Thursday, October 21, 2010

Chinese society organizations

 Is insignificant by China. Chinese society organizations. State

is insignificant by Chinese

- Ancient Chinese Talk

- Chinese social and organizational 
Third, China National

explore the ancient Chinese civilization, should use their own scale, jade, dragon, the text is the symbol of Chinese civilization, as jade, dragon, writing is the result of thinking and ideological movement, left the jade, dragon, writing, Chinese and other civilizations there is no essential difference, we must recognize that different civilizations, different ways of thinking from a different understanding generated by the formation of only the Chinese way of thinking, to understanding of jade, dragon, box text.

organized common feature of human beings, but the organization's structure and hierarchy, but also different. On many issues, with a Western point of view to measure the problem of China's history and can not adapt to the real situation of China's history, with coordinates corresponding to the history of Western China's history, so we are very embarrassed.

analogy we introduce the misuse of the words, Commune the world China's formation, the concept of dynasty replaced the concept of state, so the demise of the ancient dynasties, not the world (countries), in Chinese thought, the world (countries) is not destroyed, change the dynasty - the administrative system , Times (London ape populations and no population), age group last name, clan, age, access to the national era.

China's national era, the country experienced a proliferation of the era's, the country's federal (national group) against age National Federation era of unified, unitary, Wang (Tai) state era, is a gradual process of civilization.

Chinese ancestors from the animal-like way of life, the material is associated with agricultural cultivation 12,000 years ago BC began, to 6000 BC, was discovered and the use of jade, and the formation of the dry farming and rice farming in two mature agricultural production areas, the Chinese civilization into mature; in the text remains, that is, family name, clan, country, on behalf of our experience with the Chinese characteristics of the different stages of civilization.

(a) of ancient China, the early country 
(3), with a permanent population and territorial

in the Xinhua Dictionary, the state following three writing: The difference is within the jade, or, the king, what this means?

We know that history has a well-known in the Western Zhou Dynasty, , and in the Zhou Dynasty, is the people living in the city called is the referred to the effective area of the country, then the independence of administrative regions, there must be armed, in this sense, to say that in the hearts of Chinese ancestors, jade has high status, from the discovery of jade, jade soon as the manufacture of production tools from the fate of the material, up to the regard jade as a social caste system and administrative system symbol of power, the power of different social status and different people have different shapes of the written records: administrative system, different in power, the production of jade hand shape is different, different shapes of jade, is granted by the supreme power of people. , the jade jade produced in different shapes, jade is a symbol of ruling power. After the success in Dayu, Artifact has become a symbol of divine right. So Jade is the executive power (monarchy) and the spirit of power (religious authority) of the carrier, is the symbol of state power. In the army in the formative stage, military power subordinate to the monarchy, is the early stages of the early states, and the history of the era of the former Rustic Rustic early times and the corresponding interim.

for Ge I number two, is the middle stage of the early states, and the history of the late Emperor Shen Nong place for the emperor Shen Nong corresponding ending.

Wang first is called the military chief, from the exclusive Jade , the highest military leaders became leaders of the country, the right to have a three-poly, is the late stage of the early states, and the history of the Five Emperors period to the reconstruction of the Xia Xia Shaukang Foreign began to call br> 2, early in ancient China,
(2), there wall, the wall is a real symbol of the armed forces is the development of the country's overall strength to a certain stage of the product, but also a symbol of the country's comprehensive strength.

ancient China for a very long historical time,Discount UGG boots, the monarchy, theocracy, military power is the country's three-legged, starting Jun subject to God, the military subordinate to Jun, with the expansion of military power, God, king united in the Army, the formation of the monarchy, so the only social class divine right of representation or appearance only, and not representative of the country has been formed, monarchical power is the supreme rule of the leader of the origin of human rights groups, so there are human beings there is human tissue, there is power to play a leading role in the organization exists; Divine Origin of ideas doubts alienation, so the divine right of human thought development to a certain stage the product; at the beginning stages of monarchical and religious authority are mutually independent, in order to maintain their authority was combined: monarchical power by divine right and the established theocracy depend on the expansion of monarchical power; military power is the need for the defense of monarchical power generated, God have the right to military power after the formation of the guard, the combination of the three is the symbol of the early states.

early Chinese state, not the class antagonism result is opposite clan, merger and integration of the product of aggression and aggression in the course of the clan by clan organization and evolution of the transition from. At the national production, the slaves were prisoners of war clan, the slave simply do not have with aristocratic opposition, therefore, the early Chinese state, has been developed to the Western Zhou Dynasty, the nature of family has a very strong, the country's establishment and maintenance of the ruling order, are from the ethnic kinship or marriage to complete, and did not see the resistance of the slave class, the West over the weekend years of such as the Shang Fu, is a slave, and later became phase.

in archeology, we can use the number of jade burial and production to determine the shapes of the owner of Jade's social status at the time and administrative powers : on the one hand, the production of jade is a high-tech in the ancient and difficult task is up to the special people to special grinding system Yu Jiang, so a small number of jade, it is impossible to meet the needs of all members, therefore, have jade in society at that time certainly has a corresponding social status; the other hand, in human society, regardless of class differentiation in the division before or after class, people are unequal social status, as long as human tissue or society, there are social class and social division of labor exists, there exists the leadership and the led, the social status of people can not be equal, we are talking about equality before the class division is the distribution of subsistence,Bailey UGG boots, no class distinctions, no rich-poor divide, social status, social treatment of all members of society is the same, is a basic human equality. In a class society, we are talking about inequality, is the people, who ruled, distribution, only a certain social status, people may have a corresponding jade.

I am found that 28 specially crafted jade, when the ancestors have been able to make sinkers, tubes, Juan, and other forms of jade, wear and decorative for the people, but we can imagine, this 28 Pei-yu know who assigned ? we can not exclude that some will make the production of jade jade craftsmen dedicated to his wife as a gift tokens of love, but only a minority of these Pei-yu wear mainly in a certain social status of people, with these people buried standing a long time, jade will gradually integrate with the social power, as power of jade, is the organization of power and a symbol of national administrative power, the other with the rise of witch, wizard magic of jade were also used , who made the communication of God as the instruments used in a special jade, jade has become an artifact. in the Yucheng and the artifact to the right device, the jade in the bronze instead of as a ritual before the average person, whether rich or poor, have lost the power of using jade. and if Jade could, like food, can be equally distributed to each member of society, then there will be no later Jade and artifacts of the power of the.

in the Western Zhou Dynasty and Western Zhou Dynasty before, due to proliferation of small countries, countries in limited strength, sparsely populated, countries can not afford to build more than a dozen cities, is in fact a Gao Jing was established only in the business to become the world common lord destruction, the construction of the Luo Yi, and no power management Luo Yi, deputy exist only as in the Gao Jing was Quanrong destroyed, only moved to King Ping Luo Yi Zhou, with only Luo Yi a city. In the Spring and Autumn Period, the national mergers, a number of small country into a big country, began to appear on a State has more than a dozen of the situation in the city.

but strength of the development to a certain stage of the product, and can not explain in the national symbol. where the city is, there should be a period of a mature national culture.

I'm not archaeologists, but I can conclude from the theory, as long as the ritual jade and walls also appear in a region where ancient China can certainly mature What's country?

's country is a clan formed after the completion of the early state of the country, the clan countries. as a country's multi-level and sub-national level with the power system, with the military, has a fixed population and to the city center, rural city as the affiliated regional fixed territory, and the latter country is different is that the administrative system directly from the leadership of the clan organization evolved, the main features of the administrative system of all officials by the clan to serve as, administrative system organized by clan blood to achieve the rule of local residents.

2, nationalization of clan

Phase I: The split within the clan to clan power within the formation of a different class, so that the organizational form of the clan into

to the state on the , where the following questions to find out:

first: the family demographic factors within the family led to the differentiation of the clan. production factors in the most active factor is its people. human development has led to improved production tools, production improvements in technology, production progress, left the people, there is no so-called family led to the increase of population, due to the increase in population led to the survival of the competition, which is what I call the the different quality of the population, leading to the strength of family labor and creativity of the various different production capacity of the natural family is different, the competitiveness of the domestic final will be different, family property is different, and Family differentiation arises.

for production tools, in the clan society, the family, based on the same technology and production methods are the same, mainly due to the differentiation of family demographic factors, namely, the number of labor and the level of human capacity.

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