. Competitors to meet the most ignorant and offensive, to say bad things about each other. 65. Sales representatives sometimes like an actor, but already selling into the ranks, it must be dedicated, confident, and certainly his work is most valuable and meaningful. 66. Own entertainment - this is the most important one, if you love what you do, your accomplishments will be more outstanding. Do what you love to do, will bring the joy of the people around you, happiness is contagious. 67. Performance is the sales representative's life, but to achieve results, set the expense of business ethics, do anything, is wrong. The success of non-honors, will be planted for the future, the seeds of failure. 68. Comparison of sales representatives must always pay attention to the performance of each of the monthly fluctuations, and to reflect, review and find out the crux of the problem: human factors, or a competitor's strategy of market volatility factors, and whether or policy changes, etc., to actually get the exact status of to find countermeasures to complete the task and create success. 69. Flatter than pre-sales, after sales service, which will permanently to attract customers. 70. If you send away a happy customer, he will everywhere publicity for you and help you attract more customers. 71. Your old customers in the service of the neglect is the competitor's opportunity. If things go on, soon you will fall into crisis. 72. We can not calculate how many customers a little bit small because of the negligence of the lost - forget the return phone calls, late for an appointment, do not say thank you, forget the commitment to its customers and so on. Sui is the little things - a successful sales representatives - a failure of the sales representative of the difference. 73. Writing to the customer and other sales representatives you different or better than they are one of the best opportunities. 74. According to the survey, 71% of customers Zhisuo Yi purchase products from your hands, because they like you, trust you and respect you. Therefore, the marketing is to sell yourself first. 75. Etiquette, instrument, conversation, behavior is good or bad impression people get along with the source, sales representatives must be more efforts in this regard. 76. Clothing do not make perfect, but the impression given by the first meeting, 90% of the produce to clothing. 77. The first transaction is a by product of the charm, by the second service transaction is the charm. 78. Credit is the largest capital market, personality is the greatest asset sales, so sales representatives can use various strategies and tools, but can not deceive customers. 79. Talked about the customer, the sales will progress. Therefore, when speaking customers pay, not to interrupt him, speak for themselves, to allow customers to interrupt you. Marketing is a silent art. 80. To sell, the good listener that is more important than the good. 81. The most common marketing mistake is a sales representative, then too much! Many sales representatives talk so much, so that they will not say no to its population the opportunity to those customers a chance to change their minds. 82. In the open market before it gets to win the goodwill of customers. The best way to win is to sell to win customers hearts. The possibility of people to friends to buy large, the possibility to buy small sales representative. 83. If you want to sell successfully, be sure to press the customer's heart button. 84. It is estimated that the reason why 50% of sales completed, is due to friendship relations. That is to say, sales representatives and customers do not make friends, you mean the 50% market handed it over. Friendship is the super marketing magic. 85. If you complete a promotion, you get a commission: If you make friends, you can make a fortune. 86, loyal customers is more important than loyalty to God. You can fool God a hundred times, but you must not deceive customers again. 87. Remember: The customer is always like those people who like and respect people who deserve respect. 88. In sales activities, character and product are equally important. Quality products with excellent character only in the hands of sales representatives in order to win the long-term market. 89. Customer sales representative, then praise be shaking like a bell like the chink. 90. You will lose too much enthusiasm for a deal, but warm enough for a hundred times lost transactions. More appealing than enthusiastic rhetoric. 91. The greater your business to do, the more you have to care about customer service. In the sweet taste of success, the fastest way is to ignore the mess after-sales service. 92. Tough customer is the best teacher a sales representative. 93. Customer complaints should be regarded as a sacred language, any criticism should be willing to accept. 94. Correct handling of customer complaints to improve customer satisfaction and the second two tend to increase customer recognition card to buy two huge profits 95. Sales transaction is not the end, but the beginning of the next sale. Final sales will not, it will only start from scratch again. 96. Successful people are those who learn from the failures on, not daunted by the failure of the people, sales representatives must not forget that, then from the lessons learned from failures, than success of the experience gained from the more easily kept in mind . 97. Can not hit the mark must not be attributed to the target. Not a sale is never the fault of our customers. 98. Ask any professional sales representative to success, he must answer: Stick in the end. 99. What the world can not replace attachment. Talent can not - people who have talent but nothing everywhere: not smart - smart people destitute common, education can not - but around the world, educated people who rebuffed numerous. Only dedication and determination is the most important. Remember: the first lights up the first out. Stars do not do in a day. Persistent long-lasting. 1OO. A person to old age, poor and bitter, that is not what that person did wrong before, but he did not do anything.
you speak from experience of sales!

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