Sunday, January 16, 2011

M4.0 & Detailed evaluation of the new v1.0 version of magic

 M4 is one step toward us, the new spells, new copy, new monsters, higher level cap ...
the face of the addition of a large number of new spells, the former to have a lot of D & D The player might be able to understand the ease of selection and application, but for most people, a brief spell description alone is often difficult for new spells have a clear understanding.
nonsense is not to say, here I M4 To open a new spell to give you a brief introduction and evaluation.
first for Arcane:
disease patients
rating: Rev 4, Warlock / Mage 4
target: the enemy
School: Necromancy
Duration: once a living organisms
impact of the disease being selected, immediately on one or more of property damage. are not affected by Fortitude.
for the Master , this is a 4 Arcane, attack tough, anti-eat. If you can select the types of diseases, then according to the different types of diseases should be in power, agility, physical fitness, intelligence, perception, causing property damage. But The small amount of damage ... there 1D3, and more will 1D8, not worth mentioning. To rely on the strange into something that does not help? dead heart of it ... this many outstanding spell in four of them, I can not think of any reason to remember this spell.
feel this is a monster on the design of the spell, though not a mortal blow, but also the absence of disease immunity to some players than a little trouble.
Recommended level: Low.
disabled patients
Grade: Mage / Warlock 4
target: the enemy
School: Necromancy
immediately issued a black caster negative energy rays, seriously undermine the vitality of living organisms. enemies 1d4 negative levels. If the target of negative rating higher than the HD, will immediately die. negative rating will result in -1 penalty to the exemption, attacks, skills, abilities, and the effective rank test. negative rating can be superimposed.
This is a 4 Arcane. But compared to the above that, the spell is much more to vigorous. Although it eat resistance, although the 1D4 is not a big number, but it should not be too Exemption!!! and negative levels can stack!!! I believe we all god damn magic eye ray remember it disabled, unfortunately, after the two disabled-ray is appalling that three exemptions. Though we are almost BOSS those reds definitely tired of this, but face tough some of the small yellow name BOSS, with disabled hands, then perhaps to slightly reduce the difficulty of the next battle.
But having said that As a level 4 spell, firewall, heavy fog, phantasmal killer, fear, stone skin, charm monster are very good choice, to give the disabled a place to stay surgery is full of difficult to do. perhaps to find a master mix wrestling BOSS soldiers in the face of some of the more useful it ...
recommended degree: freedom of movement in the

Rating: Poets 4. Rev. 4. Rangers 4
goal: own, allies
School: Protection Department
Duration: 1 minute / level
the allies to spell for the duration of attacks and moves at normal speed, not heavy fog, winding, paralysis and other effects
fact, only poet to use it can be called when ... M4 Arcane spells Guards finally open one of JJ than Vera does not know that a good number of boots. Any restrictions on the movement of the effect of all immune! duration is also considerable. chopper were from and those of heavy fog, snow and rain storms nausea setting body paralysis slowly say goodbye, you can now truly .
the status of other poets have so little BUFF machine improves ...
Recommended: high
flame trap
Grade: Mage / Warlock 4
goals: Regional
School : evocation
Duration: 1 minute to create a trap or trigger guard
the region, the time when the enemy will burst through the flames, causing 1d4 + caster level fire damage (max +20). successful Reflex for half damage.
still 4 Arcane ... 1D4 + caster level (maximum 20) of the injury, reflected by half. from the current area damage spells do not eat resistance point of view, the flame trap should also be Anti-eat method. But compared with the 4-level firewall large so that the underground city, but the narrow than the firewall might not be easy to use. wild copy? to the time I am afraid not many can. And the flame trap can do, I believe the firewall can do the job. and firewall or continuous injury, and this how it all like a flame trap injury time ... but if the flame traps and pitfalls that mounted on the wall as a wide range of flame can continue to spray for a minute another matter ... < br> Overall 4 Arcane ... old classic is more firewall is on the undead is no substitute for high damage.
Recommendation: Low (If you can continue to spray it probably is ; it)
Ghoul Touch
Grade: Mage / Warlock 2
target: the enemy
School: Necromancy
Duration: 1d6 +2 rounds of negative energy
caster hands together, touch attack can paralyze a humanoid creature living, and it makes the whole body around the biological nauseating stench. immunotoxin biological immune to this effect. successful Fortitude is not affected.
2 级spell, eat resistance, attack resilient, 1D6 +2 rounds is not too short. One thing not clear is the spell in the core which can only use the living humanoid creature. What is a humanoid? human, elves, dwarves, halflings optional race these players, coupled with fighting kobolds reptiles lizards, as well as classes in fine chemistry, or biology, these are humanoids, so the applicability is still comparatively wide. and that said the to rush to touch, warlock or mage for vulnerable so that risk.
paralysis should be counted as helpless, but at the moment the game just can not move it, if the M4 continue to maintain this effect, then this spell is no doubt discounted.
range of effects caused by nausea and the flame hit about the scope of surgery that is similar to results with the stench of war is the same lizard people, that is, skills and attributes against injury test exemptions are minus 2. But this effect is still needed Fortitude too.
as a two Arcane, not for the initial set of human body mage and warlock, Ghoul Touch can be used as means to deal with single robust control field of the law is not high monster or man-monster (but can be encountered in the initial man-monster is very small.) spider web is 3 with hypnosis takes all the ... late exemption, then not less than one degree elevation Ma, and its rise not as good as lost a petrochemical Order ... will initially reluctant to use with it. In fact, people think that hypnosis and spider have been almost all copies of the early competence.
final is worth mentioning that, DDO will, though many monsters are defeated, but tough was generally high, perhaps the spell did not quite that easy to use. If you can change it back helpless paralysis, then this spell is still valuable.
but also after a high level of no use.
Recommended level: in the aura of evil

Protection Level: Rev 3, Warlock / Mage 3 Paladin 3
goal: own
School: Protection Department
Duration: 1 round / level
similar protective evil, but on multiple targets within the force.
3 级 arcane. I have to say, if it is really like as described above, this spell also suck. spell range flame should hit the same surgery that range (why I always use this technique flame hit the range for example ... because it seems the most intuitive thing. If I said the scope of the fireball, I am afraid many people do not know how). Second This core in duration ... but 10 minutes / level acridine, it also changed it too sucks. As for the effect, the role of all living within the protected by the Protection of evil, which is exempt +2 deflection AC + 2, immune charm like effect (for example, won control of demons and vampires).
current version of the evil brought under the protection of the evil creatures +2 +2 deflection AC and a full exemption can still be with any resistance + X and the protection + X and other equipment stack, M4's update seems to be no indication will no longer stack. In short, in view of almost all copies are in the majority of blame belongs to the evil camp, protective evil is a rare good thing. However, due to a level that minutes / level of single and Guards of the Silver Flame protective debris evil presence, coupled with the narrow scope of this spell is difficult in the melee to take care of all people, even if adequate for the magic bit Master, I am afraid it is also difficult in the limited three spell slots inside the place. For the priests and knights, I am afraid it is the same destiny.
Recommendation: Low
line lithography
Rating: 5 poets, Mage / Warlock 6
goal: own
School: The magic system
Duration: 1 minute / level
you from the Material Plane sent to the Shadow Plane, when the spell effect when you move faster than usual, you look blurred difficult to hit. hostile acts, will you send will be the Material Plane.
This is one I've been looking forward to spell it for 7 .3 E mage spell, and in the 3R were transferred to 6. but also to the poet, the spell extra.
ogre shaman you remember it? whether the new language doom and secluded open flame shackles of these copies, there is a meteorite or a long time ago Dream Island, can see their shadows. in times of crisis they will disappear out of thin air, although we know the air through the fuzzy distortion of their position, but from the main attack in any way the physical world but not them. Although ogre shaman in my impression of the spell-like abilities list and this one is not the shadows of the surgery, but I think they simply show the ability of a true portrayal of the shadows of the surgery, do not rule out in advance gives them Eupolyphaga this terrible capacity.
shadow sector is almost dark master replica of the physical world, there is the main landmark of the physical world and material are usually able to see the same in the shadow of the shadow world - but they may have some distorted deformation, the effects may be similar to the game after the death of the kind of full visual bar.
As for the effect, that the ultimate speeds accelerate far accelerated over surgery, but the duration is sufficient copies for each person traveled to corner. But as game design, I think we should not allow players from the shadow world of what have opened the door and then straight into the final BOSS it ... so what lever to pull to open the door where estimates have Laolaoshishi The fight in the past. But for some of the copy we used to a place full of lightning traps), the spell to be useful, and absolutely guarantee the safety of the fragile magic Chongguo dangerous location, perhaps in the shadow sector can avoid those installed in the main material world the fatal trap it. < br> In addition, for his own death, resurrection in the pub after the return to the team position, and those who attempt to ring a single brush XX OO knife guys, this is undoubtedly a more efficient, more secure insurance spells. If the cast time fast enough can even be used to escape - it much safer than invisibility. and have a longer cooling time as a level 6 spell slot is not particularly nervous, as some of the Master mind or Frozen Orb Chain Lightning, and so want to use the dissociation to write a line of output might as lithography might also come in handy at a critical moment yet. As for the poet, I think more people will choose higher heroism and groups suggest that these spell it ...
CD Unfortunately, one of the core rules can be entered together with a companion shadow sector of this spell is now only used on their own.
recommended level: the pain of the French and Indian

Rating: Rev. 5, Mage / Warlock 5
Target: Regional
School: Enchant Department
Duration: 1 round / caster level or be triggered
in the air to draw a rune full of energy, from passing under the enemy Runes attack, injury, immunity test was -4 and skills impairment. are not affected by Fortitude.
another spell the French and Indian series, I think the role of the scope of the time we used the fear of the emblem and the emblem after persuading are very familiar with it (perhaps the official version of the pain it will be called the emergence of the emblem).
strange is that this is supposed to be released today necromancy spell out has turned out to enchant system; Since it is a Department of Enchantment , it will naturally have, but specifically said to be too tough in the ... I think this is mostly clerical error, this spell the end should still belong to what it necromancy.
debuff spell as a group, he groups can cause effects similar to Hex, less attack damage can increase melee survival, reduced immunity can increase the success rate has been put spell, a quick glance is still quite good. But think about it, for the single strong monster has can be used with or without a disability exemption; for monsters appear in groups, usually not too much strength in the heavy fog of fear mixed with other spells and cooperation with the soldiers fell safely wiped out most; again, this CD series of the long spell and the long cast time they can not be doomed to frequent use; then, the high exemption for monsters, spells, and low success rate is really strange ... with those that come down after the bet time exemption as to select those without RP spell immunity, or altogether to the knife to deal with; Finally, the consumption of 30 points SP to be the emblem may not make a heavy fog, or as fear, and even more of what dust really flash it ... What is inside the monster's tough DDO generally quite vigorous, have put this experience in general is also a bit too extravagant for that. Perhaps the other 18 with the latter with Wail of the Banshee, Phantom killer, implosion technique of these big power spells longer use the CD to improve the success rate of the value of it is still too .. .
In summary, the Warlock is will certainly look down on it, the preparation of the Master and the priest spell list I am afraid that its presence is difficult to see it ... even in those defensive tasks (such as ruins and desert travel East 3 Team), and its very short duration is also destined to become mainstream it is difficult to spell. But what if it lost in a strange still full of depressing things.
Recommended: Low
Tan Sen Polymorph
rating : Mage / Warlock 6
goal: own
School: change system
Duration: 1 round / caster level
to become a terrorist fighting machine, your consciousness is full of fighting so I can not release the spell . strength, agility and a +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution. born a +4 bonus to AC, a +5 bonus on Fortitude. caster can skilled use of a simple and military weapons. base attack bonus equal to caster level ( also increase the number of attacks).
Tan Sen? He is a Master? No! he is a barbarian! Manzi invention believe that a spell, you crazy Why?
for 99% of the Master card, even if is the physical agility +10 strength, damage is also worse or the same level of barbarian warriors long a length N, blood is also not a small gap. want to soldiers Manzi than knives to injure, it is wishful thinking. The ability to cast spells during the loss of it is a huge blow orthodox caster. In addition the visual distortion seems to be general.
So where does the value of the spell?
1. for entertainment MM
2. When do you close X O death, when ... uh, I mean when the blue light, pulled out a rolled deformation than after the play broke into the back of the heap blame crossbow shot with a little more interesting. but do not remember too much before the red the other soldiers to pick those who are preoccupied with the strange cut to fight it ...
3. In fact, the main problem is, if there is volume, then the local tyrants who wander throughout the burning paper can increase the number of hits Kanguai or drops. But those who enhance the value-added properties are added to stack the equipment can not.
recommended: Low
7 级 Arcane may be the focus of our concern.
control Necro
Level: Master / Warlock 7
components: posture, mantra, materials
target: the enemy
School: Necromancy
Duration: 1 minute / level
control enemy Undead creatures, forced to You fight, successfully passed the test will be unaffected. Necromancer biological be controlled once every 2 minutes test the additional exemption.
control Necromancer is two command undead spell power enhanced. the one minute / level duration, and an additional 2 minutes before time to make his throws on the surface appears to be a rather stable control spell.
But in reality, because this thing is over will, and will happen again undead's strengths, the actual success rate with them do not think it will certainly comfortable. 32 intelligence for a free school specializing in the Master, the seven magic DC is usually 10 +7 +11 = 28, for the M4 in the 16's a copy of the elite, the general CR16 undead cannon fodder will have 20 up and down, 28 of the DC to face those guys a bit too low for points. And to those of a low-level grasp of the undead that this method seems to have surgery bit of a waste, like used for cannon fodder are afraid to fight intolerance.
But having said that, given the lack of undead mage control field spell, write one this spell, if one fluke caught in the melee among the Austrian skeleton that is a very good thing. not only in 2 minutes can immediately ease the pressure on the fighting, and 2 minutes after the time bomb ready to become the pastor of the ranks of MM will rush that began in the headphones Pastor MM Meng with huge sound Do not blame poking the baby, which is perhaps a good thing, but if MM is renegade priest Austrian skeleton spell OOXX seconds off it with more harm than good ... Oh, I'm so evil, do not say, do not say the undead ...
short copy can also write to occasionally use, the frequency will not be too high. the real pressure of a copy of the battle I am afraid not Ganluan mana to play something that is not reliable.
Recommended degrees; in the low-delay burst fireball

Grade: Mage / Warlock 7
components: posture, mantra, materials
target: the enemy, regional
School: evocation
immediately to create a fireball, if it is touched to an explosion caused by the surrounding target per caster level 1d6 (maximum 20d6) of fire damage. successful Reflex save half damage
7 is level Arcane. in accordance with the practice of law do not eat resistance, attack reflection, I think this goes without saying.
20D6 of damage cap for the 14 people who only 14D6, or slightly less power. In contrast 40 SP can put two 3 fireball, although DC 4 points lower, but the total damage there 20D6. and then from another angle, I still think that the fire damage spell or no immunity firewall as more affordable, and four burning something burning of Haonong than 7 more ... 14D6 algorithm should be in accordance with Eupolyphaga 14D3 +14 X3, expected value of around 70 look for a super four burning people, but a wall of fire burning 2, the damage to the undead is better than no.
As it can be used as traps to-use features not found where it seems really necessary to use.
pure damage spell, cost-effective It is very general. Maybe there will be individual to choose it Fort sor.
Recommendation: Low
means the death
Grade: Mage / Warlock 7
components: posture, mantra
objectives: enemy
School: Necromancy
Duration: Immediate
directly kill a living enemy. successful Fortitude save to avoid death, but will suffer 3d6 damage.
7 级 Arcane, dead Department of representatives of the late well-known spiritual one spell. eat resistant, robust attack.
remote, that death spell, too tough. it all to the death means a lot of cannon fodder against those who hide behind the terrible destruction they have Arcane physical weak spell caster were one of the best.
phantom killer than once will require a robust, it means the death of a robust used only once. It also makes it replaces l order or order of the Phantom of the Opera did not rise the best magic killer. Although slightly longer CD, but only for the beginning of each encounter to seconds off each other arcane caster, CD time is more than sufficient.
In addition, spare a few seconds off the time when the occasional kill the priest MM guy is stubborn and MM can enhance feelings of acridine. spell animation red middle finger has not done okay J
this magic spell I was hoping for one of . However, resistance to their needs through method, coupled with expertise in dual-spell penetration, spell penetration spell penetration talents and items will have a wider range of applicability, after all, are late with a lot of blame against the law.
robust negative energy damage by the 3D6 basically not worth mentioning.
In short, it is recommended.
Recommended: high
Grade: Mage / Warlock 7
components: spell material
goal: own
School: conjuration Department
Duration: Immediate
allies around you and sent to the regional free.
ha ha ha ha ....< br> press the The barbarian warrior and his ilk have not been to many times per hole, and there was little opportunity to fly it in meters altitude.
recommended level; low
groups given human body
Grade: Mage / Warlock 7
components: posture, spells, and ritual
target: the enemy
School: Enchant Department
Duration: 1 round / level
release to multiple targets human body will enchant surgery
Department anti-eat, attack will.
Generally spell will attack, often praised by many people ... after all, the enemy mostly limbs, simple-minded guy, I think after this spell is no exception.
Since it is more objective, then the role of the range be? 3.5 PHB, said that the pairwise distance of not more than 30 feet, it seems not too small (flame strike is the radius of 10 feet). The actual use of a good time to count should be enough to easily get to a small limbs, simple-minded guy.
recommended level degrees: high
Invisibility Grade: Mage / Warlock 7
components: posture, mantra, materials
Objectives: allies, enemies
School: Illusion Department
Duration: 1 minute / level
cast Invisibility to multiple targets, it disappeared from view, even darkvision can not see. attack a Target will remove stealth effect.
this is the 2 group version of the Invisibility.
2 级, who would often take that it? do not think so ...
so at most, who with two volumes enough, really need all the way until after the last copy hidden ....< br> Recommendation: Low
imperative blind
Grade: Mage / Warlock 7
components: spell
objectives: enemy
School: Enchantment Duration
Department: Special
a spell full of energy, the target becomes blind .100 HP or less permanently blind creatures Creatures .101-200HP blind 1d4 + 1 minute .201-400HP biological blind 1d4 +1 rounds. Life is not higher than 400 biological effects of this spell.
This is imperative in the DDO series appears in the first spell. This series features the largest magic is not exempt, although they still need to wear anti-law, but the enemy in the face of those high exemption when the magic is imperative series the most stable type of control field spell.
but that there may be magic to have no imagination DDO so easy to use. Though the upper limit of HP than doubling the core rules (such as the core of HP more than 200 to immunity), but this Xueniu DDO rampant in the world, especially the 14 copies from the elite, I am afraid less than 400 HP is not so strange melee common type, HP is less than 200 is not likely to be fundamental. may also use ordinary difficulty with it, and elite wide range of manufacturing under the blind really need it, or pick up the 2 proposed Comparison of flash-class benefits ...
recommended dust: Low
deter the French and Indian
rating: Rev. 7, Mage / Warlock 7
components: posture, mantra, materials
goal: regional < br> School: Enchant Department
Duration: 1 round / level or activation
full of energy in the air to draw a rune. close to the time when the target is activated Rune. around the creature is deter 6d6 seconds. successfully passed the test will not be affected.
the French and Indian series has been from the opening spell and have a lot of people like to use, especially in some copies of positional warfare and the war in the guard.
deter Law School of India under sub-enchant of attack will, eat resistant. The average time of 21 seconds to shock and awe, and basic enough to clean up the site a kitchen knife. looks like a pretty excellent.
be similar, but there are many alternatives, fear the French and Indian, French and Indian persuasion, group suggests that body will sometimes groups can play a good or even better control effects, Moreover, seven spells will not be too well-off were estimated, and this should also be shared with other French and Indian magic CD. So the magic number may be used also not too much to see each other but also the preferences of their usual Master.
recommended level: Low
weakness in the French and Indian
Rating: Rev. 7, Mage / Warlock 7
components: posture, mantra, Material
goal: regional
School: Necromancy
Duration: 1 round / level or activation
full of energy in the air to draw a rune. When the target is close to the time Rune activation. around the power of biological suffer 3d6 damage. successful Fortitude save is not affected.
another French and Indian series.
what? only reduced the strength of no other effect it? but also had tough?
forces were prohibitively high, robust melee blame also were prohibitively high, 3D6 damage do not count on Master NPC into something that can not help, SO ...
put it into the warehouse it ... Maybe you learn it just to prove that you are a learned
Target: Enemy
School: Necromancy
Duration: Permanent
range of negative energy waves so that all living organisms have become exhausted. Exhaustive -6 biological strength and agility by the -6 penalty.
than the above that the French and Indian, the spell is much more to good.
before actually believe we have a lot of understanding of this spell, after all, long long ago we just used by those damned strange This spell is devastated. The magic of the biggest advantages is the absence of immunity, 6 6, agility strength and weaken the blame both for the impairment or damage hit the AC has no small role, as we all know you want to increase the late AB and 3 3 point of AC is very difficult things right. Although on the surface may seem less obvious, but strange in the face of large melee reload time, this spell does make their job easier and a kitchen knife.
recommended degree: in
7, summon biological
rating: Rev. 7, Mage / Warlock 7
components: posture, mantra, materials
goal: regional
School: Department of
Spell Duration: 7 minutes of a fire Djinn
calls within a certain time to fight for you. cast this spell after 7 minutes the other calls you can not cast spells.
call the 7 version, this is a fire Djinn. < br> But anyway, are summoned to a biological human shields only at the most, expect them to do the damage output is, after all, realistic. individuals in fact 6 that trolls are even more optimistic, after all, back to the blood velocity is not covered. .. and I bet this fire Genius will not let you make a wish!
Recommendation: Low
general, many of the classic practical magic are open almost all of it. a new and more are often added to existing systematic offset, and we really looking forward to opening up for some useful spells, like the flight of what surgery or Mirror, Eupolyphaga and almost no possibility open.
but can add so many new spell once, and it also Many practical, we compared meet.
So, the next operation h always felt that God did not look so interesting Arcane
Mass Aid
Level: Cleric 3
goals: ally that he
School: Enchant Department
Duration: 1 minute / level
technique similar assistance, but also affect multiple targets within the scope of the temporary increase to the maximum of life I want to describe 1d8 +15
have made it very clear ... although 14 priest is 1D8 +14, but I think not much difference.
ago, many priests like what happened in the relatively large for everyone to come to a support before, there are labor-saving assistance to more groups, spells a good bit more of the mind.
recommended degree:
disease in patients
Level: Rev 4, Warlock / Mage 4
goal: the enemy
School : Necromancy
Duration: once a living organisms
impact of the disease being selected, immediately on one or more of property damage. are not affected by Fortitude.
said Arcane the time has said it gave it up ... it ...
Recommended: Low
Rating: Poets 4. Rev. 4. Rangers 4
goal: own, allies
School: Protection Department
Duration: 1 minute / level
the allies to spell for the duration of attacks and moves at normal speed, not heavy fog, winding, paralysis and other effects.
said Austria When patients have said it. can only be used to describe the Guards, a free and vigorous action will destroy the control field numerous spells. However, the blame will naturally use this thing ...
recommended level:
animals given the high level of body surgery
: Rangers 2
target: the enemy
School: Enchant Department
Duration: 1 round / level
similar to human race itself, the target must be the animal
description was clear, there's really nothing ...
should be noted that, here is the animal, rather than the magical beasts. the so-called animal generally refers to those things that exist on earth, the wolf naturally spray ice picks and his ilk can not be counted. Since basically no threat to small animals, it also lacks value, even after the Brontosaurus Tyrannosaurus rex appeared to spell DC Ranger that is not enough to see.
recommended level; low Unholy Aura

Protection Level: Rev 3, Warlock / Mage 3 Paladin 3
goal: own
School: Protection Department
Duration: 1 round / level of protection similar
evil, but on multiple targets within the force.
with Arcane ... just said that the reasons given, it is of little value
Recommended: Low
reciting the surgery
rating: Rev. 4
goal: own
School: conjuration Department
Duration: 1 round / level
blessing given to allies of San force, attack, immunities, and a +2 luck bonus to armor
lucky bonus, which means you can stack and other types of value-added, and the AB and immunities +2 looks pretty good. but short duration, it is unrealistic to maintain a copy of the whole. how a spell digit BOSS also added before the line car.
recommended degree: religious groups in
Level: Cleric 4
goal: own, allies
School: Protection Department
Duration: 1 minute / level
similar pious shield, but a number of allies within the force.
that very clear. should be noted that the value-added bonus is skewed, and those that Canada is not skewed stack of equipment, such as the chaotic camp de graves dedicated wrist, and now a lot of protection of property and equipment. now do not have protection of property and equipment people are still rare now.
Moreover, a copy of the high-grade in AC use often do not so much. In addition four spell slots may not be too generous.
Recommended: Low
trap technique
Level: Ranger 2
goals: Regional
School: change system
Duration: 1 minute, or be triggered
create traps on the ground, the trigger will haunt the enemy. is wrapped round the enemy forces can conduct a test to struggle to escape. virtual body biological and soil type from the spell of the monster.
Rangers finally also have to contain an enemy ...

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