Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Concerned about the child's inner world

 A child's spiritual needs attention.

contacts with the children, I realized that: the original number of people are his words and actions a form of mental activity. I feel my job is always to the child's words and deeds of the child's behavior, the child's words and deeds often to the confusion, subjective judgments, ignoring the words and deeds under the cover of the inner child activities. I feel I lack a sense of class work, that is, make time, in good faith to listen to from the strongest voice of students inside, and thus can not see through the essence of the phenomenon. From then on, I insist that every week to the The years, many children's talk, voice, and looks to be troubled mind, often lingering in my ears, came back to my eyes, they often affect the work of my students, but also affected my parenting ideas and family life, I became very calm, I learned a way of thinking, that is: through words and deeds of psychological probing, to see through the essence of the phenomenon; strengthen an awareness of, and that is: phase Xpress long; aware that there are many children's spiritual growth demand, they need to talk, you need to definitely need tolerance, need support, need to dream, need to feel love; how to meet the spiritual needs of these children, I gradually learned: listen, encourage, understand, adhere to, inspirational, passing emotion.

II, concerned about the child's inner world of the six methods.

(a) listening. Child's spiritual growth need to vent, he just wanted to talk to the first vent, the needs of long-term if he blocked, he suppressed. So it is very important to listen. The so-called listening, is the teacher with compassion, caring and patient attitude to seriously listen to, nothing to take into account the child to speak freely, talk to the hearts of depression, air their feelings, until they obtain a certain degree of spiritual catharsis, and then give the right guidance. When children have a lot to keep up when the teacher said, in this case, the teacher, , if finished, the heart empty, negative feelings will have been alleviated or eliminated. A sixth-grade girl told me that she was afraid of ghosts, as long as parents are not at home, she would open the TV, the sound opened wide open, each room lights are lit, and a man locked up in their own homework room. On that occasion, she said, for forty minutes, I listened to forty minutes. What makes her enjoy the talk? Is the same feeling and empathy, the teacher also afraid of a person at home, is the teacher to listen, listen so she got to be understood and respected the feeling, so the relationship with the teachers in a short time a lot closer, a trust in the teachers, talk to relax So things hiding in the subconscious could not help but emerge naturally, but she had no idea. Paused until the time of her chatterbox, you will find the state of her emotions and there is a change, she will ease a lot in two days, she will tell you that she was not so afraid of ghosts. In fact, the talk is a kind of decompression, listening is a booster to help children release the pressure. Pour the contents of the child as possible, to facilitate the teacher to grasp the situation accurately, through the appearance to the essence, the crux of the problem is identified. Surface, the child afraid of ghosts, in fact, her parents long to belittle the loss of her courage, self-confidence destroyed. Her psychological insecurity, fear of parents said she was not afraid of criticism piano, was demeaning to her parents, so do not want to play the piano, subconsciously believe that escape to play the piano, they also escape the parents criticism and belittling. So we should basically help these children, teachers need to talk to their parents with her, from beginning to improve family education.

many children are now learning task ones, reduce outdoor activities, the parents asked him to do more, listen to voices of a small child, so Over time, the child will have the burden of mental and even suppressed, depression, then, we adults How to avoid these adverse psychological impact on children it? - Take the time and patience to listen to tolerant attitude to the children the opportunity to vent and talk. As a famous psychologist, said: year-old children is of particular concern: to listen to the voices of children. They said: I'm in school for 20 years, met many of confusion and pressure, very grateful to a few trusted teacher, over the years, they gave me the biggest help is to listen, in front of them, I can freely talk to, talk over tend to be all right. Some adults are eager to listen, not to mention children? Psychologists believe that Majiajue has always said she did not export. After Majiajue also think: I think that kids should know how to talk from an early age, so every time and the children Moving on, I say the sentence: to communicate. He: I'm glad to hear you say. Over the years, my daughter and I insist on a walk after dinner, walking is often the time to listen to her talk to my time, so the daughter is happy, and very trust me, we then do not say no.

and children communicate more, I feel the child in order to get the most conceal things inside, easier said than done? Do not trust that he will not say, or do not say that much. Children are very smart, he will from the teacher's word, a look so small place, sensitive to detect that you care about him if he really wanted to help him. If he feels you are worthy of trust, he will own most secret heart the words of most sincere talk to you,Bailey UGG boots, and this is especially important for the class teacher, you get the most of his real thoughts, you could not help but understand him, his tolerance, targeted to help him, or guide him. If he feels you have a bored him, make him feel belittle or other emotional factors do not trust, nor will he the same as you treat people on one level, the sense of distance, once produced, his heart close to you the. I also deeply feel: the hearts of every child's mind will be equipped with a little-known, especially in the inner depths of a miserable face, more surprising background. If we see the essence through the appearance there is a way of thinking, we become calm, become able to wait, willing to find time for meditation to communicate with the students, the students inside the thing, the more we know, the more we can fairly and just look at the students, the more can be done individualized, our class work is very effective.

(b) encouraged. People have a positive desire for spiritual needs. Is certainly the inherent psychological needs of people can be encouraged, sudden and devastating power. A college student, with teachers, students communicate together, the teacher asked him where the people, said one: , After that, he is almost silent publicly. Later, the discipline for a teacher, he and blow the courage to tell the teacher exchanges,UGG boots clearance, teacher asked him where the people, and then the teacher said: did not you say well.

adults need certain that children need more positive, more disadvantaged children want recognition. Disadvantaged children, did not seem strong, it is not true, if we are good at communication, observation, you can find them valuable strengths, using compensation method, that is, on the one hand by hand to compensate for the deficiency, they will self-confidence, progress in many . A sixth-grade boys grades behind, the examination often failed, confidence sap, very low self-esteem, self-learning material that is not, and low self-esteem generated by the dark psychological, if not the level of assessment and cleaning other people, due to all the students bullying him, the teacher does not like him, deliberately gave his assessment of low grade. Observed from the appearance, he depression, chest containing, talking with people who dare not look the other way, very obvious weak and inferior. After several contacts, we have established a good relationship, exchange a lot of rich content, and once he told me about his three-year period of adventure: a winter afternoon after school, he was sitting on the ride home station, in a secluded alley to meet a young man kidnapped him ill, is when his grandfather taken the first step to a stranger shouted: to be out of danger, in the kind help of his grandfather's home safe. I marvel at his ability to help themselves, reward him with a small gift, and promptly inform the head teacher of his story. Class is also very excited, self-help guide his own story to write down the vivid and specific, devoted a class meeting time for him to tell students to listen to, students with admiration for him, think of the children on weekdays so weak moment so brave and resourceful ! After I heard the teacher outside the class, but also asked him to give the students telling their own story. For a time, he became a hero in mind the students. Since then, attention to his teacher, the students admire him, and close to him, and he gained respect in the class, which quickly gained my confidence, eliminating the inferior. He became happy, classes focus on learning a steady increase in the sixth grade passed the Wuhan University after graduating from affiliated foreign language school, teacher lamented to me, said: strengths to compensate for this self-help capabilities, so that the inferiority of the boys got to respect and appreciate the psychological needs, thereby increasing self-confidence. One of my students with mild autism, very low self-esteem, the students were not happy with his contacts. Once the chorus, I found him very good sense of rhythm, so consult with his father and mother, can play the advantages of children so that children have skills. After some consideration, his parents decided to let the children to learn to play the drums a short time can be effective. Four months later, our class launched the He played this event to show their presence, access to blockbuster effect, swept away the minds of his students that the more lasting impression foolishly stupid, the students applauded him, praised him as a genius, a girl in tears, said: Those for children established a strong self-confidence. One night, I received his mother's phone, voice with emotion, the child becomes calm the temper, never listening by the more positive statements, but also a surprise to run for the number of subjects represented. Can be seen, the teachers know how to discover children's strengths, weak positive with a microscope to see a psychological factor, and the full use of these deficiencies in order to give a very powerful aspect of compensation, it is easy to let the children have been recognized, so as to reduce the child's sense of inferiority improve children's self-confidence.

true happiness is not to rely on other people's attention to get, but from the self-confidence, and the child's self-confidence from parents and teachers encouraged and affirmed. A famous international women's activists have said: child's potential? The formation of self-consciousness in the moment of the child, the views of parents and teachers will leave a deep mark on the child. Can be said that the child is through the eyes of parents and teachers look at ourselves, if we can use to encourage and enjoy the view on children, then the child's potential will be well developed. French educator Spranger says: The encouragement and appreciation can make a child pick ourselves up physically and psychologically, to play to his maximum potential to learn, just to help us achieve this goal.

(c) to understand. Spiritual growth needs of the child's tolerance. Tolerance children are not easy to do, it's the prerequisite is to understand the background of the child's family education, to understand the child standing on child's perspective, understanding the child, and sympathize with children, this time you want to help him, not by the tolerance and However, to do that. Our class has a learning very difficult child. Transferred out of a midterm examination results, he got 50 points of language, math 30 points, two lessons add up to 80 points, but others arrived in a lesson. With the Conversation with his parents, I learned that in months when his parents divorced, he was awarded the father, his father did not turn his long entrusted to grandparents raising read the book. Lack of parenting and care, no family stability and harmony support, the learning, the child will lose at the beginning of the starting line, learning of his repeated failure is commonplace. Successful experience of the children have not tasted, no doubt there will be no passion and excitement, there are only low self-esteem and stiff, in such a mental state, how about learning progress? For such children, if we only see only the child's learning outcomes, learning outcomes do not see a lot of deeper underlying factors, we can not give them understanding, tolerance and friendly support, our education can not remedy, there will be in vain. Failure is not terrible, priority should be to cover their child has become hot cold heart, to arouse children's feelings and confidence, so that he failed to see hope and raise the confidence of his peers to change his state of existence in the class, so help him from the shadow of failure.

first class the next day, I am holding a bouquet of beautiful flowers into the classroom, the students one by one with open eyes looked at me surprised. I asked the students: I told the students, I will have to present the flowers to the boy. Students surprised they do not understand the exam will be as bad as the students why they received such a high level of incentives. I worked up to the whole class, said: Under the meticulous care and culture growing up, you learn very well, your good grades is one that contains the hard work and achievements of their parents, can Deng Wenjun did not, although his test scores are not high, but his performance was entirely his own independent learning gains, is pure gold. Although studies have failed again and again is, but he never gave up their own learning, accompanied by the sun still rises every day, from Hankow came to school. Seeing this strong mental endurance and perseverance, how valuable, I really appreciate. I believe that, with this powerful psychological endurance and perseverance, Deng Wenjun students will one day be made good grades , get a another success. Today, I put flowers on Deng Wenjun students as a way to express my appreciation to him and the expectations. The applause, the children toward the podium, took my hands that bouquet of flowers. Students with a smile from the face, I see that the students of Deng Wenjun's acceptable, and certainly hope, from Deng Wenjun subtle look, we see pouring from his mind the heat wave, a surge of passion, I think at this moment after, he will desire to learn new germination.

Sure enough, after his daily work can be done on time as required, the writing of Chinese characters are also a lot of neat and powerful, diaries and compositions have their own thoughts and emotions. This makes me very happy, I feel this child began to learn to observe and found that, although he wrote not long out of something, but obviously people are beginning to have his language was personality, has given his own life, his nerve and blood

but I understand that a lack of good learning habits of children, flowers inspired by his sense of the potential is fragile, all the way teachers and students need support. So every day I would have some time, and his talk about his school life, inspired his passion for learning at any time, keep that passion because they are lonely and cooling. See the teacher's words and deeds, the students also subtle infected every day with students and talk to him, told him do not understand the subject, telling him to read English, especially Deng Wenjun in the same position, giving him lots of help. These conversations and help, is a silent respect and encouragement, they bring Deng Wenjun is pleasant and well-being. Living in a pleasant and well-being among children, he will become cheerful and confident. In preparation and anticipation, we received the final exam. A pleasant surprise is the language Deng Wenjun won 71 points, 38 points of Mathematics. It is worth mentioning is the difficulty of mathematics examination paper is too large, mid-term exam in the children than the general decline in the case of points, Deng Wenjun actually increased points. This time, the number of Deng Wenjun to language in the mid-term exam score of 29 points based on the progress of good results, becoming the biggest newsmaker class progress.

casual winter school ceremony that day, I gave Deng Wenjun a gift: a diary, a large certificate, a certificate prominently reads: the students. tears. I did not think of even more is that this has been the seemingly stiff ineloquent children leave school after school one afternoon and ran back to the classroom, the book is being changed, I said: He said: I feel much less constrained and repressed him, as if he felt very natural to breathe, his intellectual potential is activated.

When I call this brain, you do not criticize but also rewards, incentives alone will make him hard this time again? The surface of reasoning seems to be so, but to contact the child's family background and children's inner world, you is not hard to think of a child learning difficulties, self-confidence almost lost child, a man will break the backbone of the time, go to subjective to think that he wanted to have fun, not hard, Henhen criticized him, the child not to lie that it? Understand the children, will be able to sympathize with, understand children, so children can be tolerant, lower requirements, will be able to give him a jump hop can pick the fruit of the opportunity, he will be able to find the confidence and happiness back. Tolerance is not indulgence, tolerance is to acknowledge the children of a childish attitude is the essence of tolerance, equal rights to children as people to be treated, for the children the opportunity to self-reflection and rehabilitation. Most children with learning difficulties are a bad family education children, their own psychological weakness is to the spirit world, their desire to be loved, be think much, if not the teacher here, and then understanding and comfort (jive), That was in serious as the storm was. For children with learning difficulties, as long as understanding and tolerance can be used to treat him, his body hard to find places that could be enjoyed, zoom it,bailey UGG boots, inspired him with appreciation and certainly inspired his greatest potential, to help him save the human dignity, self-confidence the future no matter what kind of work he, his dignity, first and foremost a live person mental health.

disappointment and even despair when a person is when most families and teachers need is tolerance. Mom and Dad, also has its own teacher, the child is always the bottom line in mind the final. A third grade girl, my parents divorced for many years, living with the father. Dad have a new home, neglected daughter, learning attitude and academic performance is anxious. Teacher asked a father, a surprise that children's learning, my father a moment tolerate the presence of teachers and students face, fan the child of two face. Afternoon after school, my daughter did not return home, she went to the head teacher there, hesitantly; drive to her house, her daughter's arrival had not caused her mother's concern, urging the child ate up back. The next day, my father go to work and found her daughter did not go to school, press the child up to go. Daughter said: No one can know where their children to the teacher and her mother is a joy to find out how; no one knows the child how to extricate one night the pain into a vortex. If the father and the teacher was able to contact the child's family educational background to look at the child's learning gaps, may have an understanding, under the understanding there will be a buffer approach, you can stay calm in face and exchange, perhaps tragedy could avoided. Teacher of tolerance, a little learning can reduce the requirements for children and the pressure, the child will gradually reduce the fear of learning, they will attempt to learn, gradually music school, parents being able to forgive the child, the child will have courage to face the error, there is courage to correct, courage to try new things. himself has willingly admitted the mistake was. We advocate tolerance, is to give children a chance to self-examination, which is good for children Personality, so that they have a healthy mind and the face of setbacks and failure to take a positive attitude towards life.

(d) adhere to. Spiritual growth needs of the child support, persistent support, give the child brought a lot of success, praise, success, and thus their children happy. Bad habits, let the children enjoy a lot of criticism, blame and failure, the child will gradually self-esteem and pain. They want change, but did not easily give up on the children talk about willpower obviously a bit harsh. With the token system of the way to help these children gradually overcome bad habits, willpower. The so-called token system, that is, a small red flag with a symbol of the securities, small flowers, to exchange their goods or special treatment needed to inspire children to progress little by little, so as to achieve the purpose of correcting bad behavior. Very weak because of the quality of primary school students will, for their bad behavior they feel the pain, but the lack of discipline and perseverance to change, so the kids love based on recognition of the psychological, with the token system of the method, insist on time and provide for an incentive, can be more easily Help your child correct bad behavior. A third grade girl love sucking fingers to overcome the defects can not be painful. Can not sleep at night without sucking the day school is not sucking difficulty concentrating, parents often blame this, she rubbed her fingers in the cool oil, and even hit her hand, but to no avail, the students also jokes she does not willing to play with her, she felt lonely, painful, would like to consult the teacher can help her. First, teachers and talk to her, let her know that sucking fingers is not only unsightly and health, must be changed. Then inspired by looking for a good solution. When the girl came up to his hands under his head to listen to a lullaby to sleep way, the teacher affirmed. Finally the teacher and her co-development contract diary: waking up every morning, the girl wrote in the diary saying not sucking. To do a day on the award of a small red flower, with five red flowers they like to be in exchange for a small prize, with ten safflower can exchange their favorite big prize, if twenty safflower to a large certificate issued by the teacher wrote The little girl very happy to accept the contract and try to do it. Teacher time and according to some cash reward, and initial success in time to tell her parents, encourage parents to be commended. So after months of support, for their cooperation after the parents of children, the behavior of girls sucking fingers are well corrected. Happiness, the child has a good father. Father from the teacher's methods in the Enlightenment, he and his daughter have embarked on a race, and my father get rid of smoking habit, his daughter means to overcome the habit of sucking. He and his daughter made a table, who one day did not smoke, do not suck means to tick in the table, did not do, even if only one circle. Dad is a science and technology magazine editor, burn the midnight oil to refresh themselves by smoking, but to support the child, with the teacher to consolidate correction effect, reluctantly part, adhere to more than a year, and finally my father not to smoke, the daughter is no longer sucking fingers. Since then, her daughter brought her to eliminate the sucking means of self-esteem, become happy, confident, and students are willing to play with her, and academic performance improved a lot. Father more than a year of support from the process, the family felt the importance of science education children, and generate interest, so the addition of the magazine Science parenting publications. My daughter is learning the pipa a half years old, has immense interest to you rain or shine in the company of more than a year. Methods to support both the scientific guidance, but also spiritual support of friends like to support the additional time is to insist, persist is that we can develop good habits, kids will hone the quality.

same token system for the onset of middle school students. A father teaches high school in order to encourage their children the courage to speak, and the child developed a measurable, realistic goals: give children a hands every day and if you have one month bonus. Then, slowly increase the number of hands. A year later, the teacher noted that she had enough confidence in the classroom Fayan.

(V) inspirational. Spiritual growth needs of the child's dream. Inner world of dreams is the sun, the goal is the driving force of life on the road. A third-grade students went to the little boy and sweet radish pull ecological park, excited children, each pulling a large radish, novelty is over, the children become the burden of radish. Some time back to the garden radish, and some begging like saying: picked up half a newspaper, wrapped radishes on his shoulders, although the sub is the smallest in our class, but the momentum the feet, followed by a morning visiting team in the ecological garden, carrying a big carrot to his smiling. No other children pull out the radish goal is to experience pure pull radishes, and target the child strong, and into the garden radish said: . The child's goal, the dream, parents and teachers need to inspire and support. My daughter is learning a half years old playing the pipa, is now the seventh year. Her every week to learn that a piano teacher, insist on practicing every day, no one asked her, are her own arrangements for a reasonable time, happily and consciously practicing. Her annual exam level, grade-level excellence, and now have learned eight tracks. Seems to be playing a great joy to her daughter, watching her daughter play the piano and passionate self-confidence when the satisfactory end, we are always happy to open a pregnant one. Think of her years of piano experience, really would like to thank the yard dog, cat and the family raised flowers had two basins, is that they sparked a daughter of a kind, good wishes, and accompanied by her daughter through the initial stage of the most difficult piano, accompanied by her daughter through a one-way process, embarked on a full apprenticeship ideal and happy way. A half years old when her daughter began to study with a teacher. All things are difficult, the daughter learned two months, I feel dull, began to fall piano in protest. I also began to suspect that her daughter is a piano in the material it? One day at noon, spring sun gently warming on the balcony, my daughter and I chat side of the sun, suddenly, white dog standing on the first floor of the courtyard shouting at us, the daughter of curiosity and asked: What is it? one daughter, anxiously: In this way, the dog in the yard every day at noon the sun, playing the daughter to the dog,UGG boots, also every day at noon time on the balcony appointment. Sometimes the dog happily running around, I said to her daughter: daughter was disappointed, put down the piano asked: . Sometimes the dog will bark Jiaoji Sheng, I made her daughter explained: distressed daughter was put to tears, nodding, said: where did indeed play the piano every day, consciously, unconsciously, the basic skills improved a lot. One day, in front of her daughter's face, white dog actually ran, but not a long time back. I anxiously asked her daughter: Why is it not so long back? I said: day after day. Sure enough, one day, a beautiful yellow and white cat appears in the walls, the daughter cried in surprise: childlike innocence deeply infected me, how simple a child, these days, to the dog happy, waiting for the appearance of a cat, she did play well every day into noon, never called tired, she seemed to feel in the dry with a very big things sacred. At this point, the emergence of a cat, really made me pleasantly surprised, and I encourage her daughter said: , and for the puppies, kittens playing in the process, playing the daughter gradually into the door, breezed through the difficult initial stage, piano became her hobby.

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