Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Super good pregnancy practical taboo (spare)

 Super good pregnancy diet and practical articles
taboo PART 1 of pregnant women diet is a university asked! What to eat? What not to eat? What to eat well on the fetus? Eat can affect fetal health? If these questions make you head is so big! see the following 14 questions about diet during pregnancy and answers.
Question 1: a cold drink or eating ice product will cause contractions do?
A: drink cold drinks, the stomach will feel strange when, in fact, not because of cold or ice cause contractions, but the food temperature is low, eating into the stomach causing gastrointestinal discomfort. Studies have shown that when the pregnant woman's hand touch the ice, the contraction of blood vessels in the uterus , the relative fetal blood circulation will not affect their growth. Therefore, pregnant women should eat less ice cream, popsicle these foods, as cold drinks, as long as at room temperature, the temperature can exceed more than 10 ℃ Celsius.
Question 2: you can eat spicy food?
A: eat chili for pregnant women and babies had no effect. peppers numb nerves containing substance, will affect the baby's nervous, so the Bulletin boards are in the consumption of chili, we must pay attention not mouth numb so you can eat, the right amount of food can be. eating chili, just to grasp the principle mouth is numb, pregnant women were able to secure a spicy food.
Question 3: You can eat durian, ginger these hot food do?
A: The blood sugar will rise, once the mother's blood glucose increased, the baby would be easy too heavy, so pregnant women eat durian if to no more than an orange meal size is limited, but also is about half a slice of durian to avoid eating too much, causing the fetus is too large. Ginger stage a dry and hot foods, but also the improvement of maternal vomiting natural ingredients, so the cooking time put some ginger, about the size of a thumb weight can reduce the morning sickness, but do not taking too much!
Question 4: eat papaya, aloe easy to abortion do?
A: contains female hormones, easy to interfere with hormonal changes in pregnant women, especially the green papaya, pregnant women should turkey, because it is not only harmful to the stability of the fetus, may also lead to miscarriage. in Southeast Asian countries, local residents will also be used to eat papaya to contraception, we can see is detrimental for the production of papaya. As for aloe, there are currently carried out on animals experiment, the study found aloe for animals, can cause miscarriage results, so pregnant mothers, or eat as wonderful.
Question 5: do not drink or smoke?
A: If after pregnancy first three months of smoking, may increase the fetal cleft lip or cleft palate from happening. pregnant or regular exposure to passive smoking, then the baby will more likely to have learning disabilities or behavioral problems.
late pregnancy fetal neural cells and brain to communicate with the association occurring on a large stage, because of many neurotransmitters affected by alcohol, for fetal brain development can cause serious injury, there is alcoholism in pregnant women should stop drinking prior to the first .
Question 6: Pregnancy can drink soup will do?
A: The decoction of the warming is designed to allow women circulation, relieve symptoms. in accordance with traditional Chinese medicine said, during pregnancy, greater anger, this time to drink in fear has lit the soup of the doubt. Some women before pregnancy will have to take the habit of menstruation soup, and sometimes in early pregnancy because they do not know is pregnant is still taking, according to Taiwan's Tsumura Juntendo say, Tom will be taken during pregnancy , no adverse effects on the fetus, but there will be physical changes after pregnancy phenomenon, so the pregnancy is confirmed, the proposal will stop drinking soup.
Question 7: Loquat Cough cream you can eat?
A: different CHUANBEIPIBA paste formula, some of which contain Loquat paste, just make sure drug formulations, after discussion with the physician, can feel at ease taking Natural. In addition treatment of cough is not only eat Loquat extract, saw doctors will naturally be more suitable for pregnancy after the treatment.
Question 8: Pregnant women can eat up powder optical parametric or ginseng?
A: bed, Chinese medicine is generally recommended in the pregnant women, or late pregnancy, pregnant women whose bodies tend to heat, warm ginseng supplements if taken, could help the fire moving tires, increase the discomfort of pregnancy. ginseng are many kinds, such as ginseng, Jilin ginseng, Codonopsis, light powder, ginseng, heterophylla, etc., are Warming, fill or cold fill level difference, so after discussion with the physician taking the best approach.
Question 9: eat papaya baby will get jaundice?
A: Yes jaundice was mainly due to increased bilirubin in the blood, causing the eye sclera (white of the eye part) and the skin yellow. generally excessive intake of red and yellow vegetables, fruits, such as carrots, pumpkin, papaya, orange, oranges, persimmons, mango, etc., will make high levels of serum carotene, carotenoids deposited in the skin, the skin will turn yellow. but there has not been pregnant or clinical maternal consumption of papaya, resulting in the report of neonatal jaundice, papaya consumption is not associated with the occurrence of jaundice.
Question 10: eat bird's nest, the baby can avoid jaundice?
A: The saying in Chinese medicine, and had no basis. bird's nest, and sweet peace, yin, moistens dryness, fill in Qi, clinical illness usually weak conditioning use. nests are treated as treasures, I am afraid is falling into the pregnant women eat bird's nest a supplement, but still special attention to the clinical, bird's nest contains animal protein, there are idiosyncratic to be careful to eat bird's nest for pregnant women caused by allergic reactions.
Question 11: Eat berberine, ginseng, wine can support child?
A: Bitter, cold. a heat dampness, purging fire detoxification function, but after service or take too long, easily defeated the stomach. However, Chinese medicine, there is evidence the use of a drug, For example, some Vomiting of pregnancy (ie, vomiting of pregnancy), is caused by stomach heat, clinical use of berberine for the treatment will be.
if instead of thinking about pregnancy, physically weak, such as ginseng tonic for the blind that sweet warm hot supplements, to as fuel, is bound to make a sudden increase in heat, blood heat Wang Xing, the worst case can lead to threatened abortion, or to extend the cause of labor dystocia. wine class with alcohol, the fetus is very large, prospective mothers must-avoid .
Question: 12. Coix will eat off the tire?
A: The kernel is the familiar and people often eat food and medicine, its sweet light, slightly cold, a spleen and stomach, diuresis Shenshi, heat abscess of power. However, the root of Coix, ancient books have been used as the use of abortion. In addition, experimental studies have found that Coix seed oil, will increase the rabbit and guinea pig uterine contractions excited. Qing also referred to Among medicines, in particular should be cautious when taking. should be forbidden medicine are bezoar detoxification pills, pill bezoar pure heart, rheumatism wine, bone vulnerary, and even use the patch should be carefully vulnerary, should not use too long. Clinically, as long as proper medical syndrome, medication properly, even though toxic drugs, although bogey and make the disease go to tire safety. so pregnant women when they fall ill, still use the more controversial of the drug, but her condition is considered better to stop, no longer used.
Question 14: Pregnant women do not drink coffee or tea?
A: kind of drinks and tea contain caffeine, pregnant mothers in the first 3 months of coffee or tea to reduce amount, it is best not to drink. some of the relevant research indicates that drinking too much coffee, will increase fetal malformation, the probability of miscarriage, and birth-weight and so on. while its excitatory effects of caffeine, but also easy to cause fetal arrhythmias, pregnant women, heart rate, increased urination, potentially increasing the burden on the kidneys, so pregnant women or think twice about it! PART 2 articles
weight gain behavior, physiological status of pregnant women had a great change! often heard all about the taboo in the behavior of pregnant women, so Mommy both worried and confused, in the end what will really affect the behavior of pregnant women's safety? Do not worry! We give you insightful analysis.
Question 15: pregnancy to sex it? you have to wear a condom?
A: There are three sex life during pregnancy Note:
1, basically, in addition to several high-risk pregnancy (such as: placenta previa, antepartum hemorrhage, urgent abortion, cervical incompetence), the whole can have sex during pregnancy.
2, in the process of sexual intercourse, if pregnant women have a strong contraction of the uterus, abnormal bleeding, severe lower abdominal pain, you should stop sex as soon as medical treatment.
3, should bring a condom during sexual intercourse to reduce vaginal inflammation, and inflammation of the cervix and premature rupture of water phenomenon. Question 16, back pain, sore cream you can rub or paste Salongbasi it?
A: As the fetus grew up day by day, Mommy of the lumbar spine, pelvis floor muscles will gradually increase muscle weight, so in self-care and maternal health, should be in the correct position, the protection of the main spine , if the symptoms of back pain occurs, seek medical treatment should first see if the ligament injury, nerve compression or signs of preterm labor? as to whether or Salongbasi rub pain ointments, or determined after medical treatment is not only normal physiological phenomenon, by a doctor then use the appropriate guidance.
Question 17: you go to bed have to sleep on the left?
A: Pregnant women sleep adopted the left lateral position, in order to avoid the oppression of abdominal vein, resulting in poor blood return, easy produced edema; But every pregnant woman's womb and the relative position of the inferior vena cava is not the same, so pregnant women but if the left lateral feel uncomfortable, you can change the right side lying, or pillow between the legs clip , legs slightly elevated position, are possible.
Question 18: Pregnancy can be swimming or riding a exercise bike do?
A: gymnastics safety products not only contribute to the production process, but also effectively relieve back pain, headaches, back pain and other symptoms, but there's a limit movement, not overly fatigue yourself or respiratory flow, where swimming is a good and safe movement, because the water can reduce the force of gravity , the pregnant woman's body propped up; while riding exercise bike is a good choice, but to pay attention to the protection of the lumbar spine and knees, time should not exceed 30 minutes, the middle should have proper rest and hydration.
Question 19: use of microwave ovens, cell phones, computers affect the fetus you?
A: microwave ovens, cell phones, computers, etc., issued by the electromagnetic waves, effects on the fetus does not have enough data to prove that affect embryonic and fetal health; but If the pregnant woman's work is to be the long-term threat of exposure to electromagnetic waves, or the need for appropriate protective measures, such as: use of anti-electromagnetic protective clothing to reduce exposure time and opportunity.
Question 20: Pregnant women can not be cut or hot hair do?
A: hair cut will not affect the physiological state in an academic, nor the issue of fetal malformations. printing of rumors, pregnant women or hammer the nail scissors mapping of fetal defects, so pregnant women worry a little more If this is true, how can a pregnant hairdresser a haircut in time to help a pregnant woman, whose fetus should health of the fetus, because life must not perm, or perm pregnant women to avoid, especially in the first trimester (conception to 13 weeks) than insurance.
Question 21: A pregnant woman can stay up?
A: Life normal daily routine to help 全身各器官 and system's internal balance, thus providing the fetus? given growing environment. regularly stay up late can affect pregnant women, their physical and mental health, less conducive to the growth of the fetus. In addition, the uterus during pregnancy increasing gradually will oppress the inferior vena cava, so that poor lower body venous return, likely to cause varicose veins of the lower limbs and perineum and hemorrhoids. regular stay up late to reduce the flat (the best left side) of the sleep time, make the symptoms worse.
Question 22: Obstetrics and Gynecology of pregnant women be able to find you sick?
A: individual physicians often use drugs, whether prescription could be pregnant, must be completely familiar with the specialist is also the responsibility of the physician. pregnant women, sick, in addition to being the treatment of known or diseases, can look at the maternity clinic for a preliminary examination, if necessary, referral to another specialist to do the follow-up diagnosis and treatment. In general, pregnant women, the event of a cold, urethritis, cystitis or lower abdominal pain of unknown cause, you can find someone to obstetricians FDD. If asthma symptoms chest tightness, chest physicians should be looking for; acid reflux, stomach or abdominal pain should be looking for gastroenterologists: Surgical trauma is to find physicians; severe skin Qizhen, itching skin is to find physician; toothache please find a dentist; suspected dislocation and fracture Please find orthopedic surgeons.
Question 23: pregnant women or people massage you can SPA?
A: PA and massage for pregnant women is not an absolute taboo. do SPA should pay attention to the water? and water column pressure, the first trimester to avoid a long soak in hot water over temperature, the third trimester to avoid high-pressure jet of water hit the stomach . pregnant woman can do local massage the limbs, as a large trunk muscles stretching massage movements to avoid is wonderful! If you are concerned about whether the br> Question 24: A pregnant woman can do to go abroad by plane?
A: The air companies fly restrictions for pregnant women or regulations, changes in air pressure at high altitude is not worried about a threat to maternal and fetal health. As the third trimester, especially in the more to get closer to the expected date of pregnant women, if in the long flight made production trillion such as: pain, rupture or bleeding, on humanitarian grounds, the aircraft must be landed to the nearest airport to send medical care, causing flight delays and fuel losses (cost over high), may also be derived from 25: acne acne cream you can rub?
A: The common acne cream has the following four components: azelaic acid, antibiotics, benzoyl peroxide and vitamin A acid. azelaic acid and antibiotics In the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) classification of pregnancy as a B, that animal experiments can not be displayed dangerous, but no human trials of the full study, physicians should evaluate the efficacy and the risks can be used with caution. The benzoyl peroxide and vitamin A acid is a C-class is that animal experiments are teratogenic, but no human trials of the full study, should be avoided during pregnancy.
Question 26: You can take a motorcycle or a driver?
A: Pregnant women are always told to avoid moving the child out less gas; In fact, this does not mean Bulletin boards have to be at home, after all, Bulletin boards are also quite a number of the modern workplace. If there is no physical discomfort, such as : bleeding or abdominal pain, preterm labor, you can still take care to drive a car or riding a motorcycle. must be wearing a seat belt when driving, when sitting and avoid side motorcycle ride. But in late pregnancy, especially close to the expected date of birth, the stomach has been a marked uplift, Braving driving or riding motorcycles pregnant, hazard rate of natural increase, should avoid driving or riding a motorcycle to go out alone.
Question 27: You can do hot springs or bath?
A: The spring or bath can indeed tired and tight muscles relax, and promote blood circulation of lower limbs, reducing edema, and to improve back pain, Bulletin boards can be as hot springs or bath; but in the hot springs to avoid early pregnancy, premature birth does not apply if the phenomenon also should be avoided. should pay attention to the hot springs water is clean, the water temperature should not exceed 40 degrees Celsius, and the soaking time should not be too long. in a timely manner to add water to avoid dehydration caused by excessive sweating. If you feel any of them in the bath discomfort, such as: chest tightness, palpitations or respiratory flow, and must be immediately stopped and will not affect the pregnancy dangerous.
Question 28: pregnant you can see the teeth?
A: The best view in the pregnancy, before the teeth , For dental treatment, preferably before pregnancy treatment better. pregnancy period, the teeth if not, your dentist can perform the treatment of temporary pain, but if the phenomenon of gum infection, you still need dental treatment immediately . pregnancy is more suitable for the second period of dental treatment, but the emergency disposal of the principle of more extensive surgery and large, it is best to conduct until after delivery.
Question 29: Clothesline cause Abortion?
A: Because size and weight will change, so do some pregnant women, such as: arms raised, tiptoe, and other actions, the more difficult, does not apply and, indeed, easier for center of gravity and fall. But if it is in a safe environment, under the action carefully, simply drying of clothes, will not affect the pregnancy caused abortion.
Question 30: climbing stairs contribute to the production?
A: There are reports that movement frequency during pregnancy and the second stage of labor (uterine expansion to fetal birth) on the speed of progress, a movement of pregnant women will reduce the labor and production time. so expectant mothers should be done on weekdays and regular prenatal moderate exercise, walking or climbing stairs is a good choice, not only can enhance cardiovascular fitness and strength, but also can strengthen the pelvic muscles, pelvic production easier to open. In particular, late pregnancy, and walking and climbing stairs, can help decrease the fetal head; but climb the stairs to the attention of center of gravity, as far as possible to avoid the stairs above the main staircase, in order to avoid weight gain caused by the burden and the spine and knee injuries.
Question 31: Long-term pregnant women to listen to noisy music, your baby will be crying in the future?
A : The former study shows that pregnant women often hear melodic and harmonious music such as: streams, rivers and the sound of insects and birds singing and classical music, the fetus can feel the rhythm of music and rhythm, it makes women feel relaxed and vasoconstriction normal, of course, beneficial to fetal growth; contrast, noisy high-frequency rhythm of music, such as: rock, electronic music, like the fetus is less easy to show discomfort. In particular, after seven months pregnant, is the stage of fetal hearing development, Soft music can stimulate fetal hearing development, but also can increase the comfort of the fetus.
Question 32: pregnant women, vaccination harmful to the fetus?
A: try not vaccinated during the period, but during the prevalence of certain diseases, some vaccine did not harmful to the fetus can be considered injection. vaccine according to the source of three types:
1, viable attenuated vaccines (rubella, chicken pox, measles, mumps, BCG, oral polio vaccine), is After the live attenuated bacteria or after the virus, can cause fetal infection, vaccination is not recommended.
2, dead bacteria vaccine (influenza, Japanese encephalitis, rabies vaccine, etc.) is made of dead bacteria, no infection of the fetus force, can be injected.
3, toxoid vaccine (diphtheria, tetanus), secreted by the bacteria into toxoid, will not infect the fetus, can be injected.
question 33: fetal ultrasound scan will often do deformity?
A: A sound wave is not a crisis of ionizing radiation, or trauma will cause pregnant women and fetuses. current prenatal ultrasound is safe in general, is used to screen for major fetal congenital anomalies (intestinal obstruction, hydronephrosis, short limbs, cleft lip, hydrocephalus, spina bifida and congenital heart disease, etc.), the tools necessary and routine. Sometimes ultrasound will be various stages of fetal development, the impact of posture, and some by limit the Department, may need to chase ultrasound?, expectant mothers can be assured of their safety.
question 34: can not move heavy objects?
A: vulgar parlance, pregnant women, if moving, moving beds, wardrobe, etc., will move to the contraction, if not careful impact to the abdomen, and may cause bleeding or placenta peeling away early. So if during pregnancy, moving, moving heavy objects such as heavy work, pregnant women, not their own worth, you can find family or friends to do the job, to ensure that the mother and the safety of the fetus.
PART 3 Posts
folk folk society has spread a lot, and each of the local feelings are different, Mommy is not a contraindication for various civil, child of God says, is much troubled and confused? do not worry! first understand the origin and purpose of various taboos in order to correct the perceptions and attitudes to face it!
Question 35: pregnant, the family can move up?
A: The best early Do not move, because the child of God in a different direction every day, if casually move easily affect the fetus; move if necessary, Ke Yi birthday horoscopes almanac date selection control, it should not move? If you want to move, depending on the location of child of God Where, try not to hurt women, and the date of birth to avoid God's position out of the way, you can also buy a new broom, the junction of the handle and head tie a red cloth, sweep sweep away the problem
36: No hands held high over the shoulder or easy abortion?
A: People have different physical situation, if the family had the habit of abortion, we should be more careful. If the constitution were relatively weak, you can first consult a physician, how to use method of self-care health care, strengthen the body; In addition, you can also find some of tocolysis character, and invisible to provide more protection. remind mothers, although I believe God, but not too superstitious Oh!
question 37: do not Pregnant women can take the shoulder?
A: Folk said, people have three fire, the largest one in the head, two small fires in the shoulder; if a person suddenly slap shoulders, indeed surprised, soul instability. If the pregnant woman's physical and weak if not more likely to regard the fetus, ranging from the status of bleeding, weight may lead to miscarriage, so the attitude of most people the best attention to pregnant women, do not be irritating or substantially the action .
Question 38: the living room to avoid the flying beast picture?
A: The conditions. If the picture before pregnancy has been on the living room, and you do not need to move it, but after pregnancy, the best Do not install the new pictures, because the nails may be used to the fear of committing to a child of God, if you have to frame the picture, it was suggested to fix a day to see God fetal position, drawing as much as possible in order to draw the main text and feng shui to help in pregnant women relax and form a good quality prenatal care.
Question 39: avoid evil spirits kitchen, toilets to the accumulation of bad smell?
A: There is no need for pregnant women so as not to the kitchen to get knives, sharp things, except possibly inadvertently touch a child of God, if you accidentally bumped into, or so frightened, easily moving to the pregnancy may cause miscarriage. The toilet is not a bad smell, in fact, be as personal hygiene, always clean change of clothes, to maintain ventilation, soap, do not pile debris on the ground, to prevent the risk of slipping pregnant women.
question 40: sharp round belly, pregnant women, looks to see born sons or daughters?
A: The argument is that pregnant women stomach looks like an oval, egg-shaped, like, raw male drive is high, while the belly like a dumpling-like Yuangun shape, then the chance of a girl, of course, this claim is the accumulation of experience, also has its basis, but not 100% accurate. past custom is the beginning of pregnancy, your family and elegant (life is good or children and grandchildren) to open say the word congratulations, and congratulations on your sons or daughters, to a lucky sign; However, in modern society, boys and girls are taken seriously, after all, their lives are worth treasuring.
question 41: can not touch with other pregnant belly belly?
A: I am seriously not see hi hi, but not funeral funeral to say, that each person has its own magnetic field; however, be very careful during pregnancy or, if you have the occasion to go to the wedding, but also try not to touch the bride, do not mess sit (such as bride-bed), you can mouth first with water, and water can be making money, stable mood. pregnant women may be very nervous, afraid million tires accidentally touch God, is not conducive to the fetus, but often worried about it, will also affect prenatal care, so that your baby easily frightened, the most important thing is to maintain a pleasant mood, attention to safety. < br> question 42: cutting and sewing can not be pregnant?
Answer: farming men and women weave the systems society, women need to pay a large amount of work in fact, in order to allow pregnant women to rest, do not do much work , so that mind and body moments like these you can relax and develop good prenatal care is also virtually, so to persuade pregnant women not to do daily work of cutting and sewing, and evolved into folk taboo to say. its original intention, it is hoped pregnant women not to over-exertion, easy to move the tire air cause miscarriage.
Question 43: A pregnant woman can go visiting you?
A: The point of view to resolve, pregnant women, it is best not to go visiting, because the hospital has Many of the bacteria, but also the place most likely to be infected, the health for the sake of the mother and fetus, pregnant women can not go visiting, do not go to the delivery room; the ancients intended to scientific knowledge, but to be convincing, evolved the taboo, warning of the approach to achieve the effect.
Question 44: Pregnant women can participate in wedding or funeral?
A: The festive scene, easily affect people's mood, particularly pregnant women for prenatal care to cultivate, the most important is to maintain a good mood, let the fetus grow in a stable state, if on occasion among the funeral, will inevitably be infected with sad feelings, mood swings. In addition, the last occasion weddings, often held outdoors, you need to long standing, summer temperature is high, risk of heat acquired infections, easy to get cold in winter; therefore, advised pregnant women to rest or more people, weddings and funerals and complicated place, or try not to go!
question 45: weddings and funerals can eat the food you?
A: Do not eat, some people will think they are afraid come to grief, but from a scientific perspective, the above mentioned, a lot of weddings where people, in addition vulnerable to air not infected with diseases, food, health issues should also pay attention, because Tomorrow is sharing food, but also the health problems likely to have infection. And the food, like the funeral will be longer than the time of release, easy is not new; the ancients In fact, intelligent life has profound meaning.
question 46: touch the child of God will affect the fetus?
A: Yes, commonly known as the where the position of God is different every day, recommended for pregnant women and their families can refer to the almanac, but do not cause excessive stress due to blind faith and there are three principles for reference:
1, it should not move the bed.
2 Do not nail.
3, weapons, sharp items not on the bed.
question 47: pregnant women can go to the grave you?
A: The season of pregnant women can go to grave, but try to avoid paying If absolutely necessary, it must pay attention to road conditions are bumpy, if it is easy to fall in the mountain conditions, pregnant women must be careful when walking, others ready to provide assistance should also pay attention to the arm.

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