Monday, May 30, 2011

One-click ~ !

out overnight to take taste fresh
youngest son are tied to do to take classes ~ !

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Chinese New Year

back home this year ( my wife at home ) New Year. 29, and then Dad drove the train at the railway station , etc. , treatment good, oh , huh, huh
a safe journey home 30 1 am finally home, and then ..... ....
Central China Chinese New Year custom is very pure, get up early in the morning before breakfast, set off firecrackers , that fun ah
6 o'clock side of the guns I have no ears stopped 2 points more than the poor I went to bed , but also bumps the day before
wake up to the outside , wow ....... Although the sun opened 2 days, but the street is a white , sun the way the place is less ice
New Year .. .................. Oh, this is the feeling of the Chinese New Year
lunch , here is the value at noon Meals , big family reunion dinner

100 in sales trick

in sales trick ----------------------------------------- 100 --------------------------------------- A person to old age, poor and bitter, that is not what that person did wrong before, but he did not do anything. 1. Sales representatives, sales knowledge is undoubtedly the need to master, there is no knowledge as the foundation of sales, can only be regarded as speculation, can not really experience the wonders of marketing. 2. A successful marketing is not an incidental story, it is to learn, plan, and a sales representative of the knowledge and skills in the use of the results. 3. Promote the use of common sense completely, but only confirmed these ideas into practice by those who used the positive in order to be effective. 4. Made before the blockbuster performance, we must first do the tedious preparations. 5. Pre-sales preparation, planning must not be negligent contempt, come prepared to winner. Get ready to sell tools, opening remarks, the questions asked, to say the words, and the possible answers. 6. Fully prepared in advance and out of the scene inspired by the power of comprehensive, often very easy to achieve success in the collapse of strong opponents. 7. The most outstanding sales representatives are those who approach the best and most knowledgeable of goods, services, sales representative for the most thoughtful. 8. Of relevant information with the company's products, brochures, advertisements, etc., must work to discuss, memorize, and competitors to gather advertising, promotional materials, brochures, etc., to study, analyze, so do know ourselves, so that it can truly know ourselves. Take appropriate countermeasures. 9. Sales representatives must read more on the economy, sales of books, magazines, in particular, to read a newspaper every day to understand the state, society, news events, visiting customers days before, this is often the best topic, and not ignorance, knowledge shallow. 10. Order to obtain the road looking for customers from the beginning, develop customer sales is more important than the immediate, if you stop to add new customers, sales representatives no longer a source of success. 11. No good deals to customers on the sales representative must also harmful, this is the most important piece of business ethics. 12. In visiting customers, the sales representative should be a criterion when the believer is also necessary to grasp even a fall of sand. Means that sales representatives can not go home empty handed, even if the market is not traded, let the customer be able to introduce you to a new customer. 13. Select customers. Measure the willingness and ability of customers to buy, do not waste time hesitant people. 14. A strong first impression of the important rule is to help people feel important. 15. Appointment on time - late means: I do not respect your time. Is no excuse for being late, if not avoid the occurrence of late, you have to open up the phone before the appointed time past, to apologize, and then continue to sell the unfinished work. 16. Can make a purchase decision to the President the power to sell. If you're selling to buy no power to say, you can not sell something for. 17. Each sales representative should be aware that only staring your customers. Sales to be successful. 18. Planned and naturally close to the customer. Make customers feel good, and can smoothly negotiate, a sales representative must work hard to prepare in advance and strategies. 19. Sales representatives can not visit every one of his customers a deal, he should try to visit more customers to increase the percentage of transactions. 20. To understand your customers, because they determine your performance. 21. In a good sales representative before you want to be a good investigator. You have to discover, to tracking, to investigate, until Mozhun all customers, enabling them to become your good friends until the next. 22. I believe your product is a necessary condition for sales representatives: this confidence given to your customers if you have no confidence in their own products, your customers will not have confidence to discuss it naturally. Customers so much is because the logic of talking to you was that high levels of the eye, you might as well say he was deeply convinced confidence. 23. Stand the failure of a good sales representative performance, in part because they sell the products themselves and the confidence in the letter. 24. Understand customers and meet their needs. Understand customer needs, as if walking in the dark, vain and not see the results. 25. For sales representatives, the most valuable thing than time. Understand and select a customer, is to make sales on behalf of their time and efforts on the most likely customers who buy, rather than waste can not buy your product people. 26. There are three rules to increase sales: - is important to focus on your customers, and second, more focused, more concentrated the three is more. 27. There is no gap between customers, there is hierarchy. Customer rating determined by the number of visits, time, sales representatives can make the time to play the greatest efficiency. 28. Close to the customer must not stereotyped formulaic, must be well prepared in advance for all types of customers, to take the most appropriate manner and close to opening. 29. Marketing opportunities are often - vertical disappearing, must quickly and accurately determine, pay attention to avoid disappointment, we should strive to create opportunities. 30. Focus on the right target, the correct use of time and the right customer, you will have to sell the eye of the tiger. 31. The golden rule of marketing is what you like other people to you, how you treat others; criteria platinum selling hi times by the way people treat people. 32. Allow customers to talk about themselves. Let a person talk about themselves, can give you a great opportunity to dig in common to build goodwill and increase marketing opportunities to complete. 33. Sales must be patient, continue to visit, so as not to be rushed, should not be taken lightly, we must calm, observing Yan concept of color, and at the right time to facilitate transactions. 34. Customer refused to sell, do not be discouraged, to further efforts to convince customers and try to find customers rejected, and then prescribe the right medicine. 35. The customer asked the curiosity of people around, even if not likely to buy, but also enthusiasm, they explain patiently, introduction. Notice they are most likely directly or indirectly affect the customer's decision. 36. To help customers and sales, rather than to commission and sales. 37. In this world, rely on sales representatives to someone struck a chord with customers quick thinking, logic, rhetoric makes criminal Gen careful: Some people sound Sui, and Mao, 'submission to the expense of moving both the passionate heart. However, these are all forms of problems. At any time, any place, to convince anyone, and always contributing factors only - one: that is true. 38. Not to sell but to help. Something inside to sell is to customers, but it is for customers to do things to help. 39. Customers to think with logic, but that their actions are feeling. Therefore, the sales representatives need to press the customer's heart button. 40. Sales representatives and customer relationships that will never need calculus formulas and theories, the need is today's news ah, ah the weather and other topics. Therefore, the simple truth should not attempt to go for customers to be tempted. 41. To move the hearts of customers rather than the head, because the mind from customers recently installed a pocket wallet. 42. Objection to their own customers can not answer, must not be perfunctory, or deliberate deception Tongue L rebuttal. Must be answered as far as possible, if to no avail, it must consult as soon as the leadership of the Shan Jie to the customer satisfaction, the correct answer. 43. Listen buy signal - if you are attentive in listening to the words, when a customer has decided to buy, usually will give you suggestions. Listening is more important than words. 44. Promotion rules of the game is: for the purpose of closing a series of activities undertaken. Although the deal does not mean everything, but there was no transaction to nothing. 45. Transaction Rule - Article: require customers to buy. However, 71% of the sales representative did not deal with the customer the reason is that there is no transaction to the customer requirements. 46. If you do not have transactions to customer requirements, aimed at the target as if you did not pull the trigger. 47. The moment you deal with a firm confidence in you, you are the embodiment of success, like - say an old adage that: Success comes from the success. 48. If the sales representative can not sign a single customer, product knowledge, sales skills are meaningless. No deal, no sale, simple as that. 49. Did not receive the order is not - a disgrace, but it was not clear why the order is a disgrace. 50. Proposed transaction to the appropriate customer at the right time to put forward appropriate solutions. 51. Completion, to convince customers to take action now. Delays in closing transactions may lose the opportunity. - Sentence marketing motto is: Today's order is here, tomorrow's orders the world. 52. Confident attitude to overcome transaction barriers. Market performance is often the ability to create confidence to buy. If the customer does not buy the letter B, even if it cheaper does not help, and the low prices will tend to scare away customers. 53. If not executed, the sales representative to immediately meet with the client the next appointment date - if, when you and your clients face to face, can not be under an appointment - time to time with the customer in order to meet the future can be difficult to add difficult. Each of you play out a phone, at least bring some form of sales. 54. . Sales representatives must not be because the customer did not buy your product and be rude to him, so, you lose not just a sales opportunity - but losing a customer. 55. Tracking, tracing, and then follow - if needed to complete a contact with customers to sell 5 to 10 times, then you have to stay up at all that 10 times. 56. With others (colleagues and customers) get along. Marketing is not a one-man show, to work together with colleagues, and customers to become partners. 57. Efforts to bring luck - a closer look at those lucky people who share their good fortune come only after years of effort, you can also like them better. 58 Do not blame others against failure to complete thing ---- responsibility is a pillar point, hard work is brought to fruition the standard, and the completion of your task is to return (not return the money - money is only a subsidiary of the successful completion of the task grain .) 59. Persist in the end - you can not not be seen as a challenge, rather than refusing to sell you willing to complete the required 5 to 10 visits to adhere to in the end if you do, then you have begun to realize upheld power of the. 60. With figures to find out your formula for success --- a complete sell you need to determine how many clues to how many phones, the number of potential customers, how many times the talks, the number of product introductions, and how much back tracking, so the formula and then act. 61. Warm the face of work - so the feeling is to sell every time: This is the best time. 62. Dead leaves customers impressed - this impression, including a warehouse, j new image, a professional image. When you're gone, the customer is how you describe all the time you do an impression to others, sometimes dark, sometimes bright; sometimes good, sometimes not to the mouth. You can choose who you want to leave the impression that the other U, must also be responsible for his own impression. 63. The failure of the first law of marketing is: the level of competition and customers. 64. Competitors out of the corresponding highest offensive, that is grace, goods, services and dedicated spirit of enthusiasm. Competitors to meet the most ignorant and offensive, to say bad things about each other. 65. Sales representatives sometimes like an actor, but already selling into the ranks, it must be dedicated, confident, and certainly his work is most valuable and meaningful. 66. Own entertainment - this is the most important one, if you love what you do, your accomplishments will be more outstanding. Do what you love to do, will bring the joy of the people around you, happiness is contagious. 67. Performance is the sales representative's life, but to achieve results, set the expense of business ethics, do anything, is wrong. The success of non-honors, will be planted for the future, the seeds of failure. 68. Comparison of sales representatives must always pay attention to the performance of each of the monthly fluctuations, and to reflect, review and find out the crux of the problem: human factors, or a competitor's strategy of market volatility factors, and whether or policy changes, etc., to actually get the exact status of to find countermeasures to complete the task and create success. 69. Flatter than pre-sales, after sales service, which will permanently to attract customers. 70. If you send away a happy customer, he will everywhere publicity for you and help you attract more customers. 71. Your old customers in the service of the neglect is the competitor's opportunity. If things go on, soon you will fall into crisis. 72. We can not calculate how many customers a little bit small because of the negligence of the lost - forget the return phone calls, late for an appointment, do not say thank you, forget the commitment to its customers and so on. Sui is the little things - a successful sales representatives - a failure of the sales representative of the difference. 73. Writing to the customer and other sales representatives you different or better than they are one of the best opportunities. 74. According to the survey, 71% of customers Zhisuo Yi purchase products from your hands, because they like you, trust you and respect you. Therefore, the marketing is to sell yourself first. 75. Etiquette, instrument, conversation, behavior is good or bad impression people get along with the source, sales representatives must be more efforts in this regard. 76. Clothing do not make perfect, but the impression given by the first meeting, 90% of the produce to clothing. 77. The first transaction is a by product of the charm, by the second service transaction is the charm. 78. Credit is the largest capital market, personality is the greatest asset sales, so sales representatives can use various strategies and tools, but can not deceive customers. 79. Talked about the customer, the sales will progress. Therefore, when speaking customers pay, not to interrupt him, speak for themselves, to allow customers to interrupt you. Marketing is a silent art. 80. To sell, the good listener that is more important than the good. 81. The most common marketing mistake is a sales representative, then too much! Many sales representatives talk so much, so that they will not say no to its population the opportunity to those customers a chance to change their minds. 82. In the open market before it gets to win the goodwill of customers. The best way to win is to sell to win customers hearts. The possibility of people to friends to buy large, the possibility to buy small sales representative. 83. If you want to sell successfully, be sure to press the customer's heart button. 84. It is estimated that the reason why 50% of sales completed, is due to friendship relations. That is to say, sales representatives and customers do not make friends, you mean the 50% market handed it over. Friendship is the super marketing magic. 85. If you complete a promotion, you get a commission: If you make friends, you can make a fortune. 86, loyal customers is more important than loyalty to God. You can fool God a hundred times, but you must not deceive customers again. 87. Remember: The customer is always like those people who like and respect people who deserve respect. 88. In sales activities, character and product are equally important. Quality products with excellent character only in the hands of sales representatives in order to win the long-term market. 89. Customer sales representative, then praise be shaking like a bell like the chink. 90. You will lose too much enthusiasm for a deal, but warm enough for a hundred times lost transactions. More appealing than enthusiastic rhetoric. 91. The greater your business to do, the more you have to care about customer service. In the sweet taste of success, the fastest way is to ignore the mess after-sales service. 92. Tough customer is the best teacher a sales representative. 93. Customer complaints should be regarded as a sacred language, any criticism should be willing to accept. 94. Correct handling of customer complaints to improve customer satisfaction and the second two tend to increase customer recognition card to buy two huge profits 95. Sales transaction is not the end, but the beginning of the next sale. Final sales will not, it will only start from scratch again. 96. Successful people are those who learn from the failures on, not daunted by the failure of the people, sales representatives must not forget that, then from the lessons learned from failures, than success of the experience gained from the more easily kept in mind . 97. Can not hit the mark must not be attributed to the target. Not a sale is never the fault of our customers. 98. Ask any professional sales representative to success, he must answer: Stick in the end. 99. What the world can not replace attachment. Talent can not - people who have talent but nothing everywhere: not smart - smart people destitute common, education can not - but around the world, educated people who rebuffed numerous. Only dedication and determination is the most important. Remember: the first lights up the first out. Stars do not do in a day. Persistent long-lasting. 1OO. A person to old age, poor and bitter, that is not what that person did wrong before, but he did not do anything.
you speak from experience of sales!

The most popular songs

150首most popular songs with modern place -

per capital is Xinzhe
Welcome you to enjoy !

Monday, May 23, 2011

Daughter of Green

When reading the prose young qing collection of all the world ... ... that the words can not describe the best of the rainy green lake. It is like egg white and moist, yet also seemed bright blue sky; it is a shy virgin First love, but also a charming young woman, radiant glittering; it good bright eyes gaze, the Wind Gone with the Wind held the sweet smell, refreshing. Inadvertently skim the entrance, ecstasy osteoclasts, drunk can not wake up, call Zhulao emotion as the
daughter, green, and how the name sounds, and only Think of the traditional New Year's golden couple, male and female red green, and a tiger wind, a pretty, pleasant Chu. Red and green like the character was born close to the red man named wrapped out of the flowers, imposing appearance of the extraordinary weather; and green is the raw water Lingling, Johnson dough Nver Shen, little intelligence, little Jiaohan, Qiaoxiaoqianxi , eyes hope Xi, the spring sceneries on earth will be in that drive a wedge between God and stare Guanghua flow. Color decoration is made of a woman human beauty, the elegance of white, red, sexy, elegant purple, black, silent, every color is a breeze with style. Girls only need to use the bright green hair and vegan skin's state of mind to come through the lining, Yan if the peach, quiet as shame months before they can show off it was pure, such as Lin Yue heart charm. One point is dark yellow, white and one sub-stiff, hi score then scattered, excellent score then cool. So green is critical, only the girl who was both quiet and lively are into nature. Zhao verses like the alley to the root graceful graceful way, according to that and went straight into the door, but in fact hidden in the porch, stuck a pair of eyes look back to when the show the way, they are are Peach Blossom Face. Green will be suitable for such a woman, has reserved a small daughter, curious, smart, shy, every movement, every look of spring are full of poetic storage, then recalled a few years later, writing into a word, people can still smell Ome of the subtle fragrance to the current year. Speaking of her daughter
Green, the reigning reminds me of the Jin dynasty of corrupt officials Shichong concubine, the woman judge and green bead. Although only the canary in the wealthy, but has forged a green strength of character, make the mistake of not abandoning the newspaper 石崇 grace, cast floor and died. Shi Chong Yisheng filthy, and green bead because of love, many have to die and clean. Green, not just the absence of life and background of pure nature being the clear spirit, it is through earthly vanity, still lightness finds the constancy and perseverance. This is how the daughter of venerable green ah. The Pearl of the heart as she has single-mindedness of the yearning for love, the difference time and time again with her loveless marriage to the barren soul moist. She Ganaiganhen no regrets. She is the daughter of the most brilliant green in that bunch, and the back of beauty and light, but it is an empty lonely heart.
the daughter of the green world, it seems more than the rainy season level of rich green lake and more food for thought. Flowers and the world, a Bodhi leaf, every woman has her unique charm is green, or Smart, or introverted, or brilliant, or Su Jie ... ... as long as the heart, green, youth will never die back.

Men and women sleeping position

first: couples sleeping position of mutual trust between the second

: care of the sleeping position

third: downtown a little awkward sleeping position

fourth : the old lover's sleeping position

Fifth: tired of working a normal sleeping position

Sixth: lovers of the future has a solid commitment to

seventh : the new lover's sleeping position

Eighth : women must rely on all kinds of men

IX : men want to abandon the woman's symptoms
< br> tenth type :

troubled emotional life man holding a woman to sleep , the woman you want to understand the reason

A) When in love , the man holding the woman sleeping .
woman said : When they become husband and wife after the woman complained one day :
Well, do not you think you ? It? driving me down, people see the bad . I am !
years later, a woman with a man , said: Promise :
, To a man holding
man snappily said: br> ~ ~ ~
married , he brought you luck friends !
years later did not hold you , normal friends !
never mind !!

But in any case , see Upon completion of this article , women have to understand that men need to review !!

Most people know it is not super good stuff

1. erythromycin ointment, face open or closed treatment of acne comparison works. Antibiotics, quick, but not long-term use
2. Aureomycin ointment, is a eyedrops, applied to the fat granule can eliminate fat granule
3. Sugar, a small amount of sugar added to the cleanser in the wash face, on to the black pox and India is very effective, the effect of scrub
4. orange, wash your face at night after the puree with the orange peel or orange painted face, can make the skin against dry skin is very comfortable with the water Dangdang
5. yoghurt + banana, attaining to shrink pores
6. chloramphenicol injection for facial skin can smooth
7. Baizhu Dan protein in the nose rubbing, you can get rid of blackheads on the nose, the nose may persist for some very small tender, can replace the dead skin cream
8. baby oil, can be used to make-up remover , effective and affordable
9. ginger, shaved pen-like, to spread light and thin eyebrows, painted once every day, and gradually concentrated president
10. tea bags, Paowan later used to apply eye can eliminate eye bags and dark circles, bags under the eyes of the people of large very effective, best time to get up to do, preferably green tea or black tea
11. finished first rush to the hair with a towel wrapped the blow, well done faster
12. nail polish to nails after soaking in cold water, will dry very quickly
13. vinegar, damaged hair dye used to laundry, shampoo and rinse with vinegar after the dollar water (1:5 or so) pour in the hair wash away over five minutes, then rinse the hair conditioner, hair is not as firewood a
14. vinegar, tend to become dry, rough hands, foam hands with vinegar Ten minutes to skin care
15. Wash rice in water, with the first two wash the rice water wash, morning and evening .5 days after the skin becomes snow white, and very supple
16. tofu, tofu every morning, rub the face with a few minutes for a month, face will become very moist
17. thin salt, washing the face is not dry after the first, with thin salt rub the nose, you can go to black
18. Strawberry used to cover teeth to make teeth white
19. cod liver oil, the roots of the lashes applied, can stimulate the growth of eyelashes
20. apple, to rule eye of the fat granule, with paste
21. light blue film, taken out attached to the acne, about 15 minutes, can anti-acne and India.
22. haemorrhoid creams, acne treatment, smooth a small corner of the eye fine lines very effective, the principle is the composition and cream hemorrhoids cream ingredients the same, but technology and sophistication is different
23. VE, painted lips at night before going to sleep the next morning pink lips would toot, it is easy to use
24. brown sugar + honey, add half a teaspoon of honey, a spoonful of brown sugar mill nose, one to two minutes, not too long, and then washed twice a week if a serious, useful
25. tomato, eat to cure black eye, used to stay up all night working hard to eat absolutely no black eye, it will not Mianyoucaise.
26. lash line with liquid eyeliner is not good master, you can draw about the first look with eyeliner, and then describe what a hard head liner, will be very handy
27. acne were the most good not to eat honey, because honey stimulates the growth of acne
28. in the jewelry box put a small piece of chalk, you can make jewelry to keep you shiny
29. myopic eyes due to outstanding, you can RGP glasses used to contain, in conjunction with a simple massage of one year, allowing the eyes to return to normal. This is the four fingers and massage it, so in front of the general homogeneous, and then close your eyes, in the position of the eye and orbital convergence Press down gently, press down for 5 seconds after, and then repeated. On a day by half an hour. Effect is obvious.
30. painted a variety of lash growth medium Ye Hao, oil Ye Hao, in the coating after 10 pm is more effective because it is the strong growth of eyelashes. In addition, only applied to the upper half on it, not painted eyelashes root, or easy long Zhifang Li Oh. Upper half of the liquid can be coated to flow along the eyelash roots, but not much to long fat granule Oh!
31. perfect aloe vera gel, how to use can, because it is promoting new skin, so similar to cut his hand. . . Face speckle ah. . . . Acne Indian ah. . . Good use is very effective, and now this evening after washing face to rub, the skin will feel tender, the effect is obvious. By insect bites can go to redness, sun damage that can calm the skin, acne acne that can help mature, and then squeeze the acne, and then coated with aloe vera gel, acne soon enough
- ------------------------------------------< br>
1 enteritis diarrhea, eat berberine tablets, friends with children at home, this is definitely useful to you
2 stroke, a Shi Dishui + a Huoxiangzhengqi hydration to eat
3 foot odor, feet a day with Shanghai medicated soap, wash your socks and insoles, can go to foot odor.
4 foot blisters, blisters can before going to bed at one o'clock on the water and good coating of flour, one night will be much better.
5 sweat, wearing shoes when the soles where to sprinkle lip, slowly, sweat less
6 stomach, eat some ginger, ginger also can cure athlete's foot with frostbite
7 small area of ​​skin damage or burns, burns, cast a little toothpaste, can immediately stop the bleeding pain;
8 leg cramps, pinching force may not be effective soon. Legs can be straight, get your toes back to the hook, point to themselves, can effectively relieve cramps
9 nursing throat, when eating watermelon touch salt, watermelon frost is generated, retaining the summer bathing voice
10 borneol God with six shower gel, washed for a very smooth, not like other shower gel so long, sticky, prickly heat is not boring
11 soy sauce can be used to soak the garlic, a week after eating, can prevent a cold, cancer prevention, physical fitness
12 to prevent students scars, cut wounds if it is (very small one) and first flush of blood in the wound still wet, sprinkle with sugar and then paste Upload rain, can be attached to , get some water every few hours to re-melt before putting the soft white sugar, the basic good since there is no trace, especially for people who scar the skin should be very useful
13 mosquito bites itch bag can be saliva, do not have the other time to try something good effect
14 if not on special occasions sneezing, sneeze about to play in the moment, hold down the hole people, the feeling of sneezing immediately disappear
15 headache, dizziness When applying the toothpaste in the temple, because toothpaste contains menthol, clove oil may have pain
16 regular push empty stomach, can take care of a lot of acupuncture and massage internal organs to aid digestion, a body good
17 treatment of tinnitus, ringing in the ears when the hot summer is like squatting on the ground, and immediately relieve
18 treatment of tinnitus, pinch your nose with your fingers, closed on the mouth, and then exhaled hard, so that gas from the two ears out quickly and efficiently < br> 19 wipe mat in summer, dropping the toilet water with clean water clean mat, can maintain a fresh, clean mat. Of course, wipe down the mat when the best lines were to toilet water to infiltrate the lines of gap mat, cool and comfortable feel that will be more persistent lack of sleep will make you stupid
20, need to sleep eight hours a day, can delay the siesta habit Aging
21 eat something spicy, I feel we should be hot die, go out into the mouth and put a pinch of salt, containing about, spit, rinse under the mouth, not spicy;
22 Niuhuangjiedu films can not eat, will be heavy metal poisoning.
23 Banlangen dead body waste can be discharged to the cells! are sick with antibiotics for rapid results and a friend can use this method.
---------------- ----------------------------

a hair dryer blowing against the label, such as blowing hot glue marks to the labels can easily peel off
2 screens greasy than coincidence: the detergent, the rest of the cigarette smoke on the water together, to be dissolved, and brought clean the windows, screens, good results
3 idle cream, lotion and the like stuff, throwing a pity, can be used to wipe bags (leather or leather of all can), a rub on a clean like new
4 did not air a cola drink, can be used to clean the toilet, pour flush toilet for 10 minutes, you will find very white very clean toilet
5 Fengyoujing get rid of stains, ballpoint pen and India in particular, a rub gone
6 rubbed with vinegar home tap, stainless steel sink, etc., used in a long time to get enough light, and in this way A very bright
7 rub with stockings clean stainless steel appliances, effort and clean, ensuring bright as new.
8 If the clothes do not accidentally drop on the oil, before doing the laundry, keep clothes are dry, then place the drip drops of detergent, then rub the two, wash, then there would be sub mimeographed the.
9 with toothpaste and toothbrush, brush the silver side of the black stuff will make it a good light
10 have become moldy moldy clothes, toothpaste applied to the top, dry and then wash, you can wash very clean
11 pure white wash clothes (not white), washed with water, when to vote, first in the water with a little bit (it must be a trace, adds a not work out ...) in blue pen water water into a faint hint of blue, and then put to the vote to wash clothes. This washing out clothes, give people the visual feel more white
12 when drying out the white shoes wrapped in a layer of toilet paper, can make shoes more white
13 to spray white vinegar on the menu board, put half an hour after washing, not only bactericidal, but also in addition to taste
14 sticker regardless of the wall with glue, paste, paste, or double-sided tape, will leave marks. Does not want to leave traces of peanuts on a large out of toothpaste (not selected colored) and put it on the four corners of the poster, hard one click. The future can be easily opened, and without leaving any traces, white walls that will not stain clothes
15 have blood, no matter what the quality of the fabrics, the cream (any brand will do) applied to the blood , the place for 10 minutes, and then summarized with soap or detergent to wash
16 have tea stains on cups, you can use toothpaste to brush, wipe the tea stains, and a brush to washing down
17 the summer before clothes soaked with toilet water by adding warm water, especially the brightly colored T-shirts, and more bubbles for a while, so you can maintain the bright colors and smells good
18 colors may fade dark clothes, buy a new home time, you can use a little salt and add water to soak for half an hour wash, not easy to fade out
19 refrigerator freezer walls clean, dip the cloth with oil, rub evenly around the inside of the freezer, later, when the defrost is very convenient, gently peel off the ice on the noodles
20 cook the soup, is used to wash the dishes will be very clean and
21 If the hand is not detergent, toothpaste can take place to clean greasy bowls and pots, buy back as clean
22 new wok Taomi Shui Paoshang with at least 1-2 hours of cooking with them very well and will not stick pan and no iron smell
23 sucker-like suction wall hooks or a shelf, sucker a little salad oil evenly, and then forced by the wall, it will suck more stable
24 Xiguo clean ball (kind of thin wire ), with a very dirty dirty, do not throw away, put it on the fire burning. Miscellaneous dirt falling into pieces, but also a new clean ball
26 girls stockings sharp objects more easily scratch, bought and placed in the refrigerator for a while in the cold, so wear is not easily broken
27 placed in the room soaking the onions in cold water to remove the paint smell, just renovated the house to put some grapefruit skin, can also be put between students, eliminate the odor
28 will be submerged Cancha A few days later, pour in the plant roots can promote plant growth; the residue dried tea, put the toilet or drain in the burning smoke, eliminate odor, get rid of mosquitoes, flies with the function of
29 flower, the drops in the water a drop of detergent, you can spend more to maintain the life of
30 does not care if the clothes stained with tomato juice or other fruit juice, immediately wipe with a damp paper towel, which can be removed without leaving any traces
31 notebook computer does not accidentally spill to water or oil, you can temporarily use the hair dryer blow first, and then the computer shut down, not to the maintenance of the Do not re-boot before, so help repair
32 books or materials are water wet, a little dry , then squeeze the thick book is good, put plastic bags into the refrigerator freezer floor, and then half a day out, the paper will look into the original cleaning
33 canvas shoes with a soft cloth or silk stockings, with detergent, wash clean, not to hurt the shoes have stains
34 bags can be wiped with cotton dipped in the wind spirits, good results
35 summer clean mat, with the dropping of the toilet water to wipe the mat with water can be the mat to keep fresh, clean. Of course, wipe down the mat when the best lines were, in order to penetrate into the toilet water lines mat gap, so cool and comfortable feel will be more durable
36 double-sided adhesive residue on the glass of offset printing with a paper towel dipped in nail polish remover , a rub on the offset printing, offset printing immediately disappear
37, when sweeping the ground like a plush golf ball does not sweep clean. If the family has bad hole in the stockings, do not throw to set the broom on the water stockings wet. Then sweep the floor when the fur balls, floating dust would gradually getting on a broom stick, very clean and very convenient
38 candles frozen twenty-four hours, and then into the birthday cake, will not shed light candle oil < br> 39 where no matter what shoes you wear to the feet, you place the feet in the shoes wear a little white wine coated to ensure that the feet do not wear anything
40 plastic can fracture if the broken upper hand rubbed oil refined, with a one fight together by two minutes.
41 go out at any time in the bag with a small battery, if the skirt with a static, put the battery's positive in the skirt can be removed above the rub a few static
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1 fried eggplant before, with the water boiled or salted out of grievances, so that no oil had
2 mangoes turn the gas stove in a few seconds, then peel the skin on the good, the tomato peeling , scalded with boiling water, the skin easy to peel to the pan general
3, when the need to fried things, first heating the pot over the fire, pour a small amount of oil, oil heat, pour, and then poured into cold oil to become a non-stick pan, and fried fish, Shui Jianbao are non-stick bowl of soup or soup
4 time, put a little vinegar, enabling a calcium absorption
5 to drink a big bottle of cola finish, you can put less likely to leak over
6 steamed rice, add a few drops of oil generation in the pan. Stirring. Steamed rice one grain, and good to eat. And non-stick pan. pork chop or steak
7 to do when the music first with the mouth pieces and cook for 10 minutes, or fried, delicious meat will easily melted. Coke does not taste
8 residue washed black fungus a little bit of time to put the flour, will wash a lot of dirt under the
9 before peeling garlic, water, dip the whole garlic, peeled and very easy.
10 boiled dumplings to add enough water until the water boiled with 2% of the salt, then dissolved under the dumplings, to increase the resilience of gluten, dumplings will not stick paper stick at the end, Tang Qing Hong
11 dumplings the walnuts into the steaming pot for ten minutes and then broke down out on the cold water, you can remove the complete Peach kernel of the
12 eggs into the bowl, add a little warm water Mix well and pour into pan Fried few drops of wine to the pot, so that Stir the eggs fluffy, fresh, delicious.
13 excessive consumption of raw onion and garlic, will stimulate the oral gastrointestinal, adverse health, the best add a little vinegar and then eat
14 把 shrimp into the bowl, add a little salt and the food base powder, rub while grasping after soak and then rinse with water, Stir the shrimp will be as transparent as crystal, cool and tender and delicious
15 Beer duck dishes like braised pork leg, when simmered in water, poured from the wok cooker inside the stew, meat more tender, more fragrant, more slippery, water vapor is also less, in particular, wash peaches delicious
16, when the water release point to the base surface, peach hair floating in the water naturally, and not washing hands itch, this is absolutely clean and wash
17 peach yogurt, can be hangover after the upset, yogurt can protect gastric mucosa, slow alcohol absorption, and calcium-rich , are particularly effective in alleviating irritable drink
18 Pork, the meat first ten minutes with baking soda and water soaked, drained the water after the tasty, fried it will be very tender and
19, when put to wash grapes some starch, lightly rub a rub, can be completely washed grapes sweet potatoes rubbed shiny by
20 into a filament, fried taste is very unique, good results through the intestine with a knife sticky
21 things (cakes, Baba class) before the first blade drenched in cold water, to point out
22 cooked rice Nonstick heavy heating method: used chopsticks in the rice pot holes through some bar and sprinkle a little rice wine heavy stew , if only the surface of half-cooked, as long as the surface of stew and then turn to the middle to
23 how to identify eggs: eggs with light according to a new, very short, completely translucent eggs, was orange red, no black spots inside the eggs, no red shadow. If you wish to measure the freshness of eggs, eggs can be dipped in cold water. If the egg is lying in the water, that is very fresh; if tilted in the water, the eggs had been stored for at least 3 to 5 days; if straight stand in the water, may be stored for 10 days long. In addition, if the egg floats on the surface, then the eggs may have been very bad.
24 after eating fatty foods in the tea can stimulate the autonomic nervous system, promote fat metabolism
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1 is going wrong place when the index finger tip moistened with saliva, and saliva point to the tip of the nose then repeat this on ... moves like a
2 times when fish stuck, you can take a empty bowl on the head, take a pair of chopsticks in, knock knock against the bowl desperate heart knock, knock `` `Kill `
3 of sand or foreign objects into the eyes, immediately spit, spit more, and then stop blinking, try Braun's
4 million sand into the eyes do not rub eyes or turn, immediately into the sand in the eye closed, and then cough and then open your eyes, immediately wash the summer will be good
5, when the ball in the foam bath sprinkled Fengyoujing would be cool
6 mosquito bite, the fastest way is to use soap and water on rainy days after the slippery coating about
7, if the sole affixed at each end of a Band-Aid will not slip out.
8 was pepper delicate, pour white wine coated surface of the skin, rub for 3-5 minutes just fine when
9 eyedrops slightly upward, mouth, so that chaos will not blink an eye;
10 eyes into small dust, close your eyes hard cough few, the dust will have their own out;
11 eating smelly things, such as garlic, tofu, and eat like a few peanuts;
12 to drink vinegar to play hiccups, see Pole Speaking of hiccups video
13, if the body on the outside, not how things should be done? I tell you, press the palm! Which palms will do casually, with the thumb of one hand hold the other hand desperately palm. Wonders of the hiccups, do not press the fight. Here is a point, according to a prospective, by a ten seconds, half a minute, let go, it will not call back. Press was not allowed, then let go immediately after the play, then press it. Oh to be hard!
14 stomach Chaqi: raise the bottom lying on the bed, hands straight, back to the sink, the most important must take the bottom elevation, and pretty soon, it will make some fart, just fine. . .
15 eat garlic, drink a glass of milk, milk protein will react with the garlic, we can effectively remove the garlic, and drink milk, careful to swallow a small mouth slowly, so the milk stays in the mouth while , and the best to drink warm milk, it will be better.
16 after eating a peach, the Peach washed, dried, accumulate several, including up on the pillow, you can sleep well. That is evil of the matter, to prevent Nuclear trinkets good for children

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Method of air stacked shirts

Hey ! ~ ~ Oh really very powerful , who learned it

reminded everyone to see posted to Huitie Oh! Welcome reproduced!

Teach you to grow to 1 m 7, taught me to grow to 1 m 8 ~ ~

Long High:
comrades under 25 years of age, have the opportunity to be 5 cm taller. (Of course, if you are particularly unique, you may also be more than 25 of the miracles)
as long as humans are somehow abnormal spine curve. If this (not the normal curve) correction, the ministries will stretch the joints, increase your height, you do not look down a straight joints can grow by bending to much, the body's joints are so much less plot into multiple, of course, considerable.
therefore, engaged in the kind of beauty growing number of people who gymnastics. 3 times a day as long as the implementation, 3 months, at least, 3 cm tall, graceful body becomes, can be said to achieve both beauty gymnastics.

(a) of the feet close together, standing straight, one leg back away half a step, then the upper body bent forward, do not bend the knee so that your fingers can touch the ground so far, so continuous do 15 to 20 times. This action can make the beautiful lines of the thigh and knee soft, so shapely legs around.

(b) of the feet to open 30 to 60 cm, standing upright with one leg to the back half a step, and then twist the upper body, so that the fingertips can reach the other side of the toes. And continuous to do 10 to 15 times. This action can make a beautiful soft lines of the two wrist, waist narrow, and correct the bending of spinal column.

(c) of the feet to open 60 to 70 cm, with one leg to the back half a step, and then raised his arms, and shoulder with a high, and then thrown back to the arms horizontally. Reverse the direction of the legs 7, the short legs to reverse the direction of 4 times. This action can make tight waist circumference, body charming.

(d) face to the wall, keeping 30 cm distance stood, one leg to the back half a step, heel open, so that the toes toward the inside, then both his hands on the wall, the Department of Student Groups, back to the buttocks protruding position, close together with two knee flexion-extension legs. 20 to 50 times a row to do. This action may have shifted to hip, his legs are not proportioned to cure the defects, but also makes a beautiful leg line.

(e) for a length of ten centimeters, a width of about twice the waist wrist pillow tied to the waist, one leg to the back half a step, one chair to sit deep inside, and then to the shoulder followed by the go, the Department of Student Groups, do it 20 times. This action, to cure the problems of fatigue and shoulder pain, and can shrink the stomach.

(f) pick up a rope to stand with one leg to the back half a step, then, to this position, there is rhythm to jump 60 to 70 times. Rope skipping is a good body movement, not only for health and beauty of great help, while contraction of muscles can increase the height.

(g) is sitting in the lower leg, one leg of the knee to the back 3 to 5 cm, shoulders back Bankai, arm raised straight up, this position, the upper body forward dumping, as close to the floor. 20 to 40 times a row to do. This action is the most effective corrective movement back the cat, not only make your back straight, both to beautify the wrist line.

(h) to sit down with a cloth tied to the upper part of the two
knees, his hands clinging to the lower leg, so that one leg of the knee and other leg's knee to keep the general high level, then use both hands pull body bent, so that his chin touched his knees, do it 20 to 30 times, this action, you can tighten the buttocks muscles.

(nine) did the 8 campaign, being not to lift the cloth on his knees with a pillow in the back, straight legs, lying on 15 minutes. If you have cold symptoms, strips of cloth tied at night to sleep, so, over time the cold symptoms can be cured. For the cat back and O-foot people, these are the most effective campaign.

to increase food
If you are not over 25 years of age (epiphyseal best to make sure your line is not closed), then as long as you follow the diet described below, there is still opportunity to increase one o'clock .
order to increase, should eat more protein, especially those containing the amino acid " " food, such as: flour, wheat germ, beans, shrimp, crabs, shellfish, seaweed, beef , chicken, liver, Zhu Tuirou, eggs, milk

knocked off your belly bulge it

to pick a day! for ten minutes! within two weeks will bear fruit!
These are aerobic exercise! to slowly do that! not Pinliaolaoming to do Oh!
do if the person is the first time! recommend a twenty-next! look at the personal situation! increasing day by day!
not Taimian Jiang! but we must persevere! on it! ! !
1. beautifying the waist, eliminating fat

2. strengthen the abdominal muscles and back of the tendon

3. the right and left stretch

4. beautifying the back line, prevention of cervical disease

5. hands and feet can be balanced around the body

6. while increasing the flexibility of hand

7. to tighten the abdominal muscles

8. minus the small pot

9. to increase foot flexibility strong arm

10. Tunbuxiachui eliminate the fat and tight leg muscles

11. Elimination Tunbuxiachui of fat and tight leg muscles 2

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Not the road has come to an end , but the turn out !

not the road has come to an end, but this turns out, this sentence is very interesting, people looked at a lot of emotion there.
when you encounter one thing, has been unable to resolve, and even has affected your life and mood, why not stop, to the heart of a repair Zen meditation time. Methods for species may change the angle, perhaps the way to go for a lot of things will be simple.
It is said that this is a famous Indian.

Just do not let yourself have the stuck in the abyss of suffering in life there are always setbacks, it is not the end, just to remind you that the turn out!
learn to give up, will be buried in the bottom of my heart yesterday, leaving the most beautiful memories, the failure does not mean you let go, let go just let you find a better article Way to go!
fact of life often need to consciously give up! When all have become superficial, and give up already is the best interpretation is one of the best happiness. Hate to give up, left is love, and walked away in tears before, leaving the gorgeous back, so that the load on the mind relaxed and agile, the hearts of those left behind should be indifferent, quiet glide when the time , so the feeling has gone away slowly over time, keep in mind Victoria called love.
a Zen master once said: Life is only three days - yesterday, today and tomorrow. People who live in confusion yesterday, live people waiting for tomorrow, only today's people living in the most practical.
Attachment is a burden, even a pain, too much care about becomes a yoke, has become a long lost kinds of pain. To give up is a mind, is a mature, is a self-confidence and grasp of mind. Give up, not to give up the pursuit, but people with open-minded attitude to face life.
old saying: In the end to get what? In the end to lose? Matter of opinion. Life is short, we just world, a passer-by, in fact, life in this seemingly short trip, too little, lose a little, What then? Of course not, and have lost precious, but this is not the most valuable, most precious human grasp should be happy in your hands now, people cherish the present good ah!

with age, experience the full, people should adjust their life over time points. Lost is a pain, but also a blessing. Because the loss of the green, only to be fruitful harvest. Miss the sun. In return for a starry sky.
how to face life's gains and losses, which is something that many thousands of years of hard thinking about. Do not miss the get, the lost, free and easy have to give up, do not be too concerned with when the treasure, do not say sorry after loss; too much care will be half the fun in life, everything is more negative on the life of America.
not the road has come to an end, but the turn out!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

These types of ribs , as long as would do to ensure your children pestering you eat each day to ensure they can finish a lifetime!

these types of ribs, as long as will be done, to ensure your children pestering you eat each day to ensure they can finish a lifetime!

1, crispy fried pork ribs

1, a pound of pork ribs.
2, three onions.
3, ginger piece.
4, a tablespoon of soy sauce. .
5, five-spice powder coffee spoon.
6, a tablespoon of cooked sesame seeds.
7, a teaspoon of sesame oil.
8, salt, MSG amount.
9, soup or water, one tablespoon.
1, ribs cut section, had to fly fish out of water; onions and cut into sections; ginger slices.
2, put in boiling water pot and cook the ribs about twenty minutes, remove the bowl after the installation, add soy sauce, ginger, salt, mix yards taste about thirty minutes.
3, put the oil till Qicheng hot pot, deep fry the surface under the ribs slightly yellow fish out. Pot to stay about one or two of oil, into the ribs, soup or water, five spice powder, monosodium glutamate, used in the fire to the dry soup, put the sesame seeds, sesame oil, then clean wok shovel even transfer to a plate and serve.
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2, strawberry sauce ribs

1, pork ribs catty.
2, two spoons of strawberry jam.
3, tomato sauce and two spoons.
4, a coffee spoon of sugar.
5, salt, chicken amount.
1, ribs cut section, fly fish out of water to Xuemo.
2, plate and serve the ribs yard, put in boiling water in the steamer and steam for about half an hour, remove the stand.
3, Zhisi Cheng burning pot of oil hot, add strawberry sauce, tomato sauce, sugar, salt and fry slowly over low heat for about one minute, under the ribs, chicken, stir fry even after the transfer to a plate Serve pot .

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3, sweet and sour pork ribs

1, a pound of pork ribs, cut into segments.
2, three tablespoons of sugar.
3, four spoons of vinegar.
4, two spoons of soy sauce.
5, four onions, cut into sections.
6, a small piece of ginger, garlic clove, all slices.
7, six pepper foam, cut into sections.
8, a tablespoon of starch, water and turned into sauce.
9, Salt to taste.
1, the ribs over boiling water, remove and drain set aside.
2, pot heat the oil till the Qicheng, under the ribs burst water and gas Zaibao to yellowish dry, add soy sauce, pepper foam section, stir fry ginger and garlic pieces, add about two kilos of water, boiling Gaixiao fire after about an hour. Drying time to soup, salt, vinegar, sugar, onion shovel absorbed, starch, shovel uniform, clean wok plate and serve Serve.
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4, soy Hong ribs

1, ribs of a half kilogram.
2, three tablespoons of lobster.
3, celery, two liang.
4, onion half two.
5, ginger piece.
6, half the garlic.
7, three tablespoons of chili oil.
8, oyster sauce, two spoons.
9, a half tablespoon dry red wine.
10, salt, chicken amount.
1, the ribs over boiling water, remove and drain water; garlic mince; half the ginger slices half mince; celery and cut into sections; onion cut into sections.
2, placed in the ribs in ginger, spring onion, red wine, mix well over twenty minutes after the code smell.
3, put in boiling water in the steamer and steam for about forty minutes, remove and drain.
4, pot heat the oil burning troughs twelve months, under the ribs was slightly yellow after the fish fry stand.
5, leaving about a tablespoon of the oil pot, burning heat troughs twelve months, under the ginger, garlic, black beans, stir constantly Gaixiao fire about one and a half minutes, under the ribs, chili oil, celery, oyster sauce, salt, and slow fry for about three minutes to tasty, put chicken shovel uniform, clean wok transfer to a plate mold.

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5, five-spice powder steamed pork ribs

1, a pound of pork ribs, cut into segments.
2, rice, two liang.
3, four onions, chopped.
4, fermented flour paste a tablespoon.
5, a tablespoon of brown sugar.
6, two spoons of soy sauce.
7, a very small piece of ginger, mince.
8, two spoons juice fermented glutinous rice.
9, one teaspoon allspice.
1, in the ribs into the salt, soy sauce, brown sugar, flour paste, fermented glutinous rice juice, chopped onions, ginger, allspice flavor mix code.
2, be Zhen Zhumi baking pot was slightly yellow, Sheng Liang Liang out and put in a blender to crush, mix into the ribs. On the boiling water in steamer over medium high heat for one hour. After removing the bowl in a bowl with the other button on the broader market, the ribs overturned plate and serve.

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6, seaweed soup ribs

1, couple of pounds of pork ribs, cut into segments.
2, a pound of fresh seaweed, cut a long box.
3, ginger piece, making a knife broke.
4, more than twenty grains pepper.
5, two spoons of rice wine.
6, Salt to taste.
1, the block will be put in boiling water kelp ten minutes, remove and soak in clear water.
2, put the ribs in boiling water boiled to Xuemo.
3, in the stew pot, add half pot of water, under the ribs, seaweed, ginger, pepper, rice wine, the fire changed after boiling pot and a half hour later 微火 salt, change the cook for about ten minutes, from pot soup bowl may be accompanied by the sauce to suit your taste can be eaten.

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7, lotus root spare ribs soup

1, ribs of a half kilogram, Zhancheng paragraph boiled in boiling water picked up after.
2, lotus couple of pounds (lotus pink abalone edge), cut into small pieces or cut into sections with a knife after the break shot.
3, ginger all, making a knife broke.
4, about twenty pepper.
5, two spoons of rice wine.
6, Salt to taste.
first take place saucepan simmer forty minutes or twenty minutes in a pressure cooker in pressure, and then into the ribs, playing to the floating foam after boiling, add cooking wine, pepper, old ginger, boil and simmer gently for an hour after the piecemeal, the salt and simmer for one hour then serve.

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8, melon rib soup

1, a pound of pork ribs, cut into pieces.
2, a half kilogram melon, cut into slices about one centimeter thick.
3, onion half two, rolled knot.
4, a piece of ginger, making a knife broke.
5, about twenty pepper.
6, two spoons of rice wine.
7, Salt to taste.
1, the ribs in boiling water to smell and look bloody, ready to use.
2, stew pot, add water, into the root ginger, scallion, pepper, and pour it into boiling ribs, rice wine.
3, once again, after boiling salt, change Weihuo burn a half hours, then poured into the melon pieces.
4, changes in the heat and simmer for about twenty minutes until soft cooked winter melon, scallion do not go fishing, Sheng bowl and serve hot.

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9, cumin ribs

1, half a jin of pork ribs, cut small pieces after the full wash.
2, cumin powder, a coffee spoon.
3, pepper and a coffee spoon.
4, two spoons of chili powder (can be personal preferences change.)
5, two chopped green onions.
6, ginger a small piece of mince.
7, two spoons of cooking wine.
8, a spoonful of sugar.
9, salt, MSG, marked amount.
1, salt, ginger, chopped green onions put ribs in wine marinate for two hours or more.
2, add cumin powder, pepper powder, chili powder, sugar, MSG, oil, mix well.
3, put in the microwave high roast 10 minutes.
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10, braised pork ribs

ribs, carrots (can be changed according to personal taste potatoes, etc.), mushrooms, green onions, ginger, star anise, dried tangerine peel.
1. the water to a boil, cook the ribs in boiling water for 1 minute, drained bloody;

2. pot, put a small amount of oil, till the smoke, into the ginger, green onions until fragrant, then add pork, stir fry a while;

3. into the water When the water into the star anise, dried tangerine peel, carrots and mushrooms;
4 .. Add seasoning (Shaoxing wine, salt, sugar and soy sauce), a large fire for 20-30 minutes;
5. 5 minutes before the dish into the chicken, starch and thicken the water.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Magic Photo

the first one : horizontal lines are parallel

second one : the whole image is rotated 90 degrees You will find out how

third site : the column is round or square ?

fourth site : said to be able to see the face of the IQ of 9 One hundred and eighty

fifth site : Please focus on the middle of the black spots, Found?

sixth site : a few black spots?

seventh site : see black spots moving around the body

! heart

Do not leave things seen through the

Some things in this world, you will not see through, leaving a bit mysterious, leaving a little hazy, leaving a trace of suspense, some may be more interesting.
magic, if you let the audience see through the tactics, know know-how, this art will come to an end; face, because everyone so far have not seen through the truth of its technology to repeated speech repeated the new, popular, a quintessence .

friends, and for different purposes: or for friendship, like-minded; or for the benefit and mutual advantage; or for the wine and meat, eat, drink - can be too good to be like brothers. However, if the falcon-like sharp eyes, see through the motivation of every friend of a friend, you may become a loner, Of course, not confused you sell to friends, you count the money for him.

romance, The people are really there, but not much. In real life, two people can come together and certainly the cupboard: you are my young and beautiful map, I figure that you of adequacy; you figure that I tender and beautiful, pleasant, and I figure that you great wealth; you figure that I gentle and virtuous, I figure that you have a stable income ... ... the inherent elements of these emotions, not only do not see through, not to say thoroughly, otherwise very boring or obscure some of the good. And who says money can not love and love into one? Who can love it and love the very clear distinction? Pure but pure love, where to look on the go?

make contributions on the battlefield, should completely seen through, but to kill to kill to go, you grab that I would win, winner takes all. If so view it without our still thinking Xiang Yu, This history will become too boring, too boring, too boring.

the sacred science of it enough to explore the natural mysteries, for the benefit of human society. But if really seen through, is that nest in the laboratory all day, and dealing with a bunch of bottles and jars, test to test to go, get some data, collected two papers have a put a small prize. Darwin busy for a lifetime, but is found in the human from monkeys; said that the great Newton, Apple is no more than find out the truth from falling down! Fortunately, scientists are not see through people, obsessed not change, perseverance, painstaking, great care, one way to go black, only today's scientific advancements, economic prosperity, social progress, hundreds of millions of creatures enjoying the fruits of scientific research .

by extension, if seen through, show business is just a bunch of mad men and women play the fool, neurotic, mentally very, also thinks pride; Bianji cause, in the final analysis is Clothes

family is the most precious emotions, if seen through their contact link, but necessary for human reproduction is an advanced reflex, did not go beyond animal. As ferocious crocodiles, but also a loving mother and cruel wolf, caring for children are a plus.

Living life, when there are eye: see through the nature of the enemy, improper East Guo; see through the villain's face, not with the company of; see through the lies of liars, do not be deceived; see through the mischief of those with ulterior motives, not person acting as a proxy; see through bribery of those sugar-coated bullets, do not believe his rhetoric. But do not have all the people and things are seen through, such as family, love, career, friendship and so on. What are people who see through, is idiot, Manhan downright, no cure; and those savvy to the bones of people, those who see through everything, to live both tired and not any fun, is not the person to pay . In fact, seen through our own, we are most happy people, confused, happy, peace, people do not say

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Accident finally happened

Sure enough, right in saying that the fortune-telling , though two months have been cautious , but still could not avoid it. this evening , when on duty , do not know how damn train stop in the bus arrives Before the first truck a block of 50 sections of the site before , the results are all the passengers get on and off the vehicle to be drilled from the van to get to the bus in front of the past . because I am on duty , so I just drilled in the past. Shuttle End bus ready to return under the same drill from the truck had to come because as the results of careful, my head hit the train. I was just subconsciously touch a nod , already dark , I feel the hands of Sticky , and quickly wipe with the back of another , to see a large black, and a very hot and humid feeling. I thought must be bloody , because I do not see dark unclear. so quickly with another one Hand wipe his face as the blood ran aboard .
leadership apparently the way I was scared the next , and quickly sent me to the hospital by car , although I always say that it is a small injury but still went to check the cleaning a bit. played two Needle, the head of the face begins with washing the hands of the hospital the serum back.
is a blessing not a curse , a curse noodles. I wish I from the end of the disaster !

Monday, May 2, 2011


0.55 appears to be a small number , which for me is not a small number of so simple. This figure in my heart left a lasting memory!