Wednesday, March 30, 2011

When life is not as good as before

 On the days when life into the consumer , when the fate of the really scary looking , and when the wheels of life roll forward , the more and more clear that the convenience of life , our thinking even more blunt rusty , mottled The shrapnel piercing wail we . We deposed a lot of myself and all the inherent attributes and capabilities up our world in the annihilation at the sound of collapsing , the backbone of our original stand somewhere Cuisheng habitat in the fall ... ...
have When will want to do more , perhaps the people continue to grow it, perhaps now the society is so many problems may be too much for us not to pursue too much, it all its own conclusion ! Accustomed to the kind of small to large carefree life , everyone knows people with different experiences and see things will be more and more to sharpen also be different, I think most of the People are now very difficult to have the opportunity to sit down quietly and makes you look back through the Sit down, give yourself a life position, so as not to take this life, the white ! After all, life is not as good as before ... ...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


 Today really should not be read to escape , because looking at Chapter 22 , I feel I can not see the final outcome of such a thing .
for ending things, always told anyone to move , and he is the one who moved so easily .
Perhaps this is a culture with another culture, the difference now .
And if China's , will definitely give a satisfactory outcome , we are all happy.

since I do not know what to do , or what to do.

but I know that this period of time inside their own requirements relaxed.
always think it should be fine , French people , and people almost.
But this idea, the reality is always a break , to paraphrase the television hit of the Roma09, a break on the broken record .
even though I desperately looking for reasons to find ways to make up to break on these ideas,
but the break time, or to be broken .

themselves on the outside, each sum is real, and even some that use their own ,
always think nothing of a little Chi Diankui .
companies have not done anything I'm sorry things did not say to hell because they can make money reimbursed .
do not understand their own wrong.
just can not figure out why is it so hard to be a good person , different from what people I did not .
Perhaps this is the lesson number , experience, or you can say that experience is some of these things,
is can a person from the part and were transformed into a Hunshimowang .

I admit that this time is much lower on their own requirements , such as extra body fat .
fat before and always felt the word does not matter, now not.
grow quickly.
out to see the streets are always fat people than their own , always felt no one , but found that after the loss of requirements ,
loss or themselves.
that their loss is something this time . This experience is not worth mentioning.

do not know this time be considered an end, some things figured it out , perhaps an end .

Friday, March 25, 2011

Please do not buy a house and car of the friend must look carefully

 Hong Kong's famous economists - Lang
99% of white-collar workers in China and their families will face bankruptcy. It is inevitable bankruptcy! Run away! It may happen in the next 2-10 years. You can try to doubt this figure. But it is bound to happen, not alarmist. 'As I predicted the inevitable unemployment Chinese state-owned enterprise workers, as in that time no one believed. But it does happen. Because in China, a developing country, with the inevitable in order to keep inflation and reform measures in exchange for economic development. And each time the pains brought about by the reform are the people to afford. When both the countryside and mountainous areas of the educated youth were confused, or large state-owned enterprises reform and opening up have brought about a large number of laid-off workers close down. If they can have a certain forward-looking, then I think they might stay a little way out for themselves. However, due to too much too believe that life will not file and mutation, so that led to the tragedy of their lives. -
Some say the government will not sit idly by white bankruptcy, the Government has of course not. Some things ... ... how can I say. I think back to the laid-off workers now. Caused so much social unrest. Can do? Today's white-collar future bankruptcy, they also did it. -
and 20 years of reform and opening up, China's rapid economic development take off. But the old system is not completely changed. Variety of important industry is still in force is a government monopoly system in operation. Such as: banking, finance, metallurgy, energy, information, transportation, health care, education, and land. China's reform and opening up of these things were not all aspects of the reform and opening. But today, the contradictions brought about by the monopoly is increasingly prominent. -
bear the brunt of that real estate. As China's legal system is not perfect, especially the field of finance and reform, all kinds of mistakes made by the emergence of real estate has been rising. With the increase in real estate and the concentration of foreign population to the cities. Therefore, the new urban workers is the so-called 'white-collar workers' income is rising on the surface, to Beijing, for example a monthly salary of RMB 3000-15000 everywhere. But this part of the income is mainly used to pay rent or loan. -
to in-depth understanding of why the 99% of the white-collar families may go bankrupt, we must first understand why housing prices so high? Where high? Funds are functioning? (This refers to white-collar family to buy a house or preparing to buy a house.), And the trend to bring the related effects. This will be explained to you in three stages. -
1: cause prices soared in the first factor: Bank loans under the open competition. -
housing prices soared in fact, is the main factor for the Government because of the people in the mistakes of pay. Such as a developer before a bank loan by a 10 million development of a house. If not since he got in trouble because all the banks are a system, you owe the money did not also no opportunity to turn around. But China's banking reform on the basis of a hole open to competition among the banks so the ICBC, the Agricultural Bank of China, Construction Bank and so on all operate independently. It would have been a good thing. But the problem is that these banks are not private, but the state. Is not difficult to imagine. When a developer from the bank loans 10,000,000 consequences. He only need 500 million to develop a house, then the price increase, then the development of the price of a house according to his standards of mortgage lending to 20 million from the Agricultural Bank of China, and then use that 20 million of 10 million development of a sets the price higher mortgage the house to find 40 million Construction Bank. Is such a crazy lending model snowball. -
house Maibu Mai to go out is not important, the key is the price is higher, not lower prices. Anyway, money is not a private bank, so a little bit to clear the President together with another 'legitimate' high retail price of real estate as collateral so naturally getting better and better from the bank loan. -
then this result is that house prices do not just climb down! Because they can not fall! Out a bank loan or money to never come back. This is the Government's bank, the Government's money! So in order to plug the funding black hole is to buy some of the experts, media, public opinion began to madness by various means of coercion of public opinion were to buy a house. -
such as land resources, severe stress, do not buy a house in the future can only live in the suburbs Yeah like that. Cause people to have to buy a house. In fact, can not live in this city simply can not happen this situation, the city residents is a process of replacement of old and new, to work to live in the city, the elderly live in rural areas like retirement. As long as the population explosion will not appear on white-collar workers do not live in the city center can not be the case. While the media has created a lot of people buy a house, but only so, prices are still not high as it now is outrageous. Then the Government made a second mistake. -
2: cause prices soared in the second error: a mortgage with Chinese characteristics. -
mortgage was originally a very popular system in the West, and very appropriate. However, the use of this system to China once a little problem. Because for large institutional. All banks are state, not private. Therefore, the gateway can not control lending firm. As long as the document makes sense, people will be able to credit the money. -
early relief to the first error caused by money black hole. The Government introduced the system to individual mortgage houses. What is also often cite the United States to his wife and the Chinese woman's example to lure people to the mortgage. It was indeed the mortgage, and it is crazy mortgage. And banks as long as a little 'road' people. They first set of 80 million house mortgage, your down payment and then a 10 million 70 million loan from the bank. Then after the house sale to raise prices to 1.8 million. This time their relatives or to go buy I Met Your Mother, but also with the way the mortgage down payment of 30 million own a further 1.5 million loan from the bank. Then go on. They do not how to do the loan? Love Do not count bank. Anyway, I do not yet under contract on the money you can take the house, we owe the two incompatible. -
so turned around, driving up the price of the house several times back in the hands of the government back to the bank. This explains why a lot of repair to the beginning of new flats to be 'real estate group' bought. Speculation is not gambling their house will appreciate. It took a house to clean up the banks. -
banks how to do to get this house? Are afraid the price. Had to add some value and then sell. So do not even think about ordinary people now buy a real house at reasonable prices! Even if you bought directly from the developer of the hands of the houses might have switched hands several times back in the hands of the banks and developers. To say something is 8,000 / square in the house, there is only 2500 prices, 5500 is thought to bring money black hole making a wrong decision! That means you are restricted to the hard working to wipe. -
3: The third question: white-collar families when bankruptcy? ? -
then we study why the house prices up, again look at the so-called white-collar urban families in China in the necessity of bankruptcy. -
first foreign white-collar income is indeed high, but high value. The so-called white-collar workers in China is generally poor quality. Serious internal friction of Chinese enterprises. Everyone scorn, all stubborn. No wonder foreign companies entered the China market began to exclaim: 'to do business in China, not hire people! 'I am too deep. That some people would say: 'Now is not worth the worth of white-collar, that you talk about why Mizuki Shuhei they can get such a raise? 'In fact, this caused the hot real estate a quantum effect. A large number of banks through the loss of funds the hands of a few people went to the market. These people began to make aggressive investments in other areas of China. Because they know that real estate is about to collapse. They do another round of investment boom is rapidly absorb the funds, they invest the Internet, high-tech investment, investment and entertainment, investment many, many. But at least enough to pay staff wages to pay the monthly rent or house for months now. Therefore, it is because rising prices of Chinese urban population created a relative increase wages. Do not believe you do the math in your average income of urban white-collar workers once completed pay monthly housing money, but also so much money on hand? I think it would not have me ramble on it. Psychological several people. So I can say that once the real estate crash that followed the collapse of your wages. -
I know there are many, many white-collar workers who have purchased the house. Their thinking is simple: 'couple all taxes except net income per month is also the insurance of 12,000. What kind of housing money to pay 3000? I can buy a set too! 'Yes, nothing. But because the house so what you are expensive. You eat, your traffic, your tuition fees, medical costs and more expensive! ! ! So the money you pay the room again except the cost of living is basically a penny to save for it, even if the storage point is also not keep up with normal inflation rate. The question is will maintain the status quo if so, in theory, should be all right. You two decades earned money just to make up for the loss of two errors. -
But the problem also lies in here. As of the end of the buffer WTO5 years, a large number of foreign communications, banking, medical, insurance and so companies will have moved into China. At that time no one can stop you put money into Citigroup, HSBC deposit. That time to ask who would be willing to put money there so many bad debts of state-owned Chinese banks? How to take measures even if the Government could then run, so what will happen when the time is still hard to say. But one thing is certain is that when the pressure of state-owned these banks will become very large. Loans will be more difficult to add, because banks have no money to loan-to! At the same time a large number of foreign-funded enterprises with high-quality talent to enter the Chinese market will bring a strong impact and the collapse of a large number of existing enterprises and white-collar unemployment. That is. Once the foreign-funded enterprises to enter the competition, China's existing 99% of the white-collar workers will face a big job under pressure! -
and foreign banks started to invest in once the accumulated funds, real estate, it is normal because of their operational processes so made out of the house will be cheaper, with the inevitable pull the national real estate declines. As I said earlier, housing prices have fallen, or is followed by the business in your wages! Can you buy a house before prices will not lower repayment or reduction, so you will be unable to pay exorbitant loan. Then your house will be taken away by the bank, your deposit will be directly freeze. So the future white-collar workers in Chinese cities are most likely and a few decades ago as China's state-owned enterprise workers. Hard two decades, in the end 竹篮打水一场空! -
how to avoid bankruptcy? -
see where you should be aware, do not buy a house is a good way to avoid bankruptcy. But I would also like to remind you not to try to jack up the property market down, they have a way, it is not advocating people do not buy a man child! You do not say, this is really a little effect. People now a port of the first sentence is: 'do you have room. 'It seems you do not like the room is a eunuch. I am really angry with the strength to curse no. Mizuki weeks in Baidu also post it in this post Ping said: 'do not buy a house do you live? 'I wonder, is there a causal link to live and buy it? In China, a land not belonging to your house and rented out to you to sell you What is the difference? (Laughs). Not to mention the bandits who, like property and improper person to forced evictions! This is not purely a 'Emperor's New Clothes' it? But since the WTO has been that China's publishing industry and the media industry is still not open. Then public opinion will save the market and developers in the hands of the government last trump card. -
so we face a lot of rhetoric, when more than half a brain or your own. After a pack of lies we hear more and more property, more outrageous! For example, recently there are brick home not expensive in price when the advocate said: 'What if 5 million annual salary, the couple is also the year of 10 million, 5 years to 50 million. So of course, price is not expensive. 'I was actually surprised some people nod? Perhaps for this or these have evolved to eat or drink is not fixed and patients do not wear dead father and mother had no use for the maintenance of the brick home really is that the case may be. Therefore, attention to vigilance. -
Conclusion: -
have to buy a house or preparing to buy a house white-collar family home prices will collapse as the collapse happened it would be a slow process. As short as two years or as long as ten years. But this is an irreversible trend. Therefore, China has 99% of urban white-collar family, said a bankruptcy not an alarmist! Today you pay for each housing distribution to the bank for the Government money for real estate speculators who are repairing the hole, only a small part of the room is real money. Tomorrow, the environment changed, and you do not have that much money to fill the hole when the market and banks will be kicked back to the home, and then for a number of new people to fill. Do not believe? Wait and see the pictures! - PS: Why do I say 99% of this number, because according to my understanding once the monthly salary of 99% over 5000 people began to buy a house, or even to buy 3000,4000. What lovers do not understand that this life will be miserable going to buy. I just feel sad for them. Of course, if you're that 1% of the wise men, and more to persuade them to save it. Better Together alone. -
Chinese are the four big when -
largest when: real estate -
buy a house mean? Means that you have a house of their own. Yes, you thought so, but in China you do not own this house, you just rent it. Because the house is yours, not your land, but the land use rights for 70 years (70 years from now it was back during the War, who saw time in the house?). House is usually about 30 years old renovation or demolition will be met. That means you spend the money to buy a house, but can only be renting the actual results. Of course this is not the worst. The worst is when a few years later, you find that fooled! A group of hooligans broke into you life savings to buy a house, painting a big Chaizi! Then all of your possessions, like when the garbage is still out the door, despite your begging, and even the newspapers also give you a nail by a notorious family, any time you abuse the public will know what despair! -
described China's real estate has a famous joke is written like this: -
ago, there was a landlord there are many places to find a lot of permanent work, the landlord to have built a permanent home to a number of building unity, one day, the landlord's advisor on the landlord, said: owner, long-term employment are the hands of these few years some money, they live in your house, the monthly pay Zuzi, not worth, anyway, they never afford to live, do not you just sell them the house is called from a tricks - public houses for sale! Tell them that the house belong to them forever, you can save them money back in recent years, the landlord said: Yes, that rent how to do? Advisor, said: collects no mistake, from a Japanese name of children, called the property costs! Landowners to implement quickly, and make a lot of money, long-term employment are the happy ah! -
a few years, the landlord of the village into town, and the rich more and more, no place to live, advisor to the landlord, said: owner, long-term employment are the hands and money in recent years, we give them build a new house, called from a transformation of the old tricks, they switch their money to us, and we demolished the house to build a new, and ask them to buy back, you can sell more than cover a number of others, the landlord has carried out, this time, Some long-term workers are not happy, the landlord's retainers put to use, the permanent teeth have had to knock down the throat to the stomach, the landlord has made a lot of money. -
Then, after a few years, the landlord of the village developed into a big city, and the rich more, the landlord of the land more valuable, and advisor to the landlord, said: club, we put these permanent houses demolished in this place to build villas, split out of the house sold to cover those who can earn a sum of money of the wealthy, the landlord said: how to do long-term workers who quit? Advisor, said: we give them a little more money, call their places from a monetary settlement, then we built our barn next to the house, from a tricks called affordable housing, they built a carriage road to allow them to buy over there room to live, the landlord said: how do they have enough money? Advisor, said: the banks borrow from our house to them before, 6 points a year profits, but also with money, money, nothing if cubs, not any risk, the landlord has carried out, permanent they got the money, the landlords of affordable housing until now built a long-term employment they had to line up the house, until now, still waiting for it ... ... -
Thus, long-term employment began to make trouble, and the landlord a little nervous, hurriedly asked counselors how to do? Advisor, said: long-term employment they must notify the house to decline in value, do not buy, rent to live it, just rent them to our pen, the result, so many years, long-term employment have all the money gone, still rental housing, forever! -
joke though a bit exaggerated, but in fact it not also true? Some people say that being the case? Why do Chinese people have to buy a house? Crazy to buy? Why? Is not the result of the stupefying education, as if 60 years, advocating that people have to buy Big Three: watches, sewing machines, bicycles can be a truly successful people marry a wife. 70 advocate that people should buy a new four pieces: TV, refrigerator, washing machine, install the phone can be considered as a wife have children to succeed, like remember to install the phone, but to thousands of dollars a ah (per capita income of the small town of less than 200 ), while tens of thousands of Beijing and Shanghai is more a time, have to take the human number line to buy, and how to buy a house today, the similarity? -
Today all the shit scholars began to fool the people of this set of the old trick: white-collar family of new standards, new choice for successful small size X ring X Road, X X Road, Central, commercial and residential type. After you receive hundreds of thousands, have to charge you a monthly rent (the new management fee), bank interest, and various sorts of excuses to raise interest rates, policies and so on and so forth. In short you are not afraid to death, but afraid not suffer you to die! Gnaw on how happy people fooled, but a hundred on the tire of it? I am really angry and get it all wet!
second when: Employment -
sigh when someone finally started: the year when the educated youth, when people are laid off after no way out, no one can sit-in protest against the Council, can only be reduced to the streets Persons who have ridiculed the song was also heroic in life, start over time. Have you ever thought of! They also have the same scenery and white-collar workers today! Income and status they had let the people around envy? Have you ever thought 20 years later! Like you would like them descend on the streets, deserted? !
Some say Hey! You do not know the unemployment insurance, pension insurance, XX insured it? Oh, I drift in Beijing, N years, many insurers pay tens of thousands about it, but when the Pao Duantui unemployment and no one gave me Han insurance, but many insurers have been frozen that I had to pay off, and I could and anger ... ... than that, you think you do to the age of 60 can get old-age insurance? Out of the sky without money! Today's pensions get older is that we earn! Today 30-40 years of age usually have several brothers and sisters! Means that today's elderly to get a pension at 60 is because there are 5 people for an old man! And after our generation is the old one for us two old people! Money come from? Did not have to! If you are able to live to 90 years is estimated to receive a number of old-age insurance, hey take care of it to you. But even so, parents are still mad for the children to the various units in the state-owned enterprises to send, to me to always have such an example. A distant relative of my home, find the relationship between drag friends, spent seventy dollars to his son through an open recruitment team sent to the traffic police, dry on the contract of police. Get 800 a month. Competition results in the third year was down to the brush. Family crying, I said, a good brush, you earn a lifetime ban on that seventy that does not return, and quickly wash before sleep, and then scrape together some money to change out a small business, go! Probably can earn. -
when I graduated, I took me uncivil language is holding the money, the Department sent me to the XX. I saw the man responsible for recruitment that virtue can not help the nausea, Made in salary, uncivilized language, I'm the white dry it is not only back 10 years, the cost of food or drink. So I'm a private guy threatened, scared that potbellied X chief no longer afraid to admit me. I have had: to run away. -
I wanted to do not understand? How come Chinese people silly? Such a superstitious country word it? Wake up, that line of thinking is not normal? Prior to his work does not pay to not calculate cost-effective? -
there are those little young white-collar workers who find work best to pay a higher point, not the insurance to health insurance and nothing, and then save up their best insurance money, will need it. -
When the third-largest : Education -
a diploma worth? A diploma worth? A diploma worth? The top of the printing costs two dollars a day. A teacher pay? Hey, two students a semester tuition enough! A class book printing how much? Two students, enough! How much rent one class a semester? Hey two students enough. ! Hey! Education in China receive so much money you Why the hell! ? -
Hey! The people are! Why we have to be taken? Because the ruling class to tell us young scholar was admitted to glory. I'm sorry, I was wrong, and is admitted to the University was honored. But why do people never want to think about glory? Why ... ... University scholar honor what is not waste! -
you know who your child is teaching it? Generally in China, people can not adapt to society will become a teacher, for example. Some time ago I was a project between the University to find a few graduate students to do procedures. Result very few people stupid, do not give you full consideration, guarding you only have to work, but also to the documents was a typo, not to change, so you find even told you seriously, is this not his fault , is that you give is wrong. Little sense of responsibility, will not consider whether one is to do things and do things or to do one thing and doing things. I was very calm and gave them reason: you must learn to think for others, thinking what other people want results and then do things. Otherwise it is impossible to survive in society. The results of a few, said: We did not go to the community, we are very good examination results, schools should we have stayed as a teacher. Originally, we have nothing to say the wrong, how do you arrange how we do it, do not you arranged for us not to do. This is our dignity and principles. I said: If you go to the porters, the boss did not arrange for you to work when the lock will not lock up your warehouse? You chilling you? After your child is under the guidance of such a person learn and grow. Rest assured it? -
is no wonder that college cohabitation, truancy, fighting, suicide ... ... but the parents are still willing to spend money to send their children to school, and life is to spend the money. -
fourth-largest when: a car -
Chinese people crazy? Buy a car? Why buy a car? ? ? Of course, you not only money spent, you love how to buy how to buy, buy a car, anyway, how up you Huabu Wan oil money, the house demolition you should not feel bad. But most people do? -
I had a colleague to live the North Second Ring, the company Xizhimen there. Most probably take the subway to work every hour. Charade may have to buy a second hand, every morning at 8 o'clock on the road Duzhe, and then moved to the company little by little. Hey, a month parking fees are a lot. But they were felt to open the car its own identity senior point. Not to mention open a Charade, Audi is open to whom I have not seen the three knock nine who worship. In addition to look a little silly than others outside their own no other effect. -
another occasion, I met the girl a month income to 4000, loans to buy a car in the plan. So I asked her: little girl, I've got to do business, their work on time, Metro and convenient to buy a car do? Thought for a long time, it is estimated can not think of any reason came and said: sometimes go to the supermarket to buy things right, hit another car near the point is not worth that, walking and far from the point. So drive yourself go! I almost did not hear disgusting. You drive to the supermarket to buy instant noodles do not feel sick it? Equipped with cellular phones to go incommunicado, is incommunicado for! Do not think that buying a car can prove anything. -
example, I now own business, very busy day to run about 4-5 places, see a lot of customers. But I do not buy a car, why? I took a taxi that came with the move, kick left, no place to worry about parking, do not worry about hanging a touch, and without fear of being thieves tied, regardless of rain has hung the wind driver. Bumped a traffic jam if you can get off the subway. More than ten thousand a year will block RMB! Buy a car! Parking fees had more than ten thousand a year! This is not silly it? -
Do not buy a car say do not buy a car, there are countless people who can be mad to go borrow money to buy? Die in their own future must not suffer too like! Buy it, buy a not finished raising interest rates? Oil prices are not crazy? Parking and is not expensive? Regret not it? The road to a cheapening of the new car sales are also not sell the right? ? -
tell you that oil prices have to rise. Must be the same as oil prices rose and the dollar. Hey! You take the old U.S. 1 / 10 of income, family support and a price of gasoline. I think you do not have to se. -
final say, everyone is not stupid, are small by stupefying education Jinong Han had. Silly point does not matter, but of life or death thing you still tight with the point, more calculating the relationship between the economic interests of plan! Do not end, a real estate or oil of a rose, took the money to pay the rest of your life or something Han diploma will not do, for several decades to pay exorbitant taxes and levies being no further Han Han. You can not just post losses of hundreds of thousands. -
What was said? Oh no way, do not, and do not buy a car you, the bus ah good squeeze. I said that out of all the stupefying education is doing strange vanity. You look at me, just rent a house to live more than a thousand pieces a month, it is equivalent to some people's property costs. If you want to get married I still afford to rent 3-4 thousand, and furniture decoration should be a whole. Which convenient, but also where I live. Not want to move to long-term rent. And also a kind of cross-property charges. Province, also in vain that the banks loans, interest, down payment pile. Something hit the car, nothing on the subway, ten thousand days a year, and also save a garage, parking fees, fines and other pile, the oil price rose to 10 also Lehe, do not delay things. I ran the University did not finish, while the market a self-study while planning to run their own business, do not they also can enter the foreign-listed companies as a manager it? Also saves the tens of thousands of tuition fees. -
course, some people would say: You do not even have a house to buy, specify no wedding. I thought to myself: I do not, you think you have ah? Some people say that is not worth renting, leasing up or someone else, hey, do you think has a few years to buy a house loan, paid off is your, ah ... ...

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Anti-Slavery by West Water Bo (Zhang Boting), expose the shameful ignorance of environmental protection show Western Canada Hittite slave ...

 No intention to see do extract here.
2009-03-07 | Water Bo (Zhang Boting): denounced the heard people say that water not very clear. Some water resources development and utilization of water resources exist, such as: extraction of groundwater or irrigation water from the river is mentioned in the form of a development of water resources, water resources development that will use the same general of the developed water resources. Thus, the development of water resources and water resources are often confused. In addition, the construction of dams storing flood water damage as the variable construction of water reservoirs can also be said to be a water resources development. But this is only a reserve of water resources development, the development is intended to adjust the spatial and temporal distribution of water resources conflicts, improve water control and availability.
For both (with reserves of sexual and ) completely different water resources development, the so-called over-development of the argument is entirely different. In the first case, the so-called development is the use of excessive over itself, natural ecosystems will certainly cause greater harm. while in the second cases, the development is to improve the water reserves only, and can be controlled, can use the degree of function.
In addition, the use of reservoir storage water resources development is a form of power generation. strictly speaking, such a development of water resources development should be called water, but because of the lack of clear definition, the community of non-professionals are difficult to distinguish between water development and water resources development differences. even some significant level of staff on this issue inevitably absurd. For example; Beijing in 2004, And one of the power sector from a head of policy research institutions, even the error evaluation of hydropower development in China can not exceed 40% of the internationally recognized water resource utilization. This is because the electricity sector, water resources policy researchers confused The concept of development and hydropower development. Not only that, even if some water experts, and sometimes talked as shown in hydropower development and water resources development of the concept of fuzzy. Of course, this problem can not blame the concept of someone . In fact, we did not water sector water resource development has been strictly defined, and, according to conventional reasoning, of course, water resources, water resources should belong to a part of it, it was the water resources development, understood as the water resource development also seems logical.
hh if we can avoid claims of excessive use of water resources development, and direct use of water use, the use of excessive claims, to resolve the current series may be the best way to confuse the concept. careful analysis our current variety of .
Also, avoid excessive use of water resources development of fuzzy argument, but also to prevent the extreme environmental organizations at home and abroad over the so-called developed for this reason, the normal line interference in developing countries the implementation of hydropower construction. For example; 2006 to meet the world's 14th World Water Day, the upcoming United Nations China Morning Post article a from Africa to China's Yellow River Nile and the Colorado River in the United States, are faced with dry water or even stop the embarrassing situation.
should be said that due to global climate change hydrology in some areas caused by abnormal, and with the human civilization needs and population increases, there are indeed many large river basin water supply and demand has been very prominent. However, the report cited by the three rivers, precisely because people's efforts, the river dried up to avoid a successful example. hh
Objectively speaking, the dam itself does not consume water, the dam was built, but for the people's production and living, water, water provides a convenient and possible. These three rivers not only not a It means successful use of engineering to solve the contradictions of uneven spatial and temporal distribution of water resources, while ensuring the social section of this demand, but also to prevent the river dried up.
few days later, the official promulgation of the 2006 Resources Report : Despite the uneven distribution of Earth's fresh water resources, they still put on enough. However, mismanagement, lack of resources, environmental change, and inadequate investment in infrastructure makes about one-fifth of the world's people lack access to safe drinking water, 40% people lack basic sanitation. . solve the world's water problems, we must accelerate the development and construction of water conservancy facilities necessary (of course including dams, canals).
In addition, the more than 20 million people in developing countries lack reliable energy, and water is an important resource for creating energy. European development and utilization of 75% of the water resources. However, in Africa, 60% of people still do not have electricity, water resources development rate is very low. Construction of disinformation propaganda and the countries need development and construction of water conservancy and hydropower. In this case, our publicity department, especially the leaders, experts, if not an accurate representation of the problem of excessive water use, and simplified as social needs. It is because of a series of dams and water conservancy facilities, our human existence to solve the spatial and temporal distribution of water resources uneven and sharp conflicts. And only through these series of water conservancy facilities, our people can achieve water resource management, allocation, to meet the development needs of human society while protecting the river ecosystem.
China is still a developing country, is also a serious shortage of water conservancy facilities, in order to protect our social and economic development and environmental protection We also face the daunting task of Water Resources and Hydropower Development facilities. In order to build water conservancy and hydropower in China to create a good public opinion environment, we recommend cautious or the use of) excessive,
very regrettable that the current conservative mistake as ecological protection of ecological environment of extreme thoughts, has affected some of our environmentalists, and even environmental protection officials. have led some environmentalists to the first class of environmental change issues requirements are too harsh, and therefore, has inevitably led to the deterioration of the second class of environmental problems. For example, demanding the construction of the dam is bound to hinder the development of hydropower resources in China, so that the extent of China's hydropower development has less than 20%. as to meet basic energy needs of social development, we have a lot of burning coal, resulting in serious environmental pollution problems in China is difficult to solve. more extreme environmental groups, the manipulation by foreign forces, not only for our country turn a blind eye to serious environmental pollution problems, but is very keen to oppose the dams (and other kinds of economic development) activities. that we are a lot of areas, environmental pollution problems have been very serious, still lingering. It should be said when these extreme environmentalists, organizations shouting people are always using a variety of media to mislead the public, hydropower development and environmental protection advocates there are irreconcilable contradictions. In fact this concept, there is no distinction between what is ecological protection, what is the eco-conservative and some not so often talking about science, do not speak conservative approach of ecological rationality, wrongly touted as eco-protection measures, sought after, but the end result often backfire with the goal of ecological protection.
conservative advocate of ecological some from those who are often developed countries (or regions) enough to live comfortably in the extreme environmentalists. They often like to use the . For example, to oppose China's Nu River hydropower development, extreme poverty, environmental organizations ignore the urgent requirements of the development of the Nu people desire, they hesitate to vigorously rumors, not suitable to the extreme poor farming Nu, portrayed from the real world, the original ecological river. Once upon a time the deception of false propaganda of the National public, lied to state leaders, and even deceive the United Nations agencies. Even after the rumor was exposed, in order to hinder the development of the Nu River, they are still the one hand, smear attacks in the Nu River downstream downstream countries The Salween decision on the construction of large hydropower stations, while they are still using domestic and foreign organizations in series with the anti-dam, spreading rumors to incite, in turn, create the downstream countries oppose the Nu River Hydropower Development in China all the illusion. In short, They have been using a variety of opportunities for unscrupulous provoke international conflicts in the Nu River hydropower development obstacles.
we can say that the lack of overall concept, the local ecological changes on the ground, blindly oppose the so-called environmentally friendly hydropower development is a species of narrow ecological conservative, it can be said to engage in an extreme environment, or the pseudo-environment. either from solving the most important environmental issue of water resources, or reduce energy emissions from the perspective of the scientific development of hydropower are protected China's ecological environment, the best choice.
. When the abuse of public interest litigation who really hurt? [July 14]
polite to say that this is some extreme environmentalists due to their own scientific knowledge limitations, can not distinguish between sustainable development and the difference between predatory development, some economic development of normal behavior as water, land, mineral resources, the destruction.
Frankly speaking, there are some extreme environmental carrying foreign funding organizations guy, with ulterior motives to use the name of public interest litigation to achieve their obstruction, interference, damage to the normal development of national purpose. For example, the question about the Nu River Hydropower Development is the case.
is well known that the development community debate on the Nu River already is not a new topic. Back in September 2003, Thought approved anti-dam experts and scholars convened comment cards will be Nu ring, creating a series of eco-Nu Jiang false statement. and in particular the cooperation of news media workers in the community set off a so-called ; reserved Original Nu Jiang April 2005 Lu Youmei, Zuoxiu academicians, Fang, PhD, a group of experts and scholars visit the Nu River, after the report by the University and the Yunnan Province to the Central Authorities, before demonizing the Nu River to reverse this situation.
, however, Since the case of the Nu River has been verified, the extreme environmentalists turn began to demand the right to know what the EIA report and publicity Nu .2005 August 25, in the last two years After the truth, in some NGO organizations and extremist environmentalists organizing and planning, some environmental organizations and individuals sent a letter to the national authorities, Planning a state secret can not be publicized, in order to meet the people's right to know requirements of environmental protection, However, environmentalists are nothing but information asymmetry as grounds for refusing to attend the meeting.
Obviously, those who concocted an open letter to a real interest in what is simply not right, but the Nu River plan is to use the characteristics of a state secret, intends to create a procedural obstacles. Even so, to the general public, experts or in the water after writing an open letter to the environmentalists, a comprehensive reply and clarification (see). All in all, after a long debate , the Nu River Hydropower Development in the conclusions of the issues has been very clear that the Nu River Hydropower Development is development and ecological protection of the Nu River area the best choice.
Recently, however, as the subject of public interest litigation in the community of warming, some Beijing environmental NGO in Beijing and individual lawyers in a law firm, announced its re-inventiveness to the so-called State Environmental Protection Administration's administrative proceedings like. Bureau in conjunction with the National Development and Reform Commission, on the Nu River Hydropower Plan Environmental Impact Report review and the behavior of the formation of opinions and results of the review, in violation of . quashing the complaint requested review comments, and The reason must be reliable, but written in the public interest litigation plaintiffs state the facts and reasons to convince you people?
hard to understand is that these plaintiffs carried away, his feast of a residential district in Beijing and engaged in high-sounding Nu thousands of kilometers away to hinder the people, to save their poor water resources development and application of the Nu River.
Is the Nu River water, which can only leave you with nothing to eat all day long Sir Miss who in their leisure time to enjoy sightseeing, but not along the Nu River people who make the development and application?
when the plaintiff stressed when their constitutional civil rights, to not think, in your own home to Beijing's high-rise buildings, drinking the convenience of tap water when you so confidently assert the rights of citizens of the Nu River water resources, on the Nu River for hundreds of thousands of people, you are not really too high?
not forget that in any point, you must Nu River people should not be any more than the noble place. If you allow the abuse complaint, the Nu River people why can not enjoy the same rights? Indeed, civil rights of any person should also be limited, and any time you are not eligible, no reason to deprive the people of the Nu Nu River water resources development and utilization and survival, the right to development.
these extreme environmentalists, not only blatant interference, deprived of the right to survival and development of the Nu River people, but also like to sow dissension between the interests of the people to the Nu on behalf of itself.
, however, ironic that, although in some countries have decided to hydropower development in the region, they are often able to use the masses of immigrants relocation compensation and yet more psychological, create some conflicts. However, since countries have Nu River region has not decided to hydropower development, so they currently can not find a provocative, the use of immigration conflict.
In fact, these extreme environmentalists are people who do not have to blame the ignorance of the Nu River, do not complain about their party and the government too trust. in fact, have their own independent-minded people by no means the Nu River, but you do not dare to face.
There was one old comrades told me that the national liberation have been 50 years, but why do we the people of the Nu River still living in the slash and burn the original state? over our country are poor, no money for development and construction on the Nu River, we can still understand. But today, when some developed regions have to drive the economy, but when a big headache, because some of hostility to China development of pseudo-environmentalists who create rumors and delays in approval of our countries on the Nu River people development and use of local natural resources, does not allow us to shake off poverty status? like executive decision-making power is it the people do?
mmmmmm < br>. the face of the dam was built more or less flooding? [July 28]
. Three Gorges Dam, water pollution has been made under it? [July 21]
. [science and technology concerns ] Also on Army Interview Weekly is one of the most strange a name, selected the reason is because he wrote a book m throw up dirt rm a l China's first public database of water pollution in China Water Pollution Map l r. As a water professional and technical personnel, and always on Today, when Mr. Ma Jun was selected Time magazine and was elected after the annual green figures, I am still willing to repeat word for word, I was the evaluation of this book.
----- 1998, after the flood, the National down and work hard to feel the afforestation to reduce soil and water conservation needs to be emphasis on the importance of the flood, Mr. Ma Jun seize the opportunity to express, is indeed the mainstream consciousness of society at that time, Mr. Ma Jun has so famous. I read that book, Mr. Ma Jun did spend a lot of time to gather historical data, I think it is a good reference information on water compilation. However, despite access to a wealth of information, I feel restricted by many factors, Mr. Ma Jun is essentially not a water expert, you can say with certainty that his fame as the mainstream of scientific thought from the perspective of water is problems. However, out of respect for a variety of academic thought, I provide a lot of information from a book perspective, the book gives some recognition. But the fame immediately after Mr. Ma Jun of the Construction of the dam as the representative of the opposition to water conservancy is very debatable.
hh that planting trees to restore the original ecosystem to be able to cure the flooding, is also a naive illusion. if this is to deny the role of all human works , it is ridiculous. From this point of view, I can say with certainty that the conclusions of Ma is problematic, the information provided, nor can it reflect the true history.
on flood control project against all other measures, even more mistake. We have enough time to reflect on the past, we must pay attention to the appropriate level, we must pay attention to facts, not always to raise himself to say nothing of the past . In fact our human understanding, is a cumulative process, we humans never be confused to fight, destroy the natural level. but once we had the great achievements of human transformation of nature, dazzled, too high estimated the human capacity, expressed a desire beyond the realistic possibility. Based on this desire, we made it, in addition to not achieve the intended purpose, almost nothing else can be said to be blamed.
in flood control issues, we have never denied the role of forest soil and water conservation, and we had never forgotten the role of the lake detention. emerged over the past deforestation, reclaimed land from various mistakes, but in the tremendous economic and population pressures We made a forced choice. a lot of the past is insufficient, not that we do not know, but in the social reality of the helplessness of the face of pressure. And some scholars, always like to play the role of hindsight, with the negative yesterday all the way to show their brilliant. more terrible muddle draw some wrong conclusions, affecting the development of society .-------< br> hh
Finally, he said water crisis experts changed, but the issue of hydropower development in his views consistent. l I do not oppose the dam, but not any of the canyon is a natural dam. r Ma was not satisfied with doubts. In fact, water is not without challenge Bo. in the water Ma Bo the article in question has been clear that the facts relied upon to. that is in the , on the Three Gorges construction is not belong to the company's illegal to work on issues, Mr. Ma Jun to position. for each specific dam projects, they will without exception, said: I do not oppose construction of dams, however, is to oppose the construction of the dam you are now.
In addition, Mr. Ma Jun said that the any of the canyon is a natural dam, development, and the current level of hydropower development in China can be developed only for the economic level of about 1 / 4. Now each of a large hydropower dam site, almost all generations of water through our experts have given us in the nature of water energy resources of hundreds of dams in the canyon can be repeatedly screened out.
tell the truth there is no suspense for the election to Mr. Ma Jun green figure, much more than the joy of my worries. Now the reason I put these concerns say, I hope to discuss with you. Ma comrades, environmental issues in-depth attention, let us in the scientific, rational discussion, promoting China's socialist construction and the normal development of eco-environmental protection.
. [technology] from the members of the National Anti-water view upgrade scientific quality long way to go [March 15]
. environmental protection cause the moon, the circle must be better than China? [April 6]
read One of the Qiang online interview on the magazine's introduction, quite a few feelings.
recent issues of magazines published on a continuous theme of the river, cause me great interest. editor as a non-engineering staff, so ; reports on the some errors and flawed ; Rhone River Power Plant, Our Dujiangyan, Rhone River is a Shuanghe structure, there is always a canal in, the canal is not parallel, but braid the same series together, the Rhone River has 19 power stations, the most of it is fully developed, all of his development of hydropower potential has been largely completed, it is all channels of the river Rhone why I think it worthy of our study Chinese, because it is very much like Dujiangyan, which is the case, for example, it is time to build a power station , it is not in the original construction of power stations on the river, because the original river channel is a natural, he was in the river next to the excavation of an artificial canal, should the power station built in the artificial canal mm Unlike our Gezhouba and Three Gorges. The Shuanghe structure, is primarily a result of power plant construction needs. If you look carefully, will see China's Three Gorges Hydroelectric Station and the construction of the dam site, there is a Jiangxinzhou island, which can be said to flow in large rivers the repair station, to ensure smooth flow of the river, under the premise necessary to stage construction. Not all rivers are able to find easily built dam. French Rhone absence of such a condition, so, in a river bend , first power station built a new river channel and then cut out with water, and built a Shuanghe structure. Its main role is to facilitate the construction of power stations. Shuanghe structure equivalent to the role of a little island Jiangxinzhou the Yangtze River in China, to the river separating the points of construction. Of course, river straightening, the Rhone River to improve power plant efficiency will be certain. In contrast, it should be said that the construction of the Three Gorges water conservancy experts and Gezhouba way more intelligent than the French or the more fortunate because we find and use natural a layman's praise, and scientific planning of hydropower stations, clever construction, and have actually become a disadvantage.
do not understand the level of the dam as science fiction
feeling of experiences and lessons learned, for example, the Rhone River which I feel is basically a low dam was built the dam, few very high dam was built, construction of high dams have a very great harm, the harm is not to build a dam to be recognition that We can only see its benefits, is that large power generation, flood control capacity, irrigation water and more, but it is also very significant harm, the simplest is the immigration issue, it is to drown large areas of land, your dam height, For example, I asked a man in France, because I see this place to build the dam, a good dam site, the place Why do not you build a dam, such as the construction of more than 100 meters of the dam. He said the construction of such dam, the whole plain is gone, the French to build five or six such dams, the whole of France is gone, he did not want to build more dams to flood more land. dam, low dam problem, not as understanding as of the actual situation of different dam or low dam construction. However, under normal circumstances, a basin at least one (relatively) high dam (large library), increased ability to regulate the cascade hydropower stations. It was built in the river is called the planning leading reservoir, only to have built the leading performance of more reservoir regulation in order to make the whole power station the river flood control, power generation efficiency have played out, this is the general law of river development. Select the dam, low dam is not even ...

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Ordinary day extraordinary memories!

 Accompany more than a year of my plate!
Have nailed the legs of the plate!
3 26, the 365 days, for most people, the usual ordinary day can not be but my life is destined to become an extraordinary day.
somewhere seems to have arranged, it will become my life, a special anniversary, it is a mind can not forget, and unforgettable memories.
04 years from the day began, until now, has gone through a full five spring.
5 years can be a long or a short is not short, which took place among many things, but also experienced too many things, there are happy, but also sad; have happiness, but also painful; have success, but also a failure; a fascinating moment, there are bland moments hh These are accompanied by laughter and tears accompany I have grown up together.
period of special experience, I like overnight transformation into another person, I grew up; sensible; mature. It made me understand many things, but taught me many things .
let me learn a firm; so I learned to be tolerant; so I learned to throw away to complain and hate; so I learned to wipe away tears with a smile and went on; so I learned how to face frankly everything, accept everything; so I learned to find hope in the face of adversity; so I learned not to bow to the fate of the hh
taste of life, appreciate life, these will be my enough for a lifetime of wealth.
There are countless people who asked me perseverance are no regrets; attitude of frustration for my pride in the face. What is a good reason not to mark what it!
Postscript: Thank you very much for our group of Chinese women's volleyball team's care and understanding for myself to become a member of women's volleyball team was extremely happy, but also to have good the fans feel happy! Thank you!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Fast red 15 after beta 1 hour at no cost to refute +15

 Read the forum there is a red 15 hour post, a bit exaggerated, but do not meet the actual situation, I deliberately practiced today, a trumpet, written in accordance with the above steps, your one to rise to 7 to 20 used minutes, did not mind Lianxia Qu, which is practiced in the old, if the District is estimated to practice more slowly (except team). newly opened area everyone wants to rise fast, there is the task to be related to how to prepare , do the task, and 1 hour 15 purely on the flicker, then how can it one step faster to share my experience it! (single leveling fact, why do not recommend single-leveling is not recommended, huh, huh, we all know , mobs to complete the number of four hands, fists face it! like group on the team have a full, you kill one, six people have been killed, and there is the best pick for the same task, so we go uniform line, played a few new area, find one to complete the task then, the yellow dots on the map are all dispersed, leaving me alone, and then into a single cut)
The first is to do the main quest, a lap down the task to put the equipment, pay attention to election weapon of choice stick, remote attacks, the new district of people, all know who should play the first who is under the strange experience. (Note: Do not throw away the novice equipment, sold directly in the NPC there, This is money ah!)
This is the copy do main, main line at the end of the first two is to kill 10 boars, where the task assigned cents on Monday will rise to 3. Then on Monday, will want you to go to Dragon Magazine. and the Dragon will soar to four after the dialogue. After Dragon wants you to kill 20 wolves, pay attention here! do not start out of the city, go to task manager library where the task of receiving a green, but also kill the wolf, while receiving seven days to go, where doctors Liu Bobo the task of Soul . This three tasks are to kill the wolf, and they are the main line extension, flat monster three tasks. After all killing back to the city, to finish 3 quests, quests to kill Wraith also a follow-up, the other two tasks is very rich experience, just to rise to 6.)
during which noted that:
1. We find the task manager in the main, it is best to take all the tasks inside, that is, test training mission out to kill butterflies and kill wild boar pig, because the group Well, a few to completely get killed, go back to the task assigned to have a chance to get Purple Star Hey.
2. pigs and butterflies out of the door is the West, concentrating Qiangguai it, and the high point of explosion heard so tired and do not go so far back to the task faster.
3. first cross-Trial Task, and then cross the main line of cross-End.
4. Do not pick up that What dream master the task, if not to experience, gave a title messenger of love rabbits. depressed do it later, the benefits of doing so as soon as 15 to Albatron, to avoid the high traffic of the river Yangcheng
5. The most important task is to level 6 adventure has changed, we all know. so that there will be no practical effect of the post.
has done when the task the task to coordinate the organization's direction, can not you play the wolf I hit the bandits, and he spent playing charm. line unity, efficiency on the table, the main task of coordinating the tasks and extension, so you can save, not run back and forth, there is the 15 directly before the death of far back, can not afford to experience , did not send a direct link back to the city quickly. This may fast half to 1 hour to 15 out! Anyway, 1 hour to 15 an exaggeration, unrealistic. back and forth are enough to toss the task assigned to run one hour. < br> concluded that under the dull and boring this game, if you do not change, I think players will be less and less, I changed a lot of areas, and a refining device failure would not want to play the hey, 22, and the New , hey ~ to stabilize his personality, and resolutely anti-strange enough equipment on the line. hope we can top a few more, I will continue to experience that I brought to share, oh. finally said, my wife is beautiful. and I is ugly Hey!